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Old 12-19-2008, 01:16 AM   #1
makarios68's Avatar
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Default Response to the Update

There has been an unusual lack of commentary on the recent update. This is unusual for these forums, and i don't fully understand why.

Ok, my two-penny's worth:


1. archers are not the gods they once were - it has become much harder to play one now. For too long i think the other classes have suffered at the hands of archers who get away with too much.

2. realm invasion offers a new and exciting perspective on the game, and will provide adventure and renewed interest in the game for the experienced players who perhaps might have been finding the game somewhat stale.

3. Agro mobs, welcome back. Mobs shouldn't be idle, as they were before. Even better - they now have skills (along with guards) - this adds an exciting edge to the game.The mob bosses are cool too.

4. The loot and treasure system is another exciting twist to the regnum world.

5. The improved/fixed skills are no doubt a welcome addition for many.

THE BAD (in the order i dealt with the good)

1. Simple question: what happened to the 'middle way' with archers? Ok most agreed they needed a nerf, but to go from one extreme to the other doesn't make any sense. Archers evaded too much before the update, but now they evade nothing. Something in between should have come from the update, not a one extreme from the other change. In short, the evasion tree is broken. Spell elude, car reflex and dodge are utterly useless (in tests i evaded more without them!) So what we have is a reduced duration of spells that don't work.

2. Invasion: i warned about this and tonight is only the beginning of the proof.
In the 5 hours i played tonight both the alsius forts were almost continually taken by enemies (along with prolonged capture of our castle and large hunting parties swarming all over alsius - not to mention our realm was captured). In the 5 hours i played how many times did alsius capture herb or samal? Answer: not once! We were constantly on the back foot, fighting and dying over and over against many times our number. NGD needs to keep a close eye on the number of times each realm takes the other's forts/castle/inner realm and the duration of captures. This is all that is needed for proof of how imbalanced things are.
Another thing that needs to be mentioned - Syrtis and Ignis on Ra tonight were on several occasions colluding with each other to take alsius forts and castle. There is no question about this - it was happening! Why the 2 largest realms would gang up on the smallest fills me with dismay.

3. I like the agro ob system - only complaint - more loot! So far I've had only small amounts of gold from mobs that take a lot to kill.

4. New treasure system: in 5 hours tonight i found one lot of magnamite and no treaure box. Is it supposed to be this rare? Doesn't really matter if it is, i just hope the there are good items to be had. If there are then i agree with the rareness.

5.. OK skills - i'll speak for hunters: if evasion is gone forever, give us something to compensate. Even i (who called for fewer evades) didnt anticipate going from what we had to nothing. Hunters need a dmg/attack tree of their own, because as they are now they are weak in attack and have poor defense.
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Old 12-19-2008, 03:28 AM   #2
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I 100% agree with Wudy....my concerns are the same.

Archer Nerf:
I am happy with the Archer nerf cause we needed it....but not to the extreme. It sux for all archers but moreover it sucks for hunters. Marksman have range so the modification there is easy (I know cause I have a marks and I immediately went all range and am doing dandy). However, as a hunter I have no real damage outside of my pet. And I went the direction for a while of massively buffing my pet only to see him destroyed in a horrific fashion. So perhaps NGD could share with us their ideas and plans for the hunter. This is not a bitch complain...I love all the changes...but I hope hunter's weren't WICKEDLY nerf'd for nothing.

I love em....but really....NGD needs to take a look at what was happening today. Syrtis and Ignis buddying up to kill and invade alsius. Wow....that really sucked. It sucked so bad that alsiuns were logging off left and right...we were overwhelmed and it took the joy out of the game for me pretty quickly.

Wow......I think soemone in IRC said it best... "God didn't lag this bad when he created the world...WTF!!"

Sheesh....I need a break
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
Compoundious (Dead and gone...)
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:13 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Solarus
Syrtis and Ignis buddying up to kill and invade alsius. Wow....that really sucked.
Alsius are no better.

They took Shaana, and Syrtis came along, they left each other alone so Syrtis, the bigger force (Really? I hear you ask) could zerg us and stop us from taking back the fort. Only once we had beaten Syrtis did Alsius come out of the wood work to get their share of owning.

