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Old 09-24-2010, 10:11 AM   #1
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Default Questions about the current state of Regnum

Hello there,

I used to play Regnum and the latest mail from NDG got a bit more attention than it usually does. I came here to ask about the feeling of the recent update, but I got a pretty good answer reading this thread http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ad.php?t=66379

I'm particularly interested with the knights update, it somehow seemed familiar.

I don't really have time to just install and hope, so I'll ask about my other main gripes with the game. I haven't played for more than two years, so my questions may seem general.

* how is the state of the *realm* balance. Has there been any new incentive to join low populated realms instead of just sorting the realm icons at character creation?

* is Ra still active, and are there still non-Spanish crowd there. I liked the mix.

* can Marksmen still do more damage than Warlocks given plenty of mana?

* do Archers still evade as much?

* What about 2.5k South Cross on knights (by Barbs), is this fixed?

Bonus question:

* If you weren't addicted right now, and knew no one in the game, would you still play?

Thanks for your answers.
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Old 09-24-2010, 10:22 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by magnet View Post

* how is the state of the *realm* balance. Has there been any new incentive to join low populated realms instead of just sorting the realm icons at character creation?

Still very imbalanced. The "incentives" are a small boost in gold and experience for the realm with the lowest population.

* is Ra still active, and are there still non-Spanish crowd there. I liked the mix.

Extremely active. The strongest English foothold would be Valhalla in Alsius.

* can Marksmen still do more damage than Warlocks given plenty of mana?

In the current state yes.

* do Archers still evade as much?

It's not as bad as it was before. Probably reasonable now.

* What about 2.5k South Cross on knights (by Barbs), is this fixed?

Partially. Not as ridiculous or common as before. Knights now have much better tanking on top of it.

Bonus question:

* If you weren't addicted right now, and knew no one in the game, would you still play?

Oh fuck no.

Thanks for your answers.
Have a nice day.
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Old 09-24-2010, 10:26 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by magnet View Post
Hello there,
Hi Magnet, and (perhaps) welcome back!

* how is the state of the *realm* balance. Has there been any new incentive to join low populated realms instead of just sorting the realm icons at character creation?
Realm balance on RA is probably about as good as it can be.
Syrtis still have a big number of players, but nothing that's really an issue.
I think Alsius is the realm currently leading the race of having opened the portal the most times, shortly followed by Ignis.
* is Ra still active, and are there still non-Spanish crowd there. I liked the mix.
Indeed it is
A look in the rankings will tell you that Valhalla is still #12 in the rankings, and we're alive and kicking!

* do Archers still evade as much?
Not passively since the recent changes, but they still have means to do so if they invest points in it and actively uses buffs with low duration.

* What about 2.5k South Cross on knights (by Barbs), is this fixed?
Yes, I think the record I heard in the clan chat was 1.5k if that sounds more reasonable to you

* If you weren't addicted right now, and knew no one in the game, would you still play?
No, the people and the clan are the primary reasons why I keep playing.
The recent update at least gave me back a bit of the will to play just because of "the game itself" though.

However - La Fragua is alive and kicking as usual, so this question does not really apply to you I am afraid.
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Old 09-24-2010, 12:30 PM   #4
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I only speak for Horus

Originally Posted by magnet View Post
Hello there,

Oh hai

* how is the state of the *realm* balance. Has there been any new incentive to join low populated realms instead of just sorting the realm icons at character creation?
Low population realms get bonuses. Syrtis is still very crowded.

* is Ra still active, and are there still non-Spanish crowd there. I liked the mix.

Many holas, quite some English people left too. Not many clans to choose from, tho

* can Marksmen still do more damage than Warlocks given plenty of mana?
No idea

* do Archers still evade as much?
Still evade a bit, but its tolerable

* What about 2.5k South Cross on knights (by Barbs), is this fixed?
On a buffed Knight? No
On a unbuffed Knight with a buffed Barb? Probably

Bonus question:

* If you weren't addicted right now, and knew no one in the game, would you still play?

I barely play now, and thats only because of the people. Would never go near the game without them

Thanks for your answers.
Dannboy, Horus Knight lv 50 Ignis After two years
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Old 09-24-2010, 03:38 PM   #5
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Ra Still has 1 or 2 English Clans kicking in each Realm

Horus has Grown up Considerably

The game is pretty Balanced based upon RvR though there will be some Tweaks I'm Sure

Archers don't evade or resist unless they are buffed to do so (Sotw/Escapist)

Barbs don't have Uber SC's anymore - Highest you will prolly fine in a War is 1.3k (Even thats Rare Now)

Realm Balance differs from Time to Time - Somedays Alsius will dominate somdays Ignis will Syrtis Normally always has a Zerg :P

A Smart Marks can easily out damage and kill a Warlock

Yes i would play if i my Friends & Clanmates quit this is still the best War Game on the Market imo (Believe me ive looked around :P)

Id suggest installing and giving it a week or so of regular play I'm sure you will enjoy it
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Old 09-24-2010, 04:55 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by magnet View Post
I'm particularly interested with the knights update, it somehow seemed familiar.
* What about 2.5k South Cross on knights (by Barbs), is this fixed?
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Old 09-24-2010, 07:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by magnet View Post
Hello there,

Go home French!

I used to play Regnum and the latest mail from NDG got a bit more attention than it usually does. I came here to ask about the feeling of the recent update, but I got a pretty good answer reading this thread http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ad.php?t=66379

I'm particularly interested with the knights update, it somehow seemed familiar.

I don't really have time to just install and hope, so I'll ask about my other main gripes with the game. I haven't played for more than two years, so my questions may seem general.

* how is the state of the *realm* balance. Has there been any new incentive to join low populated realms instead of just sorting the realm icons at character creation?

You'll end up playing Alsius Ra, still loads of good players there.

* is Ra still active, and are there still non-Spanish crowd there. I liked the mix.

Yes, though I barely play there now.

* can Marksmen still do more damage than Warlocks given plenty of mana?

I have the impression that Marks have way better burst dmg. DoT is rule on locks now, but marks get you dead first. My impression as a target, I don't play those classes... it's too easy...

* do Archers still evade as much?

No. They aren't as fast either.

* What about 2.5k South Cross on knights (by Barbs), is this fixed?

Yes. But there are barbs that can deliver around 3k in the same time with a kick, a mag sword and an enormity of AS. There are some ubber geared characters, most noticeable on Horus though.

Bonus question:

* If you weren't addicted right now, and knew no one in the game, would you still play?

Yes (well, I do know a couple of ppl still playing). Just came back a couple of weeks ago, after more then 6 months without playing. It still is an awesome game, and it's always good to meet new ppl.

Thanks for your answers.
Good luck for everything.
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Old 09-24-2010, 08:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Signatus View Post
Good luck for everything.

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