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Soporte Técnico Consultas sobre problemas técnicos del juego a usuarios de la comunidad

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Old 03-14-2010, 10:54 PM   #1
Serart's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Chile, Arica
Posts: 95
Serart is on a distinguished road
Default ayuda no puedo entrar

miren hace como 2 semanas k no puedo jugar normalmente entro y carga el user se demora cierro vuelvo a entrar y cargael suser de una y aorano parese para selleccionar mundo . lo cierro luego selecciono mundo y carga muxo ya me aburro de esperar porfavor ayudenme ise un traceroute aki ta lainfo nose si sirva de algo

Hop  IP Address       Host Name                              Sent   Recv      RTT   Av RTT  Min RTT  Max RTT   % Loss

1    ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
2   [Unknown]                                 1      1     0 ms     0 ms     0 ms     0 ms   0.000%
3    TenGigabitEthernet7-2.ar3.SCL1.gblx.net      1      1    47 ms    47 ms    47 ms    47 ms   0.000%
4    tdc-1.ar1.FRA4.gblx.net                   1      1   250 ms   250 ms   250 ms   250 ms   0.000%
5   te1-3.gba-pe2.klk.se.sn.net               1      1   266 ms   266 ms   266 ms   266 ms   0.000%
6      [Unknown]                                 1      1   266 ms   266 ms   266 ms   266 ms   0.000%
7    g2-48-core02-bg-kna.citynetwork.se        1      1   266 ms   266 ms   266 ms   266 ms   0.000%
8    ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
9    ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
10   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
11   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
12   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
13   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
14   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
15   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
16   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
17   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
18   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
19   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
20   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
21   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
22   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
23   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
24   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
25   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
26   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
27   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
28   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
29   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
30   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
31   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
32   ---              [No response]                           ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
33   ---                                                      ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
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