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Old 05-30-2013, 07:09 AM   #1
KappaKing's Avatar
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Question Question from an old/ and possibly returning player!!

Greetings Ladies and Gents,

I used to play RO about 8 years ago but after playing APB for long time decided to check back the status of this game which I once loved to play. Thus, I have questions for you guys before I decide to re-invest time on this game.

Originally I quit because of the mindless and ridiculous amounts of grinding needed. I am a harcore pvper. I've played warhammer online, Aion etc and I absolutely hate PvE. So Here are my questions:

1) Would I still need to mindlessly grind on mobs to level up so that I may get to pvp? How long would it take me to reach max level in order to start enjoying pvp with a group?

2) Is this game gear dependent? FOR EXAMPLE: At high rank, will someone with orange gear get beaten by someone in purple gear despite the guy in orange having better skill sets and tactics?

3)Is this game pay to win? I know there is a cash shop, but does it give you a significant advantage against others or is it all cosmetics? For example, does everyone get a basic mount? if not, I would see that as an unfair advantage as the people who payed real money for a mount have greater speed while the other have to walk. I.E. catching up to enemy or getting to location X before them etc

4) How is the community in game? the Clans? Leets vs Casual gamers?

5) If i decide to join, which server would I go to? which side? Any side that is the underdog? if so why?
Also, which class? I seem to like barbarian so far but 8 years ago i used to play KNIGHT. If my knight is on a spanish or german server and I would like to bring him on a english server, would this be possible? ( I forgot where he was stationed)

Thank you for taking time to read and answering! Looking forward to join a game and community that loves RVR and PVP !!
See you all soon, MAYBE xoxox
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Old 05-30-2013, 07:57 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2013
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1) Would I still need to mindlessly grind on mobs to level up so that I may get to pvp? How long would it take me to reach max level in order to start enjoying pvp with a group?

Yes. How long it takes is dependant on how much you grind. However, I can tell you that getting to 50 (which was the old cap when you were here) will take a week or two. Getting to 60 (the new cap) will take a couple months though. You can war easily at level 50 and do pretty well, but I wouldn't advise trying to pvp a lvl 60 because there stat differences between level 55+ gear and level 50 gear is pretty significant.

2) Is this game gear dependent? FOR EXAMPLE: At high rank, will someone with orange gear get beaten by someone in purple gear despite the guy in orange having better skill sets and tactics?

This is the only MMO I have played, so I am not quite sure how that would work, but no, it isn't. Example: Yellow (special) gear with better stats than purple (epic) gear is better than purple (epic) gear. However, Special gear only gives one bonus, epic gear gives 3. So, in general, epic gear will probably be better.

3)Is this game pay to win? I know there is a cash shop, but does it give you a significant advantage against others or is it all cosmetics? For example, does everyone get a basic mount? if not, I would see that as an unfair advantage as the people who payed real money for a mount have greater speed while the other have to walk. I.E. catching up to enemy or getting to location X before them etc

The game use to have mounts for golds, and they need to bring that back, but NGD put mounts only on the cash shop now. The cheapest one (which has the same speed as the others, the others just look better) costs ~5$, so, although not too much, they should still be able to be bought for gold, in my opinion.

4) How is the community in game? the Clans? Leets vs Casual gamers?

Community is pretty good, it is the only thing that is keeping the majority of us here. Depends on what clan you join, but they can be fun. Not sure about the last one, but there are more casual gamers than "leet" ones, and a lot of players who suck, but think they are pro coughelvacough

5) If i decide to join, which server would I go to? which side? Any side that is the underdog? if so why?
Also, which class? I seem to like barbarian so far but 8 years ago i used to play KNIGHT. If my knight is on a spanish or german server and I would like to bring him on a english server, would this be possible? ( I forgot where he was stationed)

If you live in an English-speaking country, your server would be Haven. The underdog right now is Syrtis, iirc. Not sure how they became so underpopulated because they use to have double-quadrouple the amount of both the other realms combined, but karma I guess. Anyway, the underpopulated cycle goes around every year. Right now Alsius is OP. Next will probably be Ignis, then back to Syrtis, etc. So, I would say choose whichever realm you prefer. Im in ignis, so, if you want to show me your tits and/or have sex/an orgy, feel free to join there, and let me know who you are.

