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Old 03-14-2012, 06:48 PM   #1
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Default Shift button blocking from strafing

Well as the title says, since I use the second skill bar on my Windows to put spells on it's gotten really annoying that everytime I press Shift +1 or Shift +2, Just the shift button it blocks me from strafing, I strafe using my mouse button on the right which moves my sight and my character at the same time.

Does anyone know if there is a solution for this?
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Old 03-14-2012, 06:50 PM   #2
_Kharbon_'s Avatar
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I find this really annoying too... Pressing shift prevents your camera movement, and character movement with keys...
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Old 03-14-2012, 07:19 PM   #3
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Yes annoying and the same happens on linux too. I still havent listen any proper solution. As far as i heard it's very simple to fix.. only if NGD took attention..
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Old 03-15-2012, 05:32 AM   #4
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Im fine with it on windows, however on linux shoft+number seems to block evrything else. I.e. i run forward by pressing "w" and add shift+number and... i stop running...

Thats the fucking only reason why i cant play ro on linux..
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 03-15-2012, 08:13 AM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2011
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pieceofmeat is on a distinguished road

I used to have shift and Ctrl as strafe buttons, even if it always had a few drawbacks and conflicts such as no casting while moving and no mouse turning.

New shift function, just makes that setup unplayable.
Both toggle camera rotation/mouse turn and also toggle which spellbar you cast from is a really bad combination.
It should be possible reassign and disable these key functions.

That shift also force mouse click to extra spellbar is just kind of funny. Before i noticed, I thought i was miss clicking a lot all of sudden.
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Old 03-15-2012, 12:36 PM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2011
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SilverHaven is on a distinguished road

Reported something like that some time ago:

@Enio: RO has had messed up keyboard handling on linux for the time i play it. I said in several comments in this forum why is that, how to fix it, but no, not fixed, not even 'ok we will look into it'. I will gladly repeat one more time, what is wrong: RO reads "keysyms", not "keycodes" on linux. So you press key with keycode #10, but RO translate that to keysym and then interprets it as "pressed 1" on us-like-layout keyboard and as "pressed +" on czech keyboard. Thus that keyboard row works for casting spells only on us-like layouts. So please NGD developers, can you handle keycodes? that row for numbers has keycodes 10-19, this is output from xmodmap for that row with czech keyboard layout, including keycodes for those two buttons that could be used for spells 11-12 too:

keycode  10 = plus 1 plus 1 exclam dead_tilde exclam
keycode  11 = ecaron 2 ecaron 2 at dead_caron at
keycode  12 = scaron 3 scaron 3 numbersign dead_circumflex numbersign
keycode  13 = ccaron 4 ccaron 4 dollar dead_breve dollar
keycode  14 = rcaron 5 rcaron 5 percent dead_abovering percent
keycode  15 = zcaron 6 zcaron 6 asciicircum dead_ogonek asciicircum
keycode  16 = yacute 7 yacute 7 ampersand dead_grave ampersand
keycode  17 = aacute 8 aacute 8 asterisk dead_abovedot asterisk
keycode  18 = iacute 9 iacute 9 braceleft dead_acute braceleft
keycode  19 = eacute 0 eacute 0 braceright dead_doubleacute braceright
keycode  20 = equal percent equal percent backslash dead_diaeresis backslash
keycode  21 = dead_acute dead_caron dead_acute dead_caron dead_macron dead_cedilla dead_macron
This is the same for us keyboard:

keycode  10 = 1 exclam 1 exclam
keycode  11 = 2 at 2 at
keycode  12 = 3 numbersign 3 numbersign
keycode  13 = 4 dollar 4 dollar
keycode  14 = 5 percent 5 percent
keycode  15 = 6 asciicircum 6 asciicircum
keycode  16 = 7 ampersand 7 ampersand
keycode  17 = 8 asterisk 8 asterisk
keycode  18 = 9 parenleft 9 parenleft
keycode  19 = 0 parenright 0 parenright
keycode  20 = minus underscore minus underscore
keycode  21 = equal plus equal plus
Notice that the keycodes are always the same, keysyms change depending on keyboard layout thus RO should not use those. It's similar on windows, you dont treat button with keycode 10 as "+" there on czech keyboard, you treat it as "1" there, so why not do the same in linux version?
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