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Old 11-18-2010, 10:13 PM   #1
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Default Reason not to cheat at University.Wow

This gets me so angry I spent 4 years at University and did pretty well and then you find idiots like this that ruin it for everybody. I remember I met a few persons that did this in my college.

Dam cheaters.

More than 200 university students have come forward to admit cheating after their professor gave a lecture on ethics. Professor Richard Quinn was disgusted by evidence that many of his students had cheated in their midterm exam. Prof Quinn went on to tell the class he had enough evidence from statistical analysis and other investigatory techniques to identify most cheats, but he proposed a deal. "I don't want to have to explain to your parents why you didn't graduate, so I went to the Dean and I made a deal," he said. "The deal is you can either wait it out and hope that we don't identify you, or you can identify yourself to your lab instructor and you can complete the rest of the course and the grade you get in the course is the grade you earned in the course." Prof Quinn also added a requirement for those who came forward complete a four hour course in ethics. In return there would be no permanent record of the cheating.

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Old 11-19-2010, 04:03 PM   #2
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thats funny that you mention it. my english professor had us write impromptu argumentative essays. thats what i had for a topic. that EXACT scenario.
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Old 11-19-2010, 09:25 PM   #3
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Just goes to show it doesn't pay to try to game the system. It also makes it unfair to the people who did try to be honest and do their work. Now they are cast into the same situation caused by the cheaters, and have to work that much harder to be prepared thanks to their dishonest classmates. If I were an instructor teaching a college level course, and I came across the same situation, I would not have done any differently.

Though, depending on the course I was teaching, I'd probably also have prepared my own personal pool of questions instead of relying on an existing bank. I think a lot of instructors build up a personal bank over the years of teaching and pull from their own instead of relying on something pre-existing. I know a lot of my old instructors used their own personal sets, particularly my chemsitry, math and programming courses. But I guess that's neither here nor there, so I'll digress.

Anyway, it is a damned shame to see crap like that happen in academia. With the option of turning themselves in, I think they're getting off easy if you ask me.
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