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Old 11-14-2007, 08:03 AM   #1
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Default What Is The Most Unuse and/or useless spell as a MarksMan

Im a marksman, and i dont know much about it becuz i dont see many on ignis ever, (but i see alot of hunters)

So if u would tell me ur fav spell, and ur most hated ect..
i would like to hear it
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Old 11-14-2007, 09:03 AM   #2
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Recharged arrows - Great for lvling and also fort wars when there are mages around to resupply your mana.

Winter Stroke - Useful for stopping enemies from running away or reaching a supporting mage. Not very effective if it's at less than lvl3. Always use in conjunction with parabolic short if you're trying to freeze an retreating enemy that's almost out of your effective range.

Burst of Wind - Same as above, not effective under lvl3. Dizzy can easily cripple a mage. Casting dizzy on weakened enemies also prevent them from casting protection/invincibility buffs.

Serpent Bite - Does more damage than Break Apart on low armored enemies. Double its effectiveness by using Sudden Strike in conjunction with it. Don't waste your time using this against knights (use break apart instead as it ignores defense. You should still use Sudden Strike against knights as it effectively halves their armor defense).

Ignus Scorch - Useful against enemy concentrations especially around fort doors. Melee range.

Ethereal Arrow - Again, not very effective under lvl3. I noticed that it has a much higher resist than Shield Piercing. A good piggy-back spell with relatively low cooldown. I always use them alternatively with Shield Piercing while waiting for other spells to cooldown.

Needle Blast - You do more dmg/mana cost using Ignus Scorch than you do using this. Plus, it has a higher cooldown and unlike Ignus Scorch it is not an instant spell.

Arcana Strike - Does very little damage in my experience, but seems to be useful against mages especially conjurers with steel skin buff on. But because of its low damage you'll have to pump it up all the way to lvl5 for it to be of any use.

Fire Rain - A mark's staple area effect damage spell.

Lighning Arrow - A powerful area effect spell with a larger radius than Fire Rain. Even at lvl1 it still does about 200dmg per enemy which isn't something to be sneezed at (every shot counts). The main thing I like about this spell is its -25% movement speed effect that slows down lots of enemies at once. If you don't mind the mana cost and have the spare points, pump it higher for even better damage. I personally keep at lvl1.

I'll just list down some for this skilltree. Many spells from this tree doesn't seem to be useful enough to make much difference during fights.

Death Sentence - Use it even if it's at lvl1. If there are other ranged allies around you, they'll hit the enemy harder too.

Foresight - I max this for an extra 15% range. I believe that a proper marksman should take advantage of his/her extra range as much as possible. Getting the first shot (spell) out can determine the outcome of a match.

Lethal Strike - Damage seems good, but the casting time and mana cost makes it far inferior to Etheral Arrow.

Strategic Position - Staple defensive spell for Marksmen. Personally, I don't think you need it more than lvl3. Best way to survive is to avoid getting hit too many times in the first place

Trained Eye - I maxed this simply because I'm a hit rate junkie :P



Shield Piercing - Most basic damage spell you should raise as high as you can. If you're using shortbows don't bother with Dual Shot until NGD decides to upgrade it.

Parabolic Shot - Useful in chases and standoffs. No point in raising it above lvl3.

Projectile Rain - I wanted another area effect spell to compliment my fort war setup. If you're a shortbow user, Repitition Shot does extremely high damage with the disadvantage that it is effective only within melee range.


Son of the Wind - I hate this spell when others use it, especially hunters with pets. You need to be able to time it well when to use it effectively. A very powerful archer spell. I don't use it 'cos I didn't max my evasion.

Acrobatic - An archer's staple defensive spell.

Low Profile - A spell which I always hope I don't have to resort using to, which is why I only have it at lvl2.


Ambush - Buys you some time. Not particularly useful at lvl1.

Sudden Strike - Very useful for weakening enemy's defense, especially against knights.

Stunning Fist - Melee spell that causes a cannot attack effect on enemy. I use it when things get desperate and the enemy has closed in on me. Hunters especially seem to use this a lot. I prefer to keep my range rather than get into melee fights with any class.

Confuse - Disables an enemy's ability to cast non-damaging spells. Very effective in disabling a support conjurer's effectiveness.

Distracting Shot - Useful when you're one against 2 or three. Stun one of them while you deal with the other(s). Also useful if you need to escape from one unbeatable enemy.


