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Old 12-28-2011, 03:34 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Cnekmp_ View Post
I understand where you're coming from, but I still find that hilariously sad. You're in no position to harass or demand money from NGD. Even more pathetic though are the posts above calling you a HERO OF REGNUM... sorry errr what? This is called blackmail. If you wanted to help your game you would have told them what you know regardless of whether you get rewarded or not, you only wanted to help yourself by keeping it to yourself.

Seriously what the fuck kind of logic is that, exploit the problem to make a show and get attention on it?
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Old 12-28-2011, 03:55 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by -Logan- View Post
I understand where you're coming from, but I still find that hilariously sad. You're in no position to harass or demand money from NGD. Even more pathetic though are the posts above calling you a HERO OF REGNUM... sorry errr what? This is called blackmail. If you wanted to help your game you would have told them what you know regardless of whether you get rewarded or not, you only wanted to help yourself by keeping it to yourself.

Seriously what the fuck kind of logic is that, exploit the problem to make a show and get attention on it?
He has the right to gain money for exploiting bugs. Some guys make viruses for a living and sell them to Anti-virus companies, its called a specialist. It just shows how little your mind is.

You seriously need to step out of the house if you don't understand that logic. Getting paid for services rendered.

Sad part is, NGD are people full of crap egos. Learn to be humble to your players since we are the ones making your game alive.
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Old 12-28-2011, 05:43 AM   #53
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Get off your high horse and admit you fucked up. Your first account wasn't banned for fun, NGD had good reason for doing so. Also in your post above, you said your posts contained "criticism at forums against NGD's Development and Management". To criticize something something is to analyze and point out flaws. Do you even remember what you posted? Most was borderline hate-mail directed at NGD.

Who cares if NGD has known about the bug since October? What right does that give you to use it? And to demand money for finding it? Do you work for NGD; are you one of their employees? Report the bug and move along. But no, you went out of your way to find and exploit it for monetary gain. You can come here saying "oh, i didn't spread how to do it", but the moment you asked for money, you crossed the line. That's blackmail. And to top it all off, you exploited the hell out of it the other day. NGD lost a lot of money because some prick was butthurt he wasn't getting paid; money they won't get back either. I don't see how you can come here acting all self-righteous, when you're the only one who's done anything wrong.
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Old 12-28-2011, 06:20 AM   #54
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So,if you discovered some buggs or issuses "using your proffesional skills" you should just to report them simply.So you wanted a monetary reward for reporting a bug?
And for others who said "hero of regnum" ,why is he a hero? Becouse of abussing of some bugg that he must pay for?I don't see here any wish to help the game ,only yourself.
I think u can do more money finding something else.I just don't think those things make him a hero.Just think a little bit,without any bug or anything else,if you want a tree,you must pay for it.He had about 100 from what i heard.So he must pay for every tree he obtained illegaly.
That's only my opinion.
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Old 12-28-2011, 07:39 AM   #55
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Спектр having the skills and time to research bugs is great. Then just report, so they can be fixed and we all have a better game. Asking for money...erm we live in consumer society, but if you really like RO i see no purpose to put this stuff here.

NGD is not a big company like Google for example who pay money to ppl to research. Cases like this one can make things even worse for them. Argentina is a country pretty much like mine and yours. Not so rich and i know how much time and courage is needed to make company like this going.

I do not say asking for money is bad. Time is money. For me in current situation it is highly unneeded to do so. Even more things you do next as putting trees getting items etc etc etc are things you crossed the line.

Well let this be a good lesson and let this never happen again. After all we are all here because we love what we do - no matter playing or making this game.

Let next year be better than this one.
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Old 12-28-2011, 07:40 AM   #56
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dang sorry to hear about the break in,that sucks!

Could you understand that your story is really hard to believe Chilko ?

It's not like end users didn't warn you about anything, and without any surprises bad things happened.

You made great work on castles and new areas, but why breaking everything every time when things are almost stable ?

You have a test server, and everyone doing his best to give you feedbacks that you keep not reading/listening.

Bah.... another post that wont be readed...

One day you'll see a fucking critical bug that you ignored in the past and will break the core layout if you keep ignoring all like this.
As tigerous said here.Regnum bugs are just like snowballs running down a mountain side.if they are left to run too long,they just get bigger and bigger.

I suspect the rushed update was forced upon NGD by 3rd parties,if so maybe some of the blame should fall upon those who let this project fall behind schedule.

better testing,and more transparency between customers and ngd staff is the answer.Great work just poorly implimented.

Good luck NGD!
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Old 12-28-2011, 08:28 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
NGD is not a big company like Google for example who pay money to ppl to research. Cases like this one can make things even worse for them. Argentina is a country pretty much like mine and yours. Not so rich and i know how much time and courage is needed to make company like this going.

Let next year be better than this one.
golden words

i think what this amazing game could only make people ideologically. NGD team like that. I don't think that from RO they get a lot of money, considering that you can safely play without paying money.

NGD good luck to you, and pls, нear what say players.
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Old 12-28-2011, 10:09 AM   #58
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Good to see there are still people like Спектр. He made great show, but only few ppl understood it. If he would destroy game like aggresive hacker he would give away items from boxes and kill ingame market. NGD fixed nothing only tuninged more unstable game. In płace of minor bugs we have MAJOR ones.

Horse teleport back bug, herbred and much more transparent walls, savior on dead people.
Crappy hp bars which made me leave support conjurer, Ignis Great wall can be used to carry out gems, you can kill yourself if you start casting Sacrifice and get less than 450hp before you end.
If you get dots on you and teleport you die, if you are under water and click boats teleport you die.
Magnanites duplications still not fixed ( blocked trade ).

And many more.

Hackers and ppl who want to help need motivation. Nobody will lose time to work for free and give his boss money profits.

I leave this game for a month with hope of better. You made good work but not that what we need, NGD. Sorry.
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Old 12-28-2011, 10:17 AM   #59
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Is enough motivation to see a better game? Is enough motivation to make something good and prevent some sh*te?

Well it is for me. Still people are different and think different. Getting money from this cases is better indeed, but i do not think NGD can afford this like big companies do.

Still i salute Спектр for not doing hardcore mayhem. On other side bugs are not told even to NGD staff which can lead to another discovery and future abuse. This better not happen. Money or not this better be fixed.
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Old 12-28-2011, 11:38 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
Still i salute Спектр for not doing hardcore mayhem. On other side bugs are not told even to NGD staff which can lead to another discovery and future abuse. This better not happen. Money or not this better be fixed.
He doesn't deserve praise. He still attempted to blackmail NGD.

They still lost a lot of money. There were mass amounts of boosts and horses introduced into the game because of the trees. IMO, NGD should first patch the glitch, and then ban cnekmp so when he gets butthurt again, there's nothing for him to try and mess up.
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