Originally Posted by Solarus
Wow......I think soemone in IRC said it best... "God didn't lag this bad when he created the world...WTF!!"
Guilty. :P

Actually it was "MY GOD, NOT EVEN *Expletive* GOD HAD THIS MUCH LAG WHEN HE MADE THE *Expletive* WORLD!!"
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 12-19-2008, 04:14 AM   #4
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Wudy, about the teaming..it isnt planned, alsius and syrtis are doing the same thing right now as we speak, syrtis had shaana, alsius had meni, samal was left, syrtis AND alsius were there at the same time. It isnt a planned thing, but if one realm captures another realm's fort/castle, the behind realm will help the invading realm, just because it'll be easier.
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Old 12-20-2008, 05:38 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by makarios68
4. The loot and treasure system is another exciting twist to the regnum world.
Yes, it was very welcome after the heavy nerf we had

1. Simple question: what happened to the 'middle way' with archers?
I dunno if you logged with your marks, but you've probably heard that marks can get 65% resist ranged damage, so there are still a hard way, just a slightly weaker, ranged, but longer form of AoO... even more protection than before. I would like to see acrobatics with duration = cooldown and strategic position nerfed - same problem for caution with warriors, knights are screwed.

2. Invasion: i warned about this and tonight is only the beginning of the proof.
In the 5 hours i played tonight both the alsius forts were almost continually taken by enemies (along with prolonged capture of our castle and large hunting parties swarming all over alsius - not to mention our realm was captured).
We had the same this night in Ignis, it just occurs by opportunism, so if you've one fort or you castle under enemy control, you must free it asap, or you stay stuck at castle for hours or play ping pong between your castle and one of your forts. This aspect of invasion is a bit boring to be honest

3. I like the agro ob system - only complaint - more loot! So far I've had only small amounts of gold from mobs that take a lot to kill.
It's the case, i loot 2 to 5 items/leveling hour, and others drop at the same rate according to what is said on IRC, so you're probably unlucky :/
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Old 12-20-2008, 09:40 AM   #6
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Mmm if your looking for opinions I guess theres a lack because *suprise suprise*

Its still fresh and shaky, really I don't wanna ruin the moment, but I still think these invasions won't work, in time they will create more stress.

Sure everyone got an orgy on day 1, but its just a new thing, only time can tell if it will stay like that.

Those of you on Ra will have more lag wheras those on Horus are playing more smoothly, with some lag aswell, but not as bad as Ra. In this case Horus has the edge.

Mob's have skills now, which is a feature in most other games, but now that mobs are harder to kill they need to give more rewarding, I would say they should give even more exp than before the cut to exp.

This game has evolved into a zerg on zerg, blob on blob game, where either:

A.) you win so easily you didn't even break a sweat,
B.) you lose so bad it makes you frustrated,

there is a point C, that happens very rarely, and that point is a fight that is even on both sides, where each side gives it their all and the tide can turn with one mistake or breach

Now invasions in my opinion will become a MUST on the to-do-list, in not talking about bugs, but im talking about players ingame,

What will happen one day when one side will not want to fight? They will be forced to, they will have no choice, they will NEED to fight back and theres nothing to do about it.
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Old 12-20-2008, 10:13 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by makarios68
Archers evaded too much before the update, but now they evade nothing. Something in between should have come from the update, not a one extreme from the other change. In short, the evasion tree is broken. Spell elude, car reflex and dodge are utterly useless (in tests i evaded more without them!) So what we have is a reduced duration of spells that don't work.
I'd like to withdraw from this statement.

I think it is really important NOT to fix the evasions.

It is true that hunters are badly protected ATM - and i strongly believe that they need something.

However, it should NOT be evasion we turn to.

Rather, better dmg protection (acrobatic back to how it was, or maybe a 10 sec difference between duration/cooldown).

Either this, or give them better dmg.
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Old 12-20-2008, 11:23 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by makarios68
I'd like to withdraw from this statement.

I think it is really important NOT to fix the evasions.

It is true that hunters are badly protected ATM - and i strongly believe that they need something.

However, it should NOT be evasion we turn to.

Rather, better dmg protection (acrobatic back to how it was, or maybe a 10 sec difference between duration/cooldown).

Either this, or give them better dmg.
Yes this is the only thing i don't like. Acrobatic should have 5 sec more duration. 10 would be even better but 5 sec more would be nice :P.
And about xymerald bows. IMO NGD should read their own words about xymerlad first.
Ok i like this update. My config didn't changed at all. Maybe i will do 1 exeprimental config for some time. I still can kill from camu like before. But i will not participate in small fights only big battles where i can count on conj.
In the future we will jump!
<DkySven> the big problem with balance discussions on the Regnum forum is that a lot of people just suck at playing their class
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Old 12-20-2008, 11:42 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by zielski
(...)IMO NGD should read their own words about xymerlad first.
We were told that they would reveal the source of the Xymerald this year, but now they've removed it. :S Not exactly showing the source...

