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Old 03-16-2011, 06:59 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
Middle of the night... no defenders... flawed system... clap clap... nuff' said.

Says a person from the realm who has zerged and zerged rlms at 3am MY TIME which is gmt -6!

Im just basically saying... "Think BEFORE you put something in writing"

Secondly, flaw system? the system was flawed with the goat fortifications (which yes, should have been goat, not ours. imho) and was immediately fix as soon as we placed the gems. So we had to retake those forts. (Edit. I see what you mean about the door, yes. That should change)

Thirdly, There were people grinding while we were invading. So... Yes there were people online. Some people were actually trying to get forts back. However, some were not participating as a team player.

Fourthly, how could you possibly learn to adapt when you don't even attempt to invade at all.

Finally and on a positive Note, Good job Goats on keeping Ignis out tonight. Great Job!! (No sarcasm at all, Seriously. bc they did keep us out).
Everyone is an idiot.... just some people are more idiodic than others

Last edited by Maddie; 03-16-2011 at 07:25 AM.
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Old 03-16-2011, 10:34 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Donatoo View Post
This thread is going back to the "teh only invate at nite" state.

What about the time's you invade at morning and Ignis has atleast 5 higher levels online, that isnt lame?

Just merely pointing out the hypocrisy.
I think the point here is the absolute meltdown by Ignis posters as soon as the time of invasion is mentioned. Instead of people just saying, "yes we invaded at 5am GMT (or rather a server downtime), it's the easiest time to do so", we have this nonsense about adapting to it.

If you're going to invade at these hours, that's fine, but don't flip a bitch when it's brought up and suggest it succeeded for any other reason. Congratulations on the portal opening.
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Old 03-16-2011, 10:35 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Maddie View Post
Says a person from the realm who has zerged and zerged rlms at 3am MY TIME which is gmt -6!

Im just basically saying... "Think BEFORE you put something in writing"
First, find a post of mine where I say "haha we rokz u suck we organiz we pwnd u!!!1" after one of our successful morning invasions.
The real issue here isn't the fact that you invade at down times (every realm does so basically), but the fact of making topics where you claim to be proud of zerging a bunch of guards and three high levels in the middle of the night (like half of the igneans here is doing).

Secondly, flaw system? the system was flawed with the goat fortifications (which yes, should have been goat, not ours. imho) and was immediately fix as soon as we placed the gems. So we had to retake those forts. (Edit. I see what you mean about the door, yes. That should change)
If you ever tried to invade in prime time, you would know why the invasion system is so flawed. The main issue is that to be able to invade successfully you need to heavily outnumber your opponent, hence why most of invasions occur at down times ?

Thirdly, There were people grinding while we were invading. So... Yes there were people online. Some people were actually trying to get forts back. However, some were not participating as a team player.
Did you know there's also people that were sleeping ? There's grinders everywhere in every realm. Stop saying that the fact that you encountered an almost null resistance means that we either grind and/or don't care, this is utter bullshit.
Personally, all the times you invaded lately I was sleeping in order to wake up early to go to the work. I wouldn't sacrify it just to defend my realm's pride in a video game. Maybe sleep and real life are concepts you don't understand.

Fourthly, how could you possibly learn to adapt when you don't even attempt to invade at all.
There would be more invasions if there was a valid point for them.
- First, invasions need to occur in early morning or in the middle of the night for the defending realm else they are nearly impossible, so nothing to be proud (except for you it seems) about invading at down times.
- Secondly, besides the +exp bonus, the dragon wishes are uninteresting at all
- Third, I do not see the fun zerging a bunch of guards and four high levels with 70 people, normal wars, open fields and bridge fights are way funnier than this bullshit.

Hence why a lot of people don't care of invasions.

Now the fact that you care and that you think you're rollin' the game is good for you, but I doubt you'll see anyone else than yourselves clapping for your pride.

Congratulations for your victor-e.

The other realm awaits...
Now playing much better games

Last edited by Shining-Scias; 03-16-2011 at 02:48 PM.
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Old 03-16-2011, 02:12 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
The real issue here isn't the fact that you invade at down times (every realm does so basically), but the fact of making topics where you claim to be proud of zerging a bunch of guards and three high levels in the middle of the night (like half of the igneans here is doing).


Now the fact that you care and that you think you're rollin' the game is good for you, but I doubt you'll see anyone else than yourselves clapping for your pride.
What he said.
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Old 03-16-2011, 03:20 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Maddie View Post
Thirdly, There were people grinding while we were invading. So... Yes there were people online. Some people were actually trying to get forts back. However, some were not participating as a team player.
This is part of the issue. I aggree with this point , Maddie.

There are people who care more about getting to level 60, they do about fighting in the war. Even if fighting in the war itself would help you get to 60 faster. XP bonus sure helps alot to get to that point, it really does. But many dont see that, so my little hit team just drifts right through the Syrtis woods admist grinding teams that just sit there and do nothing but grind constantly.
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Old 03-16-2011, 03:42 PM   #56
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People are FREE to care for what they like to. Was it sleep, grind, chat, hunt etc etc etc. You can not force them to care for invasion you tried to pull. But that is not the main problem really. Noyone really cares that you invaded 1-2-3-4-6-100 times. Strange is that after nearly every invasion you open threads here and start - we are so alsum we invaded and stuff. Ok you done it in right time and succeeded, congrats. No need to see this kind of threads again and again and again.
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Old 03-16-2011, 03:49 PM   #57
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I agree, id love to see some threads about awesome fights, with pics and story or something. There it would make sense to celebrate and share.

Daily nighttime invasions arent really interesting and everyone knows what it needs to get one done.
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Old 03-16-2011, 03:55 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
Strange is that after nearly every invasion you open threads here and start - we are so alsum we invaded and stuff. Ok you done it in right time and succeeded, congrats. No need to see this kind of threads again and again and again.
Only quoting you here because yours was the last one, but I think it's fair to point out that there is a similar thread after every Syrtis portal opening as well. There's no need to spam these threads with nonsense about how nobody cares, how much invasions suck, "u onli infade @ nitelol," or any other nonsense. If you don't care, don't post. If you think invasions suck or are pissed that you weren't awake, make a separate thread about it.
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Old 03-16-2011, 04:01 PM   #59
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No Shit people want to sleep I miss all ( except the one on holidays sometimes) the invasions because i would rather sleep and make good grades than play this game.
Everyone is an idiot.... just some people are more idiodic than others
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Old 03-16-2011, 04:36 PM   #60
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As Envy, Znurre and Scias pointed all invasions happen in nights, because there is small or no resistance. It is not because people grind, chat and do not want to participate - i want to participate ofc but if i can. Every realm do it because of that reason. You do it at work days at 6am our time, we do it at new years eve, on 4th of july... This is ok.

We just liked to point that this is not so big achievement. You organize, capture forts, break doors, take gems, get bonus. Ah and smash 6-10 enemies. No big deal. If invasion happen in active times it will be nice and fun for all.

Anyone who yells - "we are alsum", "we infadze you 2-3-4 times this night", "you suck here you go -xp", wants nothing more, but to troll. That is the reason why AKM's thread dissapeared so fast.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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