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Old 03-14-2010, 10:46 AM   #1
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Default Useful Roles for Hunters in RvR

I'm posting this thread because lately i've heard a lot of people saying that hunters need to be given more of an RvR role. This is puzzling to me, because as far as i'm concerned, they already have plenty of potential RvR roles - it's just that most hunters choose not to play this way, and instead prefer the easier option of ganking lvlers.

Hunters can be particularly effective at RvR when in a small and co-ordinated group. This is not just argument - myself and Comp and a couple of others regularly used to put these methods into practice.

Examples of how hunters can be useful in RVR:

1. When your fort is taken, lie in wait at the bridge for reinforcements. With the element of surprise, 3 or 4 hunters can wipe 6 or 7 enemies at once. That's 6 or 7 less enemies for your allies to deal with at the fort. Cast stalker surroundings, rinse and repeat.

2. Even at the fort, hunters can be effective. With 2 or 3 hunters working together, key targets can be taken out. Identify the target (usually a conj), confuse, kill, escape - rinse and repeat.

3. Rep shot = 1000 dmg to all in range. Why don't more hunter packs work together in using this amazing skill?

4. Even solo hunters can play a useful role for their team in large scale fights. And its all about timing. At fort fights i usually see hunters standing out in the open fighting toe-to-toe with the enemy. I think this is a waste of their potential. Use camo at forts! Choose your moment well. If your team gets pushed back by the enemy, there's always one of them that pushes out too far. Be in the right place and time to ambush him as your side starts to push back. A hunter is also the best class to finish off that retreating enemy on low health but out of reach of the ranged classes. Appear out of nowhere and finish him off, just as he thinks he has escaped.

5. IMO the most important RvR role for a hunter (or small group of hunters) is to kill enemy hunters in your land. I hear people complain that hunters can't be caught. Of course they can! - by other hunters! If your land is full of enemy hunters ganking lvlers, it's probably because all your own hunters are in their land killing their lvlers. IMO the ganking of lvlers is made too easy for hunters because too few friendly hunters take on the anti-hunter role.

In summary, i don't think there is a lack of RvR roles for hunters, just a lack of desire on the part of many hunters to help their realm. Unfortunately, many hunters prefer the more selfish and much easier option of killing (often defensless) lvlers.
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Old 03-14-2010, 03:01 PM   #2
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+1 wudy
arkenion: lvl 30 players being in the WZ the first time, thinking they can command a 30 man ignis army, shouting BAMOZ A HERBERT and running towards pn
TheMow / One of the Immortal Legends
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:38 PM   #3
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+10 man karma for this post!

I remember the good old days when we ran together (demon,wudy,comp,joel)
,and the 3-4 of us killed more than 10 at a time with rep combos. I really wish more hunters would consider the value of (wudy suggesion #3 of rep combo)

I wish you guys would come back to Ra.....

There is a darkside to the repetition advantage of hunters.... If more hunters did use the repetition petless option, I am sure that NGD would nerf repetition (even though it's range is limited to 6 steps and can be stopped with master of doom cycles from mages)

I agree that hunters have enough options to be highly effective in rvr fort wars... People just lack the know how..... (Kinda like giving a monkey a screwdriver and watching the monkey use the screwdriver like a hammer)
Some people don't learn how to use their tools even when shown the way...

Please people... consider all that was said in this post.. and try new things...
If you need help understanding.. just ask people what works, and you will get answers or even in game training.

Thanks again wudy...
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Old 03-15-2010, 06:33 AM   #4
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i never leave home without repitition shot(5) in my skill bar but unfortunalely (as far as i know on horus) i seem to be the only person packing it. so to be effective i rely on the warlocks and capitilize on their sultars. the problem is that when in camo, nobody can see me.... not even realm mates and i think its important that they do. i often stand camo'd in the middle of enemy zergs waiting for some kind of oppotunity to strike but never get it. i think that hunters should apear transparent to their realm mates (suggested this before i think) to help tactically.

btw rep-shot is awesome for clearing enemies on fort doors
REVOLVER -retired-
"There is nothing more uncommon than common sense" -Frank Lloyd Wright
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Old 03-15-2010, 02:17 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Revolverxxx View Post
i never leave home without repitition shot(5) in my skill bar but unfortunalely (as far as i know on horus) i seem to be the only person packing it. so to be effective i rely on the warlocks and capitilize on their sultars. the problem is that when in camo, nobody can see me.... not even realm mates and i think its important that they do. i often stand camo'd in the middle of enemy zergs waiting for some kind of oppotunity to strike but never get it. i think that hunters should apear transparent to their realm mates (suggested this before i think) to help tactically.

btw rep-shot is awesome for clearing enemies on fort doors
It's not easy, but it's good if u can co-ordinate with the locks, let them know u are position, and then be ready when they cast terror.

As for hunter transparency to others - i certainly think it would be a good idea for party members to be able to see you.
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Old 03-15-2010, 02:42 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by makarios68 View Post
1. When your fort is taken, lie in wait at the bridge for reinforcements. With the element of surprise, 3 or 4 hunters can wipe 6 or 7 enemies at once. That's 6 or 7 less enemies for your allies to deal with at the fort. Cast stalker surroundings, rinse and repeat.
hunters can be VERY efficient at thinning out the reinforcements. one day when alsius was zerging samal, me and lil hathy camped pn and picked off reinforcements. i may not have camo, but he had stalker, so when a small number of enemies would come across bridge, he would keep them in place while i went and dealt dmg.

if stalker was on cooldown, he camoed and i would be bait.

another good use (this might have been mentioned already), is for the hunters to camo, and go behind the enemies and surround them.
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Old 03-15-2010, 03:39 PM   #7
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I've been contemplating taking on a bigger role in forts (ie, going petless, carrying repshot, etc). Running around hunting alone is really boring to me - and everyone has caught on to my pet (the snake) and they kill it now
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
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Old 03-15-2010, 04:15 PM   #8
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Good post . +1.
Like most things in this game it is not the tools at your disposal but rather how you choose to use them. You can either gank injured grinders as you profession or choose to do as the OP said.
Don't blame the setup, blame the player.

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Old 03-15-2010, 10:51 PM   #9
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Something simple, even if you're low level. Keep retaliation always in recharge... if all archers would do that warlocks would die more often because of their own terrors
(RA) Neliel Tu Bruja aburrida El Desbalance Cazadora lenta
Unlike you i'm a pt who accept defeat and don't call it imbalance :P
Mi confi: francespañol(3), pt(5), huir con exito o morir con honor(4)
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Old 03-16-2010, 12:32 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Neliel_ View Post
Something simple, even if you're low level. Keep retaliation always in recharge... if all archers would do that warlocks would die more often because of their own terrors
Retaliation can be very effective. But I use it @ dragon only. It is hard to time a good retaliation and I think it's not worth the 4 power points. ( I assume you mean lvl 5 because a lvl 1 retaliation that gives a 20% damage back, doesn't sound interesting at all)
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