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Old 09-06-2007, 09:01 PM   #1
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Default Marksman tips

I'm a level 8 archer now and will be choosing between Hunter and Marksman on the weekend.

I am leaning toward Marksman. Any tips or suggestions would be helpful.
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Old 09-06-2007, 09:14 PM   #2
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Choose a marksman if you want:
-More offensive spells
-passive attack range
-passive improved hit chance

Choose a hunter if you want:
-scouting ability
-invisibility (also group invisibility)
-passive movement speed

These are just the main stuff I can think of atm. If you need any other info, just ask
*end.transmission - amade*

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Old 09-06-2007, 09:24 PM   #3
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Default Just to say

Originally Posted by amade
Choose a marksman if you want:
-More offensive spells
-passive attack range
-passive improved hit chance

Choose a hunter if you want:
-scouting ability
-invisibility (also group invisibility)
-passive movement speed

These are just the main stuff I can think of atm. If you need any other info, just ask
The form u said the information is to make him a hunter:

Marskmans can stop the enemie and hunters cannot do it only with archer skills more - marskmans got some skills that can put her/his enemie more weak and hunter got one or two (i know one that puts the enemie more slow).
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Old 09-06-2007, 09:32 PM   #4
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Default I forget

You said SKILLS about HUNTERS and "POWERS" about MARSKMANS. And if you want to say more i say - they can find people in meters (i think in lvl 5 they can find people in 350 meters)
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Old 09-06-2007, 10:55 PM   #5
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Choose a marksman if you want:
- Fort wars

Choose a hunter if you want:
- Hunting parties

Now to the details on each way of playing:

- Fort wars: Most of them are about two sides that stay at a distance from each other (sometimes with a third side, wich makes it a whole lot more fun) and they exchange arrows for a while until one side decides to advance. Marksmen own here. They have the best range in the game, so they are the ones that hold the enemy back and (properly used) can make a kill without getting hit. Hunters on the other hand, can do little at war, as they don´t have that many damage skills, but still can help (camuflage, intel, or maybe just shield piercing). A bunch of archers can own your ass if you get in their range

- Hunting parties: If you love the thrill of being in enemy territory alone the hunter is the class for you, especially if you prefer to know where the enemy is. Hunters are the equivalent to having satelite intel, a jeep and invisivility (just joking, they aren´t gods or anithing ). They rule at escaping, ambushing and (especially) pissing off players of other relams . The thing here is just that, get to the other relam to piss on them, although tables get turned really fast and then the whole enemy relam is looking for you.

Either way you´ll have fun

Good luck!
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Old 09-07-2007, 10:29 AM   #6
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well i can tell u now i love pissing players off thats y i choose hunters

also hunters are the ONLY class who cna hunt alone the rest either have to have a hunter with them or have to have a bunch of other with them to captuer a fort
Brad - after a year of not playing I have no idea how to play my character, no clue what's going on and have to ask questions every few minutes.... I am the born again noob.
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Old 09-07-2007, 05:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by mann2411
also hunters are the ONLY class who cna hunt alone the rest either have to have a hunter with them or have to have a bunch of other with them to captuer a fort
thats not quite true.
If you know the common leveling ground you can hunt alone very good.
hunter makes it a lot easier tho
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Old 09-07-2007, 06:12 PM   #8
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Also hunters don´t have many damage skills, so they are kinda "pet dependent"

Marksmen are "mana dependent"
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Old 09-12-2007, 03:24 AM   #9
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Okay...So I am too at the verge of making the leap....I'm really torn....so here's a couple questions to do with it....
First off....Duration...
Hunters invisibility...how long does it last vs it's cooldown time....are you left visable for 2 minutes after 45 seconds of invis or what?
and along these lines...can you "sneak" into the safe areas of enemy territories for shopping, badgering or whatnot?
On the passives....
What is the passive range increase Marksmen get....considering you start with 20/25 which is no better than a mage...then you can take that 30% increase as a spell....I mean is it *really* a great increase in range...like 50?...75?...
Same goes with the passive movement increase....how much increase? 10% doesn't really even seem noticeable....
I know alot of these things are going to depend on the points you tack onto them but if someone could line out about what can be expected....
BTW....I tried to see for myself with the ZG Character Trainer but it doesn't seem to be working right now...at least not for me...
Thanx all in advance
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Old 09-12-2007, 05:02 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Malochai
Hunters invisibility...how long does it last vs it's cooldown time....are you left visable for 2 minutes after 45 seconds of invis or what?
and along these lines...can you "sneak" into the safe areas of enemy territories for shopping, badgering or whatnot?
Ok first of all, don´t worry about numbers, the whole thing is overall well balanced, so sneaking behind enemy lines will not depend on how good your powers are, but how well you use them. Nobody is allmighty here. Although I must point out that invisibility also means near invulnerability, as you cannot be targeted (you are still vulnerable to area spells)

On to the details, there are two invisibility spells: camouflage, that gives you 30 sconds of invisibility but leaves you with half your speed, wich (with some luck) is enough to escape visible range of anyone, and stalker surroundings, wich makes you and a max of 5 allies invisible for a max time of 5 minutes. Only downside, you cannot move or you loose invisibility.

Originally Posted by Malochai
What is the passive range increase Marksmen get....considering you start with 20/25 which is no better than a mage...then you can take that 30% increase as a spell....I mean is it *really* a great increase in range...like 50?...75?...
Ok first, mages have both range 30 staffs and a skill that raises range 15% i dunno if someone even uses it anyway. Archers have bows range 30 (there are no more of range 35 that i know of, but if anyone does please let me know, i´ve heard rumors and... stuff) and a skill that increases range to a 30%. Marksmen have a passive that increases it by another 15%. This passive is the small edge thay have to win: they get the first shot. You don´t get to rest much at war... there´s always someone that gets in range.

Originally Posted by Malochai
Same goes with the passive movement increase....how much increase? 10% doesn't really even seem noticeable....
As I said before, no need to worry about numbers. Hunters will always win every race and they have a big bag of tricks to get through tough situations.

Originally Posted by Malochai
I know alot of these things are going to depend on the points you tack onto them but if someone could line out about what can be expected....
As a marksman i can only tell you wat i know from a marksman´s point of view, so i think hunters have less offensive spells and are kinda forced to choose between tricks and evasion, or a mix of both. Since evasion is a much better mastery, they put points there (again, as i rhink). Marksmen on the other hand have another problem: their (our) main mastery is all damage and it is completely unexpendable. And you will also want to have your other main mastery maxed out but hey, where are the points for long bows?
Never mind, you don´t need to worry about guilds yet, but when the time comes for you to go to the war zone... oh boy

Originally Posted by Malochai
I tried to see for myself with the ZG Character Trainer but it doesn't seem to be working right now...at least not for me...
You don´t happen to be using internet explorer 6 right?
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