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Old 11-03-2011, 02:48 PM   #111
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Originally Posted by Kitsunie View Post
The key to Warlocks when you don't have a range advantage is to use SOTW, don't buff and stay just out of WD range. As long as you don't eat a WD, you won't need any protections, allowing you to save them for when it gets ugly. A Meteor can be annoying, but nothing too terrible, but a WD will disable SOTW, so you have to be extremely careful to stay out of 10m range when using this tactic, preferably at 20-25m so Dist shot is ready. When SOTW runs out, Dist shot, rest up then Confuse, the lock's Arcane devotion will be nearing the end by this point (30+ seconds into the fight), as most of them tend to prebuff well before engaging. Confuse will stop it and Energy barrier from being recast. Lastly, now that you're going to have an angry lock on you and out of CC, strafe out of his spell ranges since you no longer have any reason to be in 25m or less range, use Acrobatic and Evasive and Retaliate as many DOTs as you can if he manages to land any before you are out of range. He's lost badly by this point, having no devotion, barrier and with you out of range of his spells, and Cold blood will have cooled down twice already. Stunning fist can buy more time at any phase if you have it skilled.

There are many variations of this, but the general rule is, chose your spells carefully. Most importantly don't cast buffs too early, they are the Hunter's primary defense against DOT damage besides Retaliation, and if you are caught unbuffed without SOTW you will be killed within seconds.
yeah sotw + confuse is god mode of you keep out of wd range against a warlock (like a knock in which you can move), seriously i play a warlock and the only thing you can do against that is get a lucky hit with terror and maybe get in your 2 life leaches. (considering it's 1v1 cause else you are already dizzy and dead anyway as a warlock)

i have also seen hunter using ambush to start out of camo, get out of 10 rw short before it's over (this is importand, cause if sultar hits, he might also apply mana burn and evendim which takes away alot of your mana) use confuse and sotw and finish you from that distance having a stun left if it might get nasty. (till those are over you know you can knock again. :P (7+15+15 > 30) well but serioudly you won't need it. normaly you should be able to kill the mage before sotw is over.

if you be seen by the warlock in advance try to run away for some time (40s+ works nice) yeah you are faster! than do as said above cause till than arcane is over and the lock has to choose to either fight you wihtout it (means he has no chance) or cast arcane which means he won't get you. try to get into an area the warlock can't tree hug to evade your attacks. that might give him the chance to use arcane.

damn why do i tell that stuff when my main is a warlock?

edit: (and before any1 says i'm complaining, i know that warlocks can be extreamly strong in rvr, if you either have anough conjus to save you ass or manage to stay untargeted till beacons wear off and you can finally use your aoe ccs for nice group support, and also the slows are nice. damn i want a ranged aoe slow :P)

Last edited by chrisuf; 11-03-2011 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 11-03-2011, 08:54 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Kitsunie View Post
How is he safe?

He can't avoid Tear apart/Break apart casts forever, and he won't regenerate HP fast enough between their casts. Worst case scenario, he jumps you but then you have SOTW and Mobility/Wild spirit. I certainly had no problem... the key is to not just give up. Also, you can camo mid-fight to suprise him, or make him think that you'd left.
(This is actually the best tactic to deal with treehuggers, as they can't see you coming behind them.)

Most Hunters pass you by not because you're safe, but just because they don't want to bother.
They can't cast the two DoTs fast enough before the opportunity to attack eludes them.
A decent knight can hug a tree well enough to force the hunter into coming close or else they have to give up.
Personally I've had every trick in the book used against me by solo hunters - camo, feigning giving up, caltrops, ambush, multiple pet summons - and I can say for certainty that I have never died to a hunter that I have engaged in a game of tree hugging.
Usually I can get in a knock chain and Disable Limb while they flail around - I don't attempt to kill them though, they eventually get the message and give up (Record time spent being chased around a tree was about half an hour ).
SotW? No problem, just keep dancing around the tree until it wears off.