Lightness - Many longbow users raise their shortbow discipline at least high enough to get some dex boost from this passive spell.
*end.transmission - amade*

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Last edited by amade; 11-14-2007 at 09:29 AM.
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Old 11-14-2007, 09:10 AM   #3
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amade as i can see u max both arrow and aiming mastery right?i kinda feel better maxing evasion having son of the wind always helps in a tough spot. well il post some the spells i i find most useful

fire rain is area spell but is i find it weak does only like 600 at lvl 5 in area 6 if u like this well is ur choice not mine

lighting arrow awsome spell does 1k of damage max at lvl 5 and srop ur speed by 25%

the last spells on aiming i forgot the name but i think is hawk eye or hawk gaze give a +10% speed to ur bow but the casting time is not worth it.

the most common spells on a marksmen would be parobolic shot 30% more range

shield pierce short cooldown and good damage(wierd thing that dualshot only does 300 and this 500 at lvl 5)

meneuver depends on u if u wanna put points n it if u do dont pass 3 points

the passive specialist gives extra damage

the passive on short bow lightness gives u more dex

ethereal arrow that hits throu any deffence( and no not low profile and the other one thhat conjurers do)

serpent bite is a good spell bbut for wierd reason the spell never does more then like 60 per sec and like amade said dont use this on a warrior u most likly not even pass 10

break apart is about 55% of the marksmen use this spell it ignore deffence and it lowers ur enemys constitution by 20

my all time fav son of the wind. it makes it about more then 98% of spells are miss on u. so u can charge at a fort and most likly not get hit if they lucky they hit.

i find this class vary similer to a warlock just more range and powerful basic attck how u set ur skills can kill any class just remember marksmen are limited to amount of mana if u use to much high lvl spells at once u sure to die. in training or in war u gotta keep this in mind if u lucky call a friend to help u with ur mana and in war well there is always conjurers. well i hope this info help at least a lil later man see u in the game
lucas te estraño por q te estava q ir tan temprano.. espero q este descansando en pas amigo adios... siempre va esta en mi memoria
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Last edited by jrlg23; 11-14-2007 at 09:24 AM.
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Old 11-14-2007, 09:20 AM   #4
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Yes, although I've already stated in the SoW poll on why I don't use 'em
Btw, just edited my post to include SoW as well as other spells from non-marks disciplines.
*end.transmission - amade*

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Old 11-14-2007, 09:30 AM   #5
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wen i got stallion to 50 i had it likw that max aiming and arrow mastery but i didnt like the fact i didnt have much deffence and i was a easy kill if someone charge at me. thats why i became evasion kind gave me a chance to protect my self and give me a chance to run if i needed to
lucas te estraño por q te estava q ir tan temprano.. espero q este descansando en pas amigo adios... siempre va esta en mi memoria
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Old 11-14-2007, 09:35 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by jrlg23
serpent bite is a good spell bbut for wierd reason the spell never does more then like 60 per sec and like amade said dont use this on a warrior u most likly not even pass 10

break apart is about 55% of the marksmen use this spell it ignore deffence and it lowers ur enemys constitution by 20
As I've already mentioned, you can easily double serpent bite's effectiveness using sudden strike should you get the opportunity to cast it first. The damage per tick will almost double, sometimes exceeding that.

Break apart is good, but since I only use it against knights I didn't put points much into it. Serpent bite still does more damage if you choose your targets well and use sudden strike as well. I've been testing both spells set at lvl5 in the arena.
*end.transmission - amade*

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Old 11-14-2007, 10:24 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by amade
As I've already mentioned, you can easily double serpent bite's effectiveness using sudden strike should you get the opportunity to cast it first. The damage per tick will almost double, sometimes exceeding that.

Break apart is good, but since I only use it against knights I didn't put points much into it. Serpent bite still does more damage if you choose your targets well and use sudden strike as well. I've been testing both spells set at lvl5 in the arena.
if so try useing serpent bite and bbreak part u like itis almost instent death on mages
lucas te estraño por q te estava q ir tan temprano.. espero q este descansando en pas amigo adios... siempre va esta en mi memoria
Originally Posted by Inkster
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Old 11-14-2007, 10:44 AM   #8
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Aye, it's a standard tactic for those who have both serpent bite and break apart
*end.transmission - amade*

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