By the way, am I the only one having trouble to find magnanite rocks? I haven't found one yet.

I think I now have got an explanation for why I went down so quickly at Trelleborg yesterday evening. Even with Spell Elude I barely resisted anything. I probably should reskill and put the points somewhere else, this is useless now.

I also agree with other people that monsters should give more XP now they're harder to kill. I mean, Savage Leopards now have Rake, which is some Tear Apart for twelve seconds, doing 60 damage each time. OMG
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Old 12-20-2008, 02:15 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by makarios68
1. archers are not the gods they once were - it has become much harder to play one now. For too long i think the other classes have suffered at the hands of archers who get away with too much.
2. realm invasion offers a new and exciting perspective on the game, and will provide adventure and renewed interest in the game for the experienced players who perhaps might have been finding the game somewhat stale.
I have found it stale because of imbalance, I like fighting, wars are the kick!

3. Agro mobs, welcome back. Mobs shouldn't be idle, as they were before. Even better - they now have skills (along with guards) - this adds an exciting edge to the game.The mob bosses are cool too.
I really think mobs idling was nice somehow as they didn't intefer with my fights and gave me necro, however I got killed by one today while fighting the enemy and didn't get necro that's good

however mob powers, I don't like em' it makes levelling harder but the xp didn't increase so levelling got yet another nerf which I'm not too exited about, imo this will hurt warriors more than ranged classes

4. The loot and treasure system is another exciting twist to the regnum world.
I agree

5. The improved/fixed skills are no doubt a welcome addition for many.
I can't wait to see how they all work out

1. Simple question: what happened to the 'middle way' with archers? Ok most agreed they needed a nerf, but to go from one extreme to the other doesn't make any sense. Archers evaded too much before the update, but now they evade nothing. Something in between should have come from the update, not a one extreme from the other change. In short, the evasion tree is broken. Spell elude, car reflex and dodge are utterly useless (in tests i evaded more without them!) So what we have is a reduced duration of spells that don't work.
I think archers need a middleway too, not evasion but some other kind of defense be it resistance to debuffs or cc's
I think the same with knights, I don't think they should block, the effect/time from debuffs and damage should be reduced instead if they invest points into their trees so they won't become heavy tankers and still do the damage they do now.

2. Invasion: i warned about this and tonight is only the beginning of the proof.
In the 5 hours i played tonight both the alsius forts were almost continually taken by enemies (along with prolonged capture of our castle and large hunting parties swarming all over alsius - not to mention our realm was captured). In the 5 hours i played how many times did alsius capture herb or samal? Answer: not once! We were constantly on the back foot, fighting and dying over and over against many times our number. NGD needs to keep a close eye on the number of times each realm takes the other's forts/castle/inner realm and the duration of captures. This is all that is needed for proof of how imbalanced things are.
Another thing that needs to be mentioned - Syrtis and Ignis on Ra tonight were on several occasions colluding with each other to take alsius forts and castle. There is no question about this - it was happening! Why the 2 largest realms would gang up on the smallest fills me with dismay.
on horus ignis invades the other realms while they sleep -.-

3. I like the agro ob system - only complaint - more loot! So far I've had only small amounts of gold from mobs that take a lot to kill.
more loot AND xp, they got stronger so I think the reward should be better too

4. New treasure system: in 5 hours tonight i found one lot of magnamite and no treaure box. Is it supposed to be this rare? Doesn't really matter if it is, i just hope the there are good items to be had. If there are then i agree with the rareness.
I seem to find them a lot near borders between areas, specially beaches

5.. OK skills - i'll speak for hunters: if evasion is gone forever, give us something to compensate. Even i (who called for fewer evades) didnt anticipate going from what we had to nothing. Hunters need a dmg/attack tree of their own, because as they are now they are weak in attack and have poor defense.
not only hunters, now warlocks have 1½ useless spells for their level 19 trees (I say ½ because mod is now only useful at level 5 being made a chance spell)

However summon lightning is still not worth it and this is supposed to be 1.0? Imo 1.0 means a finished game, then patches comes

edit: I forgot something else which is bad with the update, ECONOMY has not been fixed in game, items are still dead expensive and the income is low, plus repairs and fort captures this is a lot

Last edited by Angelwinged_Devil; 12-20-2008 at 04:53 PM.
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