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Old 11-05-2011, 11:51 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by blood-raven View Post
You're very right about hammers and spears.
I started grinding with a spear now and i think it's even better then with a hammer, since you have the 2m range, if you can set yourself right you can avoid a hit from a mob and being knocked or stunned or what ever nasty things mobs can do at you.
yea, balestra can be really nice sometimes.
I think tfb is good for grinding cause if you can get tfb+ weapn bonus + berserker at the same time you have a chance on a one hit kill strike, which can only increase the grinding speed .
one hit kill only at the last mob though... if you use hammer / spear, the mobs should be down after two hits with and without weapon buff, so i didnt really care about this as i said (somewhat indirectly), if you needed to choose between two spells, i'd almost never go for tfb.
I also like the extra attack speed.
Oh and i use it to bridge the weapon bonus cooldown.
I didnt look at it this way up to now, but i think it's not that good for this reason:
i know it lasts for only 5 hits but that are 3 extra mobs .
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Old 11-06-2011, 02:24 AM   #42
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i use a crit setup (hammer)(or did) with my barb when using tfb, as criticals don't count toward tfb hit limit. if a mob wasnt 1 shotted, id use a cheap spell like gutting/forceful blow/charge 1 etc, instead of wasting another hit on the mob, so my dmg would accumulate even if i didnt crit the next mob. so thats where 1 extra point went always, and i was glad i skilled it lol.
Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.
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Old 11-06-2011, 11:26 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by blood-raven View Post

I'm sorry but i have no experience grinding a knight what so ever, so please if anyone has experience share it here.
Some time ago I wrote this:

After all the changes I am not sure it still works, but it could be useful.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 11-06-2011, 11:48 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by DkySven View Post
TL;DR. Mad?
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Old 11-10-2011, 06:12 PM   #45
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Good combo's are: meteor + lightning and fire ball + ice blast

Well, I use a much more effective way of grinding.

A lock has 3 mob-killer combos:
* lighting + fire ball / meteor
* ice blast + pricking ivy
* ice blast + beetle swarm

In the first combo, you should prefer using fireball over meteor, since it does enough damage in most cases and its mana cost is lower. In some special cases, meteor will be the good choice, since its not area spell and dizzy can be important sometimes (mainly against mobs with knockdown)

I started using these around lvl35 - and i still do so at lvl55 nothing else is needed, only if u are in trouble (too many resists, etc). In most of the time at least 1 of these combos are cooled down.
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Old 11-15-2011, 11:35 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by crystal88 View Post
A lock has 3 mob-killer combos:
* lighting + fire ball / meteor
* ice blast + pricking ivy
* ice blast + beetle swarm
make the 3rd combo:
* beetle swarm + ice blast ==> mob stays in it's place! (else it can get annoying)

i used (allowed higher opponents lvl the with swarm and ivy):
* ice blast + meteor
* ice blast + ivy + vamp
* lightning + fire ball
this allows to kill mobs up to lvl 56
for ghosts of ethernety (lvl 56) i recomend beetle instead of ivy but than i wouldn't fight those. theydo some nice dmg and have 20 range!

+ up to 1 kill every 10 seconds.
- doesn't kill lvl 57+ mobs! (at least not without normal hits! as 1 normal is already needed for lvl 56 but that is wihtin the cd time so it doesn't slow you down or cost you hp.)

since i'm lvl 53 i use following combos:
lightning + fire ball + meteor
ice blast + vamp + fire ball
ice blast + fire ball + meteor

* up to 1 kill every 15 seconds.
* kills up to lvl 58 mobs at lvl 53 (not sure if lvl 59, golem at imp beach, or 60, for example troll of war, will work later/ 61 and 62 won't work)

also a useable combos are:
lightning + ice blast + fire ball/vamp

- up to 1 kill every 20 seconds
* kills up to lvl 60 at lvl 53 (don't know the cap yet)

lightning + ice blast + fireball + meteor
lightning + ice blast + vamp + fireball

- up to 1 kill every 20 seconds
- alot of mana used
+ without resists these combos kills everything ones you hit lvl 50

i love to have twister/icy/beetle (at least twister) free from cd in case of resists. also slow/mind push should be cd free for barbs that try to jump you.

note: i lvl in rvr setup as lvling setup is not recommended in wz if you ask me and i lvl in wz since lvl 35.
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Old 11-15-2011, 12:07 PM   #47
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I used staff mastery to grind my lock. A lot easier and you can recover faster when one of your spells get resisted (which happens far too much).
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Old 11-15-2011, 12:49 PM   #48
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at higher levels, locks have another option for grinding solo: areas and hitting multiple mobs. if you're lucky, you can get 4-6 mobs in 1 twister or freeze (twister is preferred, since you can cast more spells on the mobs). start with summon lightning because of it's large area, wait for mobs to come together and cast twister. add fireball to taste and watch their life ticking away. make very sure you have barrier turned on!

there should also be enough room to skill lightning, iceblast and meteor for the single kills.
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Old 11-15-2011, 01:42 PM   #49
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I used staff mastery. With correct equipment, this is probably the fastest way to grind. Also skill areas for group support
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WM - WM - WM - 56 - 53 - 50

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Old 11-15-2011, 02:57 PM   #50
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Nice post.

I wanna suggest a very good way to grind a warlock in order to maximize scrolls effectiveness.

At lower levels (about 35-45) you take 2 mobs, Ice blast on first lightining on second then fireball + crystal blast.

At 50+ levels you can take 3/4 mobs with, Ice blast, lightining, meteor, stalagmite, then twister fireball and crystal blast every time twister is available. At the end of this combo should be available ice blast again to go on normal to the next twister.
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