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Old 06-26-2007, 11:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
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krushkarkas is an unknown quantity at this point
Default i have just about had it

i put a spell on that gives 35% defence to dizzy and knock and 2 more.
trying to get to pinos "it was taken".
i was not able to cast one spell while that was on for 8 tries.
i was dizzy every time.
i went around back and with 2 guys there i was killed again cause i was dizzy couldnt cast crap
this character sux. this game is sucking hard.
i have 3 different defences running and im killed like im noob at lvl 40.
fix the damn conjurer or the spell to defend against dizzy.
update: was killed13 times every time was "dizzy" while defence was running against it.
meteor causes dizzy and defence doesnt work against it.
remove dizzy from that damage spell that might make it better. not sure
conj to slow cant run away. its like conj is for giveing np to other nation.
cant cast spells hardly any defence and low hp. this character sux.
hears an idea make a day when everyone can trade there character for
another character the same level same name.
the defence against dizzy is not working at all please fix this
your truly 'disapointed'

Last edited by krushkarkas; 06-26-2007 at 02:50 PM.
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Old 06-26-2007, 07:10 PM   #2
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sounds like you have to rethink your tactics.
First of all, conj gets targeted first: conjuner primero!
cause they can take huge influence on a battle.

and the only way to disable a conj is to make him dizzy. so he cant heal and cant cast sanctuary.
Thats what ppl do first, dizzy the conj.
meteor does that + it has great range.
if you get dizzy by a meteor step back and wait the 7 seconds.

and remember a conj isnt made to rush. let your barbs rush and stay behind.

but wait, why do i give alsius tips to make proper war
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Old 06-26-2007, 07:37 PM   #3
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I've said in other places that a conjurors defenses simply dont work in any useable fashion - I have a few favourites but hey that's my secret

other than that - I hardly ever use them and almost never solo in war, conjurors are just RP bait for almost every other class.

My best defense magic is a regenerating, shielded, immortal, extra strong, lucky, magic resistant Über-Twix

I kind of like the support role so no offensive ability worth a damn doesn't really bother me.

But I will be super nice: vs a warlock, you have to play a warlocks game, Arcane Devotion + Silence - both at lvl 4-5.

If your silence goes off first, you have half a chance but no more: personally I can't spare enough spell-points to get that stuff - cf my ÜberTwix.


P.S - sorry Taeris' addendum: our ÜberTwix
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Old 06-26-2007, 07:38 PM   #4
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The spell your talking about is mind blank right?

It doesn't give you 35% defence against dizzy, it makes you 35% harder to make dizzy BUT it still means that its 65% chance that it will make you dizzy if you get hit by meteor and stuff.

And conjurers are not meant for frontline combat, we are meant to be far back with the archers and supporting the warriors and archers.

And if you complain on your def, get a lvl 5 energy barrier and Steel Skin (Last skill in Sorcery) then you are almost impossible to kill if you are not attacked by 5 warriors at the same time.
Hollowpoint - Conjurer - RA Omnislash - knight Yoda - Barb - Horus

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Old 06-27-2007, 10:18 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by icckleblackcat
My best defense magic is a regenerating, shielded, immortal, extra strong, lucky, magic resistant Über-Twix
your damn right

we just need to convience most of the other conj, so they also see it that way
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Old 06-28-2007, 12:46 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by krushkarkas
i was not able to cast one spell while that was on for 8 tries.
i was dizzy every time.
i went around back and with 2 guys there i was killed again cause i was dizzy couldnt cast crap
sounds like master of doom, it's not a spell cast on you exactly, so your defence wouldn't work against it
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:38 AM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2007
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krushkarkas is an unknown quantity at this point

nightwix said
First of all, conj gets targeted first: conjuner primero!
cause they can take huge influence on a battle.
this character doesnt only suck when fighting other nations
lvling sucks to.
but im sure you got your lvl's when the conjurer wasnt such a gimp.
yeah you could keep all those buffs on if you just sat clicking like a madman.
not paying any attention to what was going on around you.
cause you have to click a spell about 5 times to get it to work.
so times that by 5 or 6 depending on the buff you use.
and keeping an eye on them running out of time "most about 60 seconds"
you dont have time to do crap.
i have tried this character in every way i can possibly think of and it just sucks.
try to keep yourself buffed and others "which you have to do indevidualy"
as they run around. and keep yourself healed and others its just rediculas.
i tried it and i tried making a battle priest this character sucks at both.
it needs area buffs and heals that include you so your not clicking like a fool
and struggling to click on one character which is almost impossible with treesand forts and pets and enemy in the same area.
i found it all to be simply frustraiting.
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