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Old 11-13-2011, 12:24 AM   #1
isgandarli's Avatar
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Default Message to Syrtis WM's

Please try to fight at forts/castles captured by you till the end. As soon as door HP goes below 50% you WM's port all your forces away. I'm adressing it to Syrtis WM's exactly, because they do it more often than Ignis and Alsius does. I hope that in near future (2975-2980 year approximately) NGD will forbid creation of ports inside of forts and castles. Amen
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Old 11-13-2011, 12:29 AM   #2
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Actually i never did this, but now i might just to piss u off.
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Old 11-13-2011, 12:37 AM   #3
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you mad?: Clapclap:
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Old 11-13-2011, 12:45 AM   #4
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People will do as they please - even more so now that there's incentive to potentially piss people off.

Personally I've only seen this tactic utilized once in the past several months and we did so (I did not personally cast the portal) because the majority of our group died and only a warlock, knight and marksmen were left to defend against an entire zerg.
Herbred had been recently taken by Ignis so we decided to hasten the inevitable and teleport instead of providing some realm points for the opposition.

Perhaps an unsporting move but there you have it.
Dizzy thumbs, itchy fingers
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Old 11-13-2011, 01:03 AM   #5
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Completely agree with OP. It's a lame tactic, and NGD should forbid portal creation within the vicinity of a fort. If they can do it with duel banners, I'm sure they can do it with teleports.

People care too much about the lines of code that make their character or indeed RP, both of which are hardly that important. As I have said before, the only useful statistic RP shows is how much time you have put into the game. It is little indication of skill level.

All this teleporting to escape is not really a great demonstration of a "Warmaster". The failmaster saga continues.
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Old 11-13-2011, 06:13 AM   #6
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Run'dor and Leakerr does not agree.
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Old 11-13-2011, 08:46 PM   #7
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I'm surprised that this thread comes back with someone I've seen escaping 100 times from forts or battles.

What you want to tell us is that it's morally acceptable to kill each other and not morally acceptable to escape from a lost battle ?

When you're killed in the game, you suffer no pain, lose no money or objects, and you respawn at your cs ready to continue the game. No courage is involved here. So, if you decide to stand in front of the ennemies at the end of the battle, it's not that you are courageous, but that you want others think you are. Thus, you're just doing your own propaganda.

In a standard fight (defending gate or trying to avoid your gate to be vulnerable are special fights), if you are on the losing side and if you manage to constantly have a look about what happens, there are always some seconds where you have to decide if you will give to a 3-buttons barb the pleasure to kill you or if you try to escape.

About fort wars, I'd like to see more often people jumping the walls when the door breaks, because a small group retreating chased bye a splitted zerg is a good moment of this game.

At least, I understand that it's more important for teenagers to comply with the expectations of the group than to use their brain.
Haven syrtis/ Lune d'or lvl 60 marks - Requiem lvl 60 hunter - tinuviel lvl 60 conju
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Old 11-13-2011, 09:59 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by lunedor View Post
I'm surprised that this thread comes back with someone I've seen escaping 100 times from forts or battles.

What you want to tell us is that it's morally acceptable to kill each other and not morally acceptable to escape from a lost battle ?

When you're killed in the game, you suffer no pain, lose no money or objects, and you respawn at your cs ready to continue the game. No courage is involved here. So, if you decide to stand in front of the ennemies at the end of the battle, it's not that you are courageous, but that you want others think you are. Thus, you're just doing your own propaganda.

In a standard fight (defending gate or trying to avoid your gate to be vulnerable are special fights), if you are on the losing side and if you manage to constantly have a look about what happens, there are always some seconds where you have to decide if you will give to a 3-buttons barb the pleasure to kill you or if you try to escape.

About fort wars, I'd like to see more often people jumping the walls when the door breaks, because a small group retreating chased bye a splitted zerg is a good moment of this game.

At least, I understand that it's more important for teenagers to comply with the expectations of the group than to use their brain.

Nice post plus 1

when someone runs in this game ppl critic that player, when someone uses kick 5 that player is again noted, when someone uses their brain to outperform some odds people think they play cheap or something.. it's a game, get used to it. I doubt if a guy with a machine gun broke into your house ud stand near the front door letting him do what he wants to you and those of us who do stay at ends of fights, well for some it's really just how long it can take to take us down, it's pretty fun. But i find making a thread for people who ran away safely and attacking them is a joke lol.
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Old 11-13-2011, 10:12 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by lunedor View Post
I'm surprised that this thread comes back with someone I've seen escaping 100 times from forts or battles.
Hate me baby <3
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Old 11-13-2011, 11:24 PM   #10
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This give me a good reason to create more retreat teleporters :]
Thank you very much to show us how you are pissed :]
Complain more, we love it !
Did you ever plan to make a barbarian ? :}
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