Defensive Stance, tree, game over.
Dizzy thumbs, itchy fingers

Last edited by isaacrulzrs2; 11-03-2011 at 09:36 PM.
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:02 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by isaacrulzrs2 View Post
Defensive Stance, tree, game over.
This is what I'm talking about. Any seasoned lock seems like an impossible kill as well. I see your posts about sotw but I think you dont know just how fail it is.
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:44 PM   #114
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Just suggesting,if pet tree remains:
-Strategic Position in Evasion tree
-Pets give bonus to Hunters(Ex. For every succesful hit the pet makes hunter recieves 10 hp)
-Dead Sentence longer duration
-Auras(Ex. Protection,Weapon bonus and/or Speed boost)
these are so far any Dis/Agrees?
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:56 PM   #115
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Don't know why people think that hunters are so UP now. I play hunter, there is a little problem that hunters normals are low. It's a little bit hard to buff this class, because even a slightly buff can make them OP for PvP (RvR kings is barbs still). Anyway if hunters will have redesigned pets tree, it'll still be useless in RvR (pets are not so smart you know... ). Anyway I'm looking forward for any changes neutrally...

P.S. Just wonder how some hunter class players complain about this class, while I've never seen them running alone without their hunt group of 3+ persons.
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:03 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by isgandarli View Post
Don't know why people think that hunters are so UP now. I play hunter, there is a little problem that hunters normals are low. It's a little bit hard to buff this class, because even a slightly buff can make them OP for PvP (RvR kings is barbs still). Anyway if hunters will have redesigned pets tree, it'll still be useless in RvR (pets are not so smart you know... ). Anyway I'm looking forward for any changes neutrally...

P.S. Just wonder how some hunter class players complain about this class, while I've never seen them running alone without their hunt group of 3+ persons.
Well, it isn't about hunters being UP or OP, it is about the fact the class has no well-defined role in the game.
It is supposed (NGD said it) to be a support class, but support tools are very few in practice (camo/stalker, enemy surveillance, confuse, ...), the rest is common with marksmen.

I agree though that only small changes should be made as the class can easily be op in many situations.

Playing a hunter is stil very fun (as you know).

I think base damages should be increased, pet tree somehow trashed, and support spells given (in another thread, we talk about traps, debuff only, war-oriented).
Enio proposed changes to camo/stalker too.
About Stalker i think it should have a much shorter duration but with speed malus removed (ie. fixed duration of 60 seconds).
More powers should be usable under camo/stalker (specific-ones, ala Enemy Surveillance).

A spell should restore and improve the old (useless) Track Allies. For example, casting it will make dots of the colour of your realm in the direction where your allies are, for 3 secs (fading out), for all people around the hunter.

Just few ideas, but the goal was to have information from NGD about the future of this class (they gave their "vision" a long time ago, but frankly current hunter class is far from that, and i'm not sure at all players share it).
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 11-04-2011, 09:54 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Zas_ View Post
It is supposed (NGD said it) to be a support class
They did? Where? I rather remember something about marksmen being high range support or something like that. But then again, they've said hunters are called hunters because they hunt creatures, and everything is 2-3 years old, we definitely need a new balance roadmap (especially for hunters!!)
Winning a fight doesn't make you a good player, having fun losing one does.

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Old 11-04-2011, 12:49 PM   #118
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There just seems to be no plan at all

Or why is there no statement by NGD after 12 pages
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:04 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by byakurai View Post
I'm going to translate this but my english isn't good.

Hi all.

We didn't forget this thread and we followed attentively your suggestions.

In few days we will show some news about pets and some changes in the discipline.


Well, this is all. I hope the changes so impatient!

Bye ^^

Edit: I quoted the Ponter's post for if u want translate it.
mmmh,i dunno if this is a real Ponter post,anyone have the link of this?
I hope they do it now
Come on ngd...come oooooooooooooooooon,tell us "NEW TEST UPDATE ON AMUN,HUNTER PET TREE REVAMPED,TEST IT!!!!"

No seriusly,tell me is not a joke an Ponter really told it.
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:39 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by tarashunter View Post
mmmh,i dunno if this is a real Ponter post,anyone have the link of this?
I hope they do it now
Come on ngd...come oooooooooooooooooon,tell us "NEW TEST UPDATE ON AMUN,HUNTER PET TREE REVAMPED,TEST IT!!!!"

No seriusly,tell me is not a joke an Ponter really told it.
No it's not a joke

Here's the link, although it's in spanish.

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