Depends on your style of play.
I know they use to allow RA (spanish) transfers to Horus, but that was a long time ago, and Haven is the new English server, so you will probably have to send in a support ticket about that.
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Old 05-30-2013, 10:10 AM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
1) Would I still need to mindlessly grind on mobs to level up so that I may get to pvp? How long would it take me to reach max level in order to start enjoying pvp with a group?
Reaching the max level without much use of ximerin takes a very long time. But RvR is already fun at around lvl 40+ - also depending on the class, knights, conjus, locks can enjoy RvR even a bit earlier IMHO.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
2) Is this game gear dependent? FOR EXAMPLE: At high rank, will someone with orange gear get beaten by someone in purple gear despite the guy in orange having better skill sets and tactics?
The game focus is especially on RvR. In RvR the class distribution and numbers matter more than the gear of the realm players. IMHO for support knights and conjus and perhaps locks premium gear is not as worth it as for other classes.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
3)Is this game pay to win? I know there is a cash shop, but does it give you a significant advantage against others or is it all cosmetics? For example, does everyone get a basic mount? if not, I would see that as an unfair advantage as the people who payed real money for a mount have greater speed while the other have to walk. I.E. catching up to enemy or getting to location X before them etc
IMHO mount is the most useful premium item in the game. The cheapest mount costs about 3 dollars (in euros the same).

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
4) How is the community in game? the Clans? Leets vs Casual gamers?
apart from few exceptions it's great. Annoying spammers can always be ignored via /ignore.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
5) If i decide to join, which server would I go to? which side? Any side that is the underdog? if so why?
If you want to play in a English community, you would join the Haven server. The RvR balance is on Haven not very imbalanced currently. For a long time Syrtis was mostly the strongest realm, but for the last few months they have been rather the underdog. Perhaps because the class distribution in this realm is crap. Almost half the players are archers in Syrtis. Alsius on the other hand has many knights.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
Also, which class? I seem to like barbarian so far but 8 years ago i used to play KNIGHT. If my knight is on a spanish or german server and I would like to bring him on a english server, would this be possible? ( I forgot where he was stationed)
if you can still log in to your old account, I would recomment to just experiment with your existing knight in the RvR - at least if it is lvl 40+. A player of a lower level knights would need more experience to have fun in RvR.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
Thank you for taking time to read and answering! Looking forward to join a game and community that loves RVR and PVP !!
See you all soon, MAYBE xoxox
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Old 05-30-2013, 10:21 AM   #4
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The person above me pretty much summed it up but I'll throw my 2 cents into the bucket anyway.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
1) Would I still need to mindlessly grind on mobs to level up so that I may get to pvp? How long would it take me to reach max level in order to start enjoying pvp with a group?
Unfortunately yes, gaining levels is still as much of a pain as it used to be. However on the Haven server we do have regular server-wide experience boosts which can be pretty effective when stacking it with booster scrolls. The speed at which you level is directly proportional the sum of how much time you're willing to spend on grinding a day and how much cash you're willing to spend on levelling up.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
2) Is this game gear dependent? FOR EXAMPLE: At high rank, will someone with orange gear get beaten by someone in purple gear despite the guy in orange having better skill sets and tactics?
There is a degree of gear dependancy in this game but it honestly isn't as bad as some other games I've played. Its also dependant on what class you decide to play. A mage is pretty much fine with any gear where as there's a big gap between a well geared marksman and a poorly geared one. Fortunately skill does outweigh gear on this game (as far as I've experienced) and a leet geared player can easily be overwelmed by someone who doesn't give him any room to breath.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
3)Is this game pay to win? I know there is a cash shop, but does it give you a significant advantage against others or is it all cosmetics? For example, does everyone get a basic mount? if not, I would see that as an unfair advantage as the people who payed real money for a mount have greater speed while the other have to walk. I.E. catching up to enemy or getting to location X before them etc
I would say "Not really" pay to win. Its true that players willing to pay for boxes has a better chance of attaining epic/legendary/magical gear, but the real problem of overgeared players comes from boss jewellery which cannot be purchased legally via premium. On a side note, dont rely too much on premium boxes because you'll end up pulling your hair out.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
4) How is the community in game? the Clans? Leets vs Casual gamers?
The community's awesome. Probably the best I've experienced in an mmorpg. Sure we have our fair share of trolls,village idiots, elitist and complete morons but you'll find majority of the players are very friendly and more than willing to welcome a new face.

Originally Posted by KappaKing View Post
5) If i decide to join, which server would I go to? which side? Any side that is the underdog? if so why?
Also, which class? I seem to like barbarian so far but 8 years ago i used to play KNIGHT. If my knight is on a spanish or german server and I would like to bring him on a english server, would this be possible? ( I forgot where he was stationed)
I haven't been online in a while so i can't really answer this question. Population balances change all the time so its hard to say which realm or server you should go for, but if English is your primary language I would go for Haven. As for classes, play the one that appeals to you the most, don't let anyone make that descision for you because if you enjoy the playstyle of that particular class, you'll be good at. With that said, barbarians are ridiculously overpowered.
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Old 05-30-2013, 06:16 PM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Others have pretty much answered the Q's. But, join the goats. We have quite a few Warju's joining the battles right now and I imagine most will respec to support once the hit upper 50's. Locks are in short supply and we can always use more Marksmen and, yes, Barbs.

