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Old 12-16-2007, 01:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 7
Phenax is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Resolution Problem

Most resolutions work fine. I choose 1440x900 fullscreen and it seems to put me on 800x600 or some resolution, and cuts off a lot of the bottom. I'm on ~amd64 Gentoo (xorg 1.4-r2) and can provide more information if needed.
1440x900 works fine in Windowed Mode.

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Old 01-05-2008, 05:25 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Australia
Posts: 23
Korrode is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Phenax
Most resolutions work fine. I choose 1440x900 fullscreen and it seems to put me on 800x600 or some resolution, and cuts off a lot of the bottom.
I've just downloaded and run the game for the first time... I haven't even picked my realm yet (ie. haven't actually started playing), as the initial cinematic scene and where u pick your realm, all has a small amount cut off at the bottom.

I'm running Xubuntu in 1680x1050 res, i tried making 1280x1024 the first preference for any color setting in xorg.conf but it didn't help. I also tried changing res and bitrate in the game.cfg file with no luck, the game always starts in such a manner that my LCD believes it's meant to be displaying 1680x1050, but as i say the bottom part of the game isn't on the display...

In short; if there is a developer of this game out there who has access to a widescreen LCD using DVI connector, they might want to plug it in and see whats up

I'll just set the game to windowed and 1152x864 in the game.cfg file for now.
Just letting you know.

I'm excited to try what i believe is one of only three 3D MMORPGs that has a native Linux client.
Without having even playing the game yet i'd like to gratz you on it, even if just for the Linux support

EDIT: Noticed in the launcher there was options for res, fullscreen, etc...
Running fine in 1152x864 windowed... I'm the brutal warrior type... Ignis it is
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Old 01-05-2008, 06:07 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

XFCE manages screen resolution by itself...

XFCE menu > Parameters > Display parameters... do your stuff there
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Old 12-16-2007, 05:57 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 7
Phenax is on a distinguished road

Yeah. I've got a 7950GT (512mb) PCI-E, so I hope it wouldn't be too bad. Anyway. No biggie, I'll check out both of your suggestions in a bit. I'm fine with playing on 1024x768 in window mode for now. Hopefully the Linux version gets rid of those performance issues.. I'll have to admit 1440x900 in window mode w/most stuff enabled doesn't run as fast as I'd like. I'm running 1024x768, all medium, no post-processing. Runs great there.
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