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Old 08-22-2007, 07:26 PM   #41
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I once tried PS, but I couldn't fnd out how to start. After seraching for half an hour at the website I found a tip to start killing rats and sell the loot for gold, so I could buy weapons. I couldn't find out where to sell the loot, and the killing didn't go that fast. I still don't know what you should fight (next to mobs).
Good idea to come to Syrtis! We're the only one with a nice, fresh landscape
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Old 08-23-2007, 06:43 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Celtus
I'm sure you are right about the conflict zone, and the need to communicate
Developing this train of thought more, as we agree that English players in
English only clans will stick to the clan chat. Spanish clans and Spanish
speaking players have an advantage over us. They all can communicate
between clans, players can call for help, and report enemy moves.
Then it is almost necessary, if we want to compete to recruit some players
fluent in Spanish, to be "commo" specialists, duties to monitor the Spanish
chat and relay important info between the two groups. And you are right
South American Spanish speakers, (like Argentina), have had and still are
having disagreements with the UK and El Presidente Bush ! They may speak
English but just don't want to. Better off (I guess) to not force the issue !

Hi Celtus.

I know your proposal was well intencioned but like some mates tried to explain, actually Regnum is a multi-cultural, multi-speaker community and we have no language conflicts, only war conflicts between realms. English playesr can joke spanish ones and reciprous but the only one realm chat is necessary for information not be lost. Many english speaker plauers have learned that key-phrases usefull for minimun global coordination and its enough. Then you can join an english speaker clan like mine: Darkside of Ignis in Ignis of course. You where very wellcomed.

As you can suppose (for my bad english level )im spanish and my clan is only english speaker. It doesnt gives problems for me. I have friends into and outside clan.

The point is that to be a solid realm we must be all together and friendly without language or anyother consideration. It applyes to Ignis, Alsius and Syrtis.

About Bush...Yes, we all hate him. Let war stay in videogames and let people live their real lifes in peace. BUT if you have another opinion we can be friends anyway.

Regards and welcome
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Old 09-06-2007, 12:56 AM   #43
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Wow, so Valorius and The Order of Daggers are from Planeshift? Played with them a few times, had no clue. I actually found out about Regnum from Planeshift. I didn't play Planeshift much though since Guild Wars was my main game; although, I did first play Planeshift from it's alpha days -- when they only had the town centre and the dwarf model -- and came back to it every so often to see how it was doing.
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Old 10-16-2007, 06:21 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by hong_kong_man
Hi everybody!

Just introducing myself, I'm Jaimez Bling, chairman of OmegaElheats Entertainment, Ltd. In Regnum, I'll be using the name Ennon Galita-Shamoi. Pleased to meet you all.

I am from another world called Ylakium, in a MMORPG game called PlaneShift ( www.planeshift.it ). Me and MY ENTIRE CLAN are switching over from Planeshift to Regnum. (Well, it's a good idea right now. My (Clan) Guild's Queen, Valorius Rageway, is still deciding on the issue.)

My Guild (Clan, as you call it ) in PlaneShift, called The Order of Daggers, has had many issues with PlaneShift itself, the staff, the 'Game Masters' (GM for short), and the other whiny babyish ridiculousridiculous players there. We decided it's time for a great change!

So, I hope that we'll have a quite different experience with Regnum, as it was suggested by Sisters Romaria and Kayia, who say that in this "game they RECOGNIZE accomplishments, as opposed to condemning them as in PS."

Cheers for now!
Well first of all you are comparing apples with pears. You should realize that PlaneShift is in heavy and I say it once again heavy development. So under theese terms you cant look at it as a finished game. The second thing is that the PS is made by volunteers and people who love the game and there is actually no game studio behind it like here by Regnum. So I think the only one ho really looks ridicilous is you. And finally, at least the PS runs with no problem on Ubuntu.
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Old 10-16-2007, 11:24 PM   #45
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I see these posts all the time, I might as well put my usual reply in my sig. Planeshift sucks ***
Theodore of Alsius - lvl 31 Nordo Conjurer
Head of The Winged Wolf
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Old 10-17-2007, 12:06 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by adict
Well first of all you are comparing apples with pears. You should realize that PlaneShift is in heavy and I say it once again heavy development. So under theese terms you cant look at it as a finished game.
Planeshift is in development, but at a snail's pace. Development of Planeshift started in 1992... 15 years ago! They started working on the 3D version of it in 2000. Here's a link to their development history:


They call it a "playable pre-alpha tech demo". I'm quite sure that in 5 years, Planeshit will still be a pre-alpha tech demo. After 15 years, they have only managed to get to version 0.3.20. At that rate, maybe it will be 0.4 in another 5 years. Maybe version 1.0 in another 25 years, at the rate they're going.

