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Old 12-14-2011, 04:39 PM   #41
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I left my char afk on Amun for an entire hour so I could make this comparison.

1 minute, 1 second:

1 hour, 1 minute, x seconds:

The difference? None, it will become confusing. Maybe a different color for each one could help.

I found some water problems on the map near Meleketi:

Also, it's no longer possible to move spells from 1 hotbar to a different one. (F1, F2, F3, F4 don't work when the left mouse button is pressed on a spell icon from the hotbar)
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Old 12-14-2011, 05:27 PM   #42
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Some bugs I found:

- Once buffs end, buffs that came after them will not move down the "queue" and will stick to where they started. It could mean you end up with a massive buff list all over the place.

- The box that shows which spell has been clicked doesn't fit within spell icon's boundaries.

- Activating the second hot bar pushes the log/chat window up.


So far I think the new UI is, on the whole, good... But it's really... Different.

The second hot bar is awesome. It was desperately needed and it works really well. All it needs is alt+123 / shift+123 functionality and it'll be perfect.

The map, wow, brilliant. Great change.

The improved functionality of everything is great, it feels a lot more like an MMORPG now, which is good and bad. The integrated quest list is really nice.

However, with the good there is bad.

Not being able to see the chat + your combat log is a MASSIVE deal breaker for me. I don't like this at all.

Not being able to resize an window, especially your chat/log window is really bad. On 1920x1080 things are reeeeeeally small. You only get to see a few lines of text in the chat log, normally I'd have mine (including the combat log) going three quarters of the way up my screen. \o/

The new UI, as many people have said, is HORRIBLY bad for your FPS. Riding back and forth between Aggers and PP my FPS without the UI was around 160. With the UI on it dropped to 70-80! That's... Wow. However just stood at Aggers, I only lost around 10 FPS. Something is weird.

The last thing I dislike is that this is just another step away from the originality that Regnum had. I'm really great-full for a new UI... But this just looks like any old MMO, if you saw it you certainly wouldn't think "oh, that's RO!" - but I guess that's something we're going to have to deal with.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 12-14-2011, 05:28 PM   #43
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I have notice a couple of bugs:

-- The window of an object (when you point at them in the inventory) go out of the border of the game window, I had this problem with the helm for instance.

-- Sometime it's impossible to drop the items from the inventory, you have to close the inventory and re-open this.

-- Bug? The new map doesn't store the previous zoom size set by the player.

-- The keyboard buttons to open the character window and the inventory behave in a complete different way now. You don't automatically switch between them with a simple button, you have to press a button twice (for instance, if you open the inventory with "i" to go to the character window you have to press "c" twice, the first "c" will close the inventory and the secondo will open the character window)
Ayexeyen (in phonetic word "aiεkzεiɱ"): Ignis Barb 60
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Old 12-14-2011, 05:45 PM   #44
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I don't manage to get on Amun ... Any ideas?
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Old 12-14-2011, 06:12 PM   #45
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This armor set gave a lvl 50ish lock 343 armor points, as you see, I as a knight got 444 armor points with full WM gear, without the bracelet the lock had somewhere in the 200-210 armor points, I hope this is a bug, cuz I'm pretty sure mages weren't supposed to be tanks, acctually, with that armor set, the lock had 7 armor points more as a lvl 60 barb...
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52

One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight
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Old 12-14-2011, 06:14 PM   #46
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This one is self-explanatory.

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Old 12-14-2011, 07:04 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Gabburtjuh View Post
This armor set gave a lvl 50ish lock 343 armor points, as you see, I as a knight got 444 armor points with full WM gear, without the bracelet the lock had somewhere in the 200-210 armor points, I hope this is a bug, cuz I'm pretty sure mages weren't supposed to be tanks, acctually, with that armor set, the lock had 7 armor points more as a lvl 60 barb...
My normals are as low as 80 dmg on a warlock with bracelets, where they are used to be over 200 on prod server.
Yet another hunter nerf ?
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 12-14-2011, 07:08 PM   #48
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I went on my marksman by accident (I wanted to go on the Barbarian) and I got this a few minutes after killing an Igneo:

I promise I will never kill an Igneo ever again.
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Old 12-14-2011, 07:19 PM   #49
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- Hairs of male chars get cut on upper thumbnails.
- Health bar lack border. It looks strange and it is difficult to get how much HP ally got.
- Font of chats is hard to read. Sure font is beautiful, but...
- Minumap is confusing. Map is confusing too. Not needed to be 3D for me.
- Animation of thumbnail heads is really unneeded.


- Bracelets are nice. Finally mages are not so squishy.
- Additional fixed spellbar.


- Lock spells on spellbars.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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Old 12-14-2011, 07:34 PM   #50
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los problemas de performance serán corregidos antes de lanzar la nueva interfaz. No es que esta interfaz es mas pesada, solo que hay codigo que todavia no fue optimizado.

by chilko

it says "the performance problems will be corrected before launching the new HUD. it's not that the HUD is heavier, it's just a code that wasn't optimized yet."

pardon the bad english :P
Poptart, caza 53. Omlette, conju 50. Strawberry, barbaro en ascenso, Haven, Alsius.
Van SacKK.
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