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View Poll Results: Remove MOBS Higher Than Level 37 From Inner Zone.
Yes! Move all higher mobs to War zone. 85 62.04%
No! Mobs have to stay in inner. 45 32.85%
Other. Write what. 7 5.11%
Voters: 137. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-04-2010, 01:05 AM   #51
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I wonder if it is actually nuanced as you say or if it remains as polarised as ever before.

I do agree that , depending on your perspective there is much evidence and points you can provide to forward your argument. In a much earlier post in this thread I mentioned both sides as I saw it. This thread will definitely be one of those where we will have to agree to disagree.

Of course there is the middle ground. Have alternating levels of mobs placed in the inner and outer realm respectively. Example :
You have (as I suggested earlier) MOBS from level 37 to 42 in both inner realm and the war zone as a transitional form. The mobs outside however , have a better drop, xp and gold rate that its counterparts inside.
After this , you can have alternating levels such as 43,45,47,49,50 in the outer realm and the level 44,46,48,49 ones in the inner realm. No need for any 50 and above in the inner realm in my view. Mind you, I don't agree with this formula.

I did not mention it before but it would be obvious that any distribution of mobs would have to be re arranged with the lower level mobs being close to fort and castle structures so that protection is more readily available. Other pockets occur around saves. The higher you go the higher the risk . I would also mingle some lower level mobs with the ones that level 50 players would grind on as well.

Bottom line is, while I can see the validity of both sides and while I have a bias , this concept could only truly go forward with a compromise on both sides. Added to this , if the current status quo if it has to be superseded, it would have to be replaced with a well thought out and comprehensive solution that seeks to cover the concerns of the widest possible mass of players while still fulfilling the parameters and scope of the game.

With that said , I end my contribution to this thread. Thanks.


Last edited by bois; 05-04-2010 at 12:10 PM.
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Old 05-04-2010, 06:15 AM   #52
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The warzone in horus is a dead, stagnant place. Don't try to keep saying that you still have great bridge wars from time to time. They are nothing compared to what the warzone would be like if people had to stay in it. It looks like that the people who are opposed to this suggestion have absolutely no idea of what the wz was like before NGD fucked up mob placement. Well, there are a few very old Regnum videos on youtube, mainly ones made by the German Guardians and other such clans which show pretty well how good the small skirmishes were back then.

Originally Posted by BigManOnCampus
however to outright force everyone above lvl 37 to grind in the war zone is a very bad move.
Why? If you want to RvR you are outright forced to go to the wz, and you will die, get ganked etc. a lot. People better get used to it early. If they did, this forum wouldn't be as much of a bitchfest as it is now.
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Old 05-04-2010, 07:29 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
Well, there are a few very old Regnum videos on youtube, mainly ones made by the German Guardians and other such clans which show pretty well how good the small skirmishes were back then.
Yeah, as a former GG Member I remember the good old times.
Especially when we had a "Grind Zerg" at Alsius beach killing the Aquantis. We always had to be careful, cause the the "Alsius Zerg" could attack us any moment. Sometimes we won the fights and sometimes they send our whole Army back to Central Save.

Yeah, great times.
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Old 05-04-2010, 09:07 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by WhateverUSMC View Post
Sorry, but I chose 'No'.

For me, sometimes I do not have time to go to war every single time some fort is taken. I have the right to play this game as I see fit (as long as I am not breaking any rules), and in a given day, if I just want to reach the next level, I should be able to without being shanked by hunting parties.

I'm sort of guessing that this idea won't happen, because then the players who have bought scrolls wouldn't be able to use them when they want, and after a while, they simply won't be bought anymore, which = less money for NGD.
Scroll time stop ticking when you are not fighting mobs, so this argument is not correct.
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Old 05-04-2010, 12:46 PM   #55
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haha, red karma for stating my opinion in a poll... now thats childish.
from my cp "05-02-2010 03:09 AM stop trying to win the argument and listen"

I didnt enter an argument; I voted in a poll and stated the reason.
I'm not pretentiously self important enough think my way is the only way;and
my self esteem is sufficient that I dont need to force others into my way of

And next time have the guts to sign your red karma instead of letting the time and date do it for you.
There are 4 things you can never recover: The stone..after the throw. The word..after it's said. The occasion..after it's missed. The time..after it's gone.
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:31 PM   #56
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I picked no. Cause I like to lvl my way. I grind for 5 minutes, then rest and draw. When I'm rested, I grind again, then afk and draw. Swinging like that in WZ would end up in dozens of deaths, just because I don't like to pay attention to the game all the time while mindlessly griding.
When I like to grind in WZ and have fun with friends as well, then I go to WZ, only when not alone. That's my choice and I like to have a choice.
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:40 PM   #57
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Default a true example of fail: in UOL, trammel and felucca..

[a bit long, but is a piece of history, and maybe a lesson to learn]

long long time ago, when Ultima Online was the most mmorpg played games, newbie players were killed out of town (out of the secure zones) by others players (called player killers, or PK ) and usually this is a hard price to learn how to survive the PKing, and the learning curve was hard and suffering (in UOL there were FULL looting systems, so when you die you lose all your gears... and
you as ghost see your killers that loot all your possessions.. this is a "sad" situation that almost anyone that have play in UOL know.. )
Pker was considered the ruin of the game by many.... many cry to Origins (the game mantainers and creators) asking for a solution to the infamous Pkers, that "normal" players hate...