Originally Posted by adict
And finally, at least the PS runs with no problem on Ubuntu.
It runs on Ubuntu, but I wouldn't say with "no problems" as can seen here in reference to their latest release:


Regnum has added more features in that last 2 months than Planeshift has added in 2 years, and the Regnum devs actually fix problems in a timely fashion.
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Old 10-17-2007, 04:47 AM   #47
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How do you like that, Adict, signs up for a forum account just to call someone
a "crybaby" anonymously! LOL I knew Planeshift Dev's and GM's do play this
game, and don't like people to know it, but really, the Poster was just
introducing themselves and thier clan to Regnum, and didn't disrespect PS
enough for you to make an issue of it. Just enjoy Regnum with the rest of us
and dream, that someday, your precious PlaneShift will get out of Alpha LOL

BTW - I have a PlaneShift server, on Linux. Sure the PlaneShift client may run
fine on Ubuntu as you say, but... It's the two executables that make up the
Planeshift server, that is now, has been, and will into the foreseeable future
be an unstable, bug ridden mess. The team doesn't need a studio behind it.
Until they have a group of programmers, who can follow professional programming
standards and practices, and not just some guys who want to dabble and kiss
Talad's behind, it will never get out of Alpha, the code maybe needs to have a
major rewrite, not just the bandaids that are the standard now.

Last edited by Celtus; 10-17-2007 at 05:07 AM.
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Old 10-17-2007, 07:55 AM   #48
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Default so so

Originally Posted by Celtus
How do you like that, Adict, signs up for a forum account just to call someone
a "crybaby" anonymously! LOL I knew Planeshift Dev's and GM's do play this
game, and don't like people to know it, but really, the Poster was just
introducing themselves and thier clan to Regnum, and didn't disrespect PS
enough for you to make an issue of it. Just enjoy Regnum with the rest of us
and dream, that someday, your precious PlaneShift will get out of Alpha LOL

BTW - I have a PlaneShift server, on Linux. Sure the PlaneShift client may run
fine on Ubuntu as you say, but... It's the two executables that make up the
Planeshift server, that is now, has been, and will into the foreseeable future
be an unstable, bug ridden mess. The team doesn't need a studio behind it.
Until they have a group of programmers, who can follow professional programming
standards and practices, and not just some guys who want to dabble and kiss
Talad's behind, it will never get out of Alpha, the code maybe needs to have a
major rewrite, not just the bandaids that are the standard now.
I think you just dont get the point. It is a major difference if you have a game that is developt 8 hours a day by paid programers, artists, developers etc. on one side and no studio, volunteers that spend mostly 2 or 3 hours of their free time for no pay on the other side. What makes me really mad is that there is so little free or opensource multiplatfrom MMORPG and still we dont support them but do the opposite. Im willing to play both and support both games alltought Regnum has no support for Linux community. Every such a project like Planeshift and Regnum should be welcomed with open arms with full understanding and strong will to support it. I see no sense in pointing a finger at PS or Regnum and laughing "Oh what a bunch of losers, they cant do that or this". So to all you "haters" stick that finger in your ass and help!
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Old 10-17-2007, 03:05 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by adict
I think you just dont get the point. It is a major difference if you have a game that is developt 8 hours a day by paid programers, artists, developers etc. on one side and no studio, volunteers that spend mostly 2 or 3 hours of their free time for no pay on the other side.
The fact that PS is developed by some volunteers for their own enjoyment is cool, but it does not make PS a good game. Matter of fact, I think it's quite the opposite, since the programmers are all volunteers, they only work on what they think is fun at the moment. If a major, glaring bug is not fun to fix, then it will not get fixed.

Originally Posted by adict
What makes me really mad is that there is so little free or opensource multiplatfrom MMORPG and still we dont support them but do the opposite.
Many of us support Regnum by paying for premium content. I'm happy to contribute financially to a company that makes a quality Linux game.

Originally Posted by adict
I see no sense in pointing a finger at PS or Regnum and laughing "Oh what a bunch of losers, they cant do that or this". So to all you "haters" stick that finger in your ass and help!
Adict, none of us are calling PS players losers. We're just saying that Planeshift, as a game (if you can even call it that) sucks. The only person I see here being rude to others is you, judging by your above suggestion for us to stick our fingers in nasty places.

You are Proglin from PS, aren't you?

Last edited by octopus; 10-17-2007 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 10-17-2007, 04:03 PM   #50
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hiya hong kong man pleased to meet you, I hope you enjoy regnum

Wont comment on PS as ive never played it but i have heard good and bad things on it.

Those of you bitching in favor or not about it, dont bother waste of time etc. i am sure PS is a good game and i do know a lot of work went into it.

Like regnum PS is Free (but can be supported by paying for premiums) so bitching about something you get for nothing at the expense of the programmers is really lame
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