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Old 10-28-2011, 08:16 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Castingbeast View Post
New network code scroll: lets you play under a new network code.

Lag Hammer: grants you lagg-less playtime and no crashes. (wont crash during the character change neither 100% guarantee ).

Ping Hammer: keeps your ping under 100 providing you a smooth gameplay.

Double spell bar scroll: you will have 20 slots for spells on your quick bar instead of 10.

Glasses: by wearing this item you will avoid phantom hits and will be able to hit the target every time once you're within range (usable only by warriors).

Sunglasses: lets you avoid nights, you will have always sunshine so you wont have to pull up the gamma anymore.

Superman's eye: you will see every buff on your allies and on your enemies. Every buffs will have a well visible animation (WM beacons included).

Anti- horse- lock -talisman: wont let your horse being placed back once mounted up and started riding.

My first thoughts ^^

Might add some more, I hope they implement them ASAP!! hahaha
epic ten chars
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Old 10-28-2011, 08:42 PM   #12
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i'd really like to see a well thinked balance work and, OLNY WHEN THIS IS FINISHED, new free/premium features.
we don't need new unicorns or hats, we need the balance to be finished, tons of useless spells rewrited, and almost the entire warmaster tree revamped.

only after that, i think that a new velociraptor/bunny/eel mount would be welcome...
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Old 10-28-2011, 09:03 PM   #13
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Paint for shield and weapon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice of NGD to read suggestions
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Old 10-28-2011, 09:13 PM   #14
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Not really a suggestion for new items, but I'd like to see new haircuts, new faces, new tatoos etc... More character customisation.

The other realm awaits...
Now playing much better games
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Old 10-28-2011, 09:25 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Castingbeast View Post
New network code scroll: lets you play under a new network code.

Lag Hammer: grants you lagg-less playtime and no crashes. (wont crash during the character change neither 100% guarantee ).

Ping Hammer: keeps your ping under 100 providing you a smooth gameplay.

Double spell bar scroll: you will have 20 slots for spells on your quick bar instead of 10.

Glasses: by wearing this item you will avoid phantom hits and will be able to hit the target every time once you're within range (usable only by warriors).

Sunglasses: lets you avoid nights, you will have always sunshine so you wont have to pull up the gamma anymore.

Superman's eye: you will see every buff on your allies and on your enemies. Every buffs will have a well visible animation (WM beacons included).

Anti- horse- lock -talisman: wont let your horse being placed back once mounted up and started riding.

My first thoughts ^^

Might add some more, I hope they implement them ASAP!! hahaha
awesome, can i buy it as an package???
Syrtis trade/fan forum
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:21 PM   #16
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Xim quiver : place 500 arrows in item and bind it. Now quiver is of that set type of arrows with 10 - 20k arrows. These arrows have damage durability for each arrow fired you loose one damage. After durability is 0 you can not fire. Only hammers can repair. This allows archers to play with out grinding like warriors and mages.
R - WWT-
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:27 PM   #17
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EPIC CAPES!!! Maybe cloacks are also cool
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:39 PM   #18
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One thing that i would like to be able to do.... I wanna change the resists of my tunic. Atm its bad against piercing. I could pay lots for that, i just wanna change it...
Dunno if that would be too op, maybe you could do it with some restrictions.

+1 for Alchemist Manual thing!!
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Old 10-29-2011, 12:08 AM   #19
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Theres one thing id really want ingame - well it already is ingame but it has crazy restrictions - fusing armors.

Theres a reason i fused a incredibly rare boss drop bow with a lvl6 bow and theres a reason i have a fully colored set of low level armor in my stash since 1+ years - it was meant to be fused with my current gear, the only problem is that this low level gear's category is "warrior, archer" and my current gear is "marksman" and fusing these is currently not supported/allowed.

The argument about restricting this hat heavily is at least since costumes are implemented totally obsolete. Please soften them so i can finally fuse these!