UOL at first (the first year and half) tell that being a Pkers have a price to pay
(TRUE TRUE imvho) and when a Pker was killed he lost PERMANENTLY a x%
of their skills (the most feared when killed lost almost half their skills) also
the killer can cut his head and go to sheriffs (NPC) to retire the "price"
(some pkers have a very high reward on their head, like the most wanted
in far west )
BUT players whine and whine about pkers, and finally Origin satisfy their
wishes: They create a parallel world (TRAMMEL) and you can travel
there by a moonstone, the old world take the name of FELUCCA,and the
big difference by the 2 was that in TRAMMEL player killing was NOT
allowed.. all the Normal move to TRAMMEL, felucca survive with a very
little populations... at the end the game lost all the attraction for
both kind of players.. cause Normal have less challenge, and pkers have
none to fight..

Playing in Regnum have some big similarity:
Grinders = can be similar to Normal player in UOL,
Pkers = hunters and hunting parties

imvho both side need the others to have fun, grinding in wz can be really
fun cause you CAN (CAN and not MUST) be attacked by enemies and
have a fight, where you break your rythm and monotony (sorry dont know
if is the right word, if hard to understand think of boring time)
but true: being attacked by unreachable enemies can be boring too, so
hunters need a bit of reduction OR in fleeing speed (some1 is a real
boring players... atking, and if something goes wrong spamming sotw and
run all the time.. :-D) OR in PET powers to reduce fast ganking effect..

but for the rest, move all the big mobs in wz, and let the grinders swet
on them, this will raise the risk TRUE but after the probable first moment
of blood bathin' people just learn to stay on party or to ask friendly hunters
to help.. and this will move to big cooperation in realm side.

so thumb up on moving them on wz..

(sorry if i go too far with memories)
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:43 PM   #58
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Why not simply make level 50 characters get no exp, no gold, no drops from mobs inside the realm?

This way players can still choose a good place to grind till they reach the maximun level.

Level 50 players grinding inside the realm are nothing but annoying. They don't help in WZ and increase the concurrency for mobs, making non level 50 players make progress even more slowly.
Hocus {Focus, Venator, Veneficus, Surculus}
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Old 05-04-2010, 04:44 PM   #59
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This is maybe perfect solution. I really really like this idea.

Grinders will have peace in inner, drop grinders must grind in war zone. Add to this +WZ for lower players to grind in War Zone. Level 50 know how to defend self better they need no protection.

Lower XP(-10-15% XP) in inner after 40 and place bonus in WZ(+10-15% XP).
Drop grinders(50's) get no gold, loot, drops in inner.

+10000000 Hocus
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Last edited by war_support; 05-04-2010 at 05:29 PM.
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Old 05-04-2010, 08:10 PM   #60
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I've not voted yet, but sorry ieti, I usually agree with you and don't think its a bad idea in principle, but will probably vote no this time, for the following reasons:
  1. If all the grinding spots were camped it would allow a higher populated realm to severely slow down the levelling speed of a less populated one. Players might only play when their realm is quiet, meaning they may not be able to gather enough friends to clean an area, resulting in no way of gaining XP quickly - grinding is slow enough without this as an additional penalty. Even if one player only kills a grinder a few times in the same place before getting bored, its quite possible that a few minutes later another will come along and do the same; so even though the perception from each is that they've only killed a grinder once or twice, from the grinder's point of view, they've been camped for all the time they've been playing.
  2. Sometimes, admitedly not very often, I can't be bothered with war. It can get boring, particularly when there's a lull in the fighting or people dance at CS. When it does, I want a break and even though grinding can be boring sometimes, when I'm feeling like that, its a convenient way of passing the time while still being on call in case of emergencies and still a slight chance of getting a "reward".
  3. I play the game to relax. Sometimes, I want to switch my brain off and hit a few monsters without paying much attention to what else is going on. I don't want to have to have to worry about going AFK to make a drink, or waste the extra brainpower watching my back, when I.R.L I'm concentrating on a DVD, tidying up, using the telephone, etc. at the same time as playing the game.

As a compromise, I would suggest the following:

Additional incentives for WZ mobs:
  • a greater challenge bonus
  • a greater drop chance
  • A greater number of quests that require you to kill a large (50+) number of mobs from specific WZ areas

The following changes to cities and NPCs:
  • Move higher level trainers away from higher level grinding spots so players have a long way to travel to retrain
  • Make all higher level items only accessible from WZ traders

And Player Bonuses / Penalties:
  • Increased XP for WZ parties
  • Re-introduce fatigue for inner realm grinders over 40 grinding for more than an hour every 2 hours
Zodar - The Evil Bald Fu^wPerson...

Last edited by Zodar; 05-04-2010 at 08:19 PM. Reason: meh, stupid spelling mistakes, etc... :-/
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