Goats do have an 'uber' Clan (in their own mind) that do have some decent but selfish players. However, since most of them are in one egg-head basket it should be easy to find a good clan. Goats are the friendliest and most helpful of the Realms, even if we do split too much during invasions and often do other stupid things (Kind of like the Cincinnati Bengals). But there are a ton of younger players that are learning and we are getting better all the time, often taking castles and relics when outnumbered and occasionally sniping gems with small groups.

Plus we have Dwarves!
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Old 05-30-2013, 09:36 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Krungle View Post
Others have pretty much answered the Q's. But, join the goats. We have quite a few Warju's joining the battles right now and I imagine most will respec to support once the hit upper 50's. Locks are in short supply and we can always use more Marksmen and, yes, Barbs.

Goats do have an 'uber' Clan (in their own mind) that do have some decent but selfish players. However, since most of them are in one egg-head basket it should be easy to find a good clan. Goats are the friendliest and most helpful of the Realms, even if we do split too much during invasions and often do other stupid things (Kind of like the Cincinnati Bengals). But there are a ton of younger players that are learning and we are getting better all the time, often taking castles and relics when outnumbered and occasionally sniping gems with small groups.

Plus we have Dwarves!
Common (sense) courtesy has been for the realm that invades every day and is overpopulated to not try to recruit new players and make the server even more imbalanced and not fun.
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Old 05-30-2013, 10:02 PM   #7
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If u Come to ignis, ignore back door baby and u will have fun for sure.
i think joining syrtis atm can be fun too, they r underdog and (war) fights will be most callenging.
Joining alsius can be a bit less of a challenge atm in wars, but if you want to hunt and have small fights, any realm is OK.

Im afraid u will have to grind like a brainless robot to reach high lvls =/ but if u get bored, at almost any lvl from 40+ u can have a chance of killing a low hp grinder or try joining a war.

And... only mount xim is really important. ofc there r some players who just spend alot and have good advantage, but it is still posible to fight them, unless there is some class disvatages, but thats a different topic.
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Old 05-30-2013, 10:23 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Krungle View Post
Alsius has the least population and we win because our skill level as a whole is better than that of the overpopulated Syrtis and Ignis zergs. Join us, we need more barbs and locks!(with every spell at 5)

This game is too easy
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Old 05-31-2013, 02:45 AM   #9
Join Date: Mar 2013
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I am sure you can see that Realm Loyalists are loyal even to this board.

Let me tell you a story of a man that was looking to buy a house. The man had narrowed his search down to two houses, both in good neighborhoods. He decided to talk to the neighbors and ask them about the person who lived in the house previously.
At the first house the neighbors were glad the person was moving out. "His kids were always running around making a racket," said one. "On Sundays he would hold a noisy party in his backyard after church," said another. "Every Saturday it was noise noise noise, always mowing the lawn, trimming his hedges and building things in his garage," said a third.
At the second house the neighbors were all saddened by their friend moving. "His kids gave life to the neighborhood," one said, "always laughing and playing." Another said, "He always had a Saturday afternoon BBQ and if anyone stopped by he was happy to invite them to the feast." A third said, "he always kept up his yard and house so well and spent every weekend working on it."
The next day the man returned to the Realtor and told him he had made his desicn. The Realtor asked him what it was that finally made up his mind and he responded, "The people in the second neighborhood were much nicer."
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Old 05-31-2013, 03:03 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Krungle View Post
I am sure you can see that Realm Loyalists are loyal even to this board.

Let me tell you a story of a man that was looking to buy a house. The man had narrowed his search down to two houses, both in good neighborhoods. He decided to talk to the neighbors and ask them about the person who lived in the house previously.
At the first house the neighbors were glad the person was moving out. "His kids were always running around making a racket," said one. "On Sundays he would hold a noisy party in his backyard after church," said another. "Every Saturday it was noise noise noise, always mowing the lawn, trimming his hedges and building things in his garage," said a third.
At the second house the neighbors were all saddened by their friend moving. "His kids gave life to the neighborhood," one said, "always laughing and playing." Another said, "He always had a Saturday afternoon BBQ and if anyone stopped by he was happy to invite them to the feast." A third said, "he always kept up his yard and house so well and spent every weekend working on it."
The next day the man returned to the Realtor and told him he had made his desicn. The Realtor asked him what it was that finally made up his mind and he responded, "The people in the second neighborhood were much nicer."
Ummm.... What I was supposed to get from this post was that you think Alsius is the only realm with nice people, correct?

This game is too easy
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