So my rather obvious suggestions (sry if its duplicate, i didnt read other suggestions yet):
  • Soften fuse restrictions to allow greater customizability = more use of it. (i.e. if you want to fuse the look of a warrior item with the stats of a barbarian item the resulting item would ofc. have barbarian category. The stat part should set the category. simple as that.)
  • Trainer-in-a-box - Selfexplanatory, basically pay xim to save you the run to a trainer. Should be consumed the moment you apply the new config to prevent xim loss ie. when getting attacked.
  • Repeatable-Quest-npc-in-a-box (?) - Ok there you gotta think about a solution, i just know theres many who'd pay a lil xim to not have to run to Main city and back to get new daily WM quests
  • WM banner flatrate with internal cooldown to prevent spamming. Id get one, id use them - currently i dont as i dont see why i should waste rl money to tell some noobs to do something obvious, however a fixed amount of xim i could justify when it'd allow me to add coordination at some point. Its a psycho thing but it would work imho.
  • Theres already some consumable stuff which is rarely used because its charged per use. Just see fireworks - I doubt anyone buys them apart from the initial curiosity they add. Change special "fun actions" to have an internal cooldown but be reusable and theyll get bought, trust me. With such mechanics you can add lots of "candy" items similar to special mounts (why do people buy them? Defenitely not to be able to move with 150% speed, but to show off). Special animations could work: Special dances, funny drooling animations - lots of options. Theyd just need to be reusable, even if theres some internal cd.
  • Get rid of unethical lucky boxes (gambling - no explaination needed imo) and add drop chance/drop quality boosts instead. Do something for your souls so you can sleep tight. You dont want people to pay more than they should to support you. Dont be so cheap - you have ideals, dont ya? Hopefully you have and dont just pretend to do so.. You had em at least, thats what i know.
  • My last suggestion will be a controvesial one. Im not sure about it myself but i want to put it up for thoughts: Allow us to "buy" tickets where we can put issues that "annoy us the most". It will allow you see what those who keep you alive bugs the most thus could hint you what priorities you should set to keep your $ rolling. It could be a warbanner like mechanics, just that it would be shown to *you* NGD. The Xim amount to buy it could be set by the user, with some low and high cap. Basically you would see it as a donation linked with the worries and the wishs of the donators. Without any commitment from your side, its free choice by the users. if youd make $ with it, im not sure but thats not the important part on this one. Important is it would allow you to see whats needed to stay alive - taken with a grain of salt of course but i think the idea should be clear.

Thanks actually for asking the userbase.
Im an idealist, when i pay for something i do it because i think they do it right. I dont want to pay an organization that does cheap stuff like gambling (which i fell for too at some point). I didnt buy any xim since months now as i got that quite straight in my mind: Redesign your premium stuff to have low impact on the core of the game (PvP, RvR) and remove unethical mechanics that abuse peoples weaknesses to make them pay more then they can afford.
Id support this with RL cash, current way im done with.
If that pays out in the end i dont know. If i were you id prefer a way that pays out fine without unethical tricks over one that might pay out better in the short terms but includes such nasty stuff like gambling with boxes which ask you to "just buy 1 more" etc..

Id appreciate any change towards my suggested direction.


Edit: I forgot one thing.
PvP only XP boosters: Boosters that boost only Player-kill-xp but dont depend on a timer but on a charge amount, or better a set XP amount in which it will be and stay active. Theres a good bunch of players, especially lvl 45 to 60 who are war ready and have the damn choice of having fun with friends but stagnate on level or go grind and eventually even leave friends fight alone.
While this grind annoyance might boost your sales of normal boosts it isnt a positive perception. If youd allow the players to level up faster by playing in a way they actually enjoy it for a small "fee" that would be different and might even kick some palyers towards not giving up grinding or playing but invest a little $. I dont really see what you would lose by supporting this.
Bonus XP/Xim should even out with the average normal-boosts xp/xim rate. Important is that PvP boost shouldnt be Timer-bound as this just doesnt work in PvP.
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion

Last edited by _Enio_; 10-29-2011 at 06:24 AM.
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Old 10-29-2011, 01:01 AM   #20
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Suggestions for new premium items
Self Revive Scroll
This will allow the player to revive instantly when enemy realm players are not within 50m of them.

Hero's Stamp of Bravery
This will allow the player to name a single weapon or armor. The weapon will keep the name once traded.
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