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Old 05-14-2012, 04:54 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Exclamation Disbalance in Haven Server

Hello, my name is Michael.
I play in Alsius, Haven server, might know me as Choco Puff.
Recently, after the merge of Raven and Horus, there has been a problem.
I was originally a Horus player but due to my friends leaving to play in Raven I moved to Raven server. In Raven, Alsius had a lot of players due to frequent invasions. A lot of players gave up their time and played until late at night. After the server merge, we lost half the player from raven or even more and got almost none from Horus server. The point of the game is to have fun, but over population of the other realms make us unable to have that "fun". We already lost half the player who played after the server merge and rapidly losing more. I know that there's nothing you guys can do about this problem except increasing exp and gold bonus for our realm so new players could join and play but I walk around inner realm and see some people lvling up to play the game but when they realize that we're under populated getting invaded constantly. They either move to other realm or just not play the game. I've been playing Horus, Raven, and Haven for over 5 years now. I have never known or acknowledged this disbalance until I started playing in Alsius. I hope you guys will come up with a solution fast. I would love to play this game for another few years. Hopefully Alsius will gain more players and an invasion should not be so easy. Rather than having guards at gate which doesn't matter since we all take boats and jump off from wall in between the first and second gate. Placing guards in between the 1st and second also increased number of guards at boats gems and noble could help the invasion a little challenging. I personally think until to the point where we all have some what balanced realm. We should make invasion of other realms more challenging than what it is now. Game Samba and NGD's should also consider change in number of guards per player ratio. Introducing new kind of guards could help also. One in my mind was mage guards and the same guards that's placed in our saves. It's not impossible to kill the save guards, it's actually quite easy especially if the oppoenents have over triple the amount of players. Mana pylon, knight auras, tanks taking the hits with defensive buffs is all that is needed. Lets stop the frequent invasion before trying to balance the realm.

Choco Puff: Barbarian lvl 60 WM
Cinnamon Puff: Warlock lvl 60
Coco Puff (Raven): Marksman lvl 46
Vanilla Puff (Raven): Conjuerer lvl 37
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Old 05-14-2012, 05:09 AM   #2
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I've noticed this as well. Alsius just can't compete... Let's see what NGD plans to do.
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Old 05-14-2012, 08:43 AM   #3
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yh thats all i got to say.. 'I never noticed it until i played alsius'

(/me thinks back to the time alsius (horus) pointed out that the game cant play w/o a third realm and every1 made a joke about it)

THEY DO NOT CARE, and i seriously doubt that they will ever care or be able to do something.
Winter Wolf (hunt) Winter Mage (conju) Winter Strike (knight) Winter's Big Bro (barb)
I used Mind Blank too much, now I'm too dumb to resist anything.
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Old 05-14-2012, 08:47 AM   #4
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go on strike again!!!
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Old 05-14-2012, 08:49 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by time-to-die View Post
go on strike again!!!
told you they made fun of it..
Winter Wolf (hunt) Winter Mage (conju) Winter Strike (knight) Winter's Big Bro (barb)
I used Mind Blank too much, now I'm too dumb to resist anything.
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Old 05-14-2012, 10:12 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Rising_Cold View Post
told you they made fun of it..
The strikers made fun about themself!!

So, yea!



Anyway in a game/sport etc... not just the winners have fun, i also have fun when we lose. Where you saw that the 24th of a formula 1 competition says to FIA: hey do something so i can win too!!!!! No fun to be the 24th!!!!
I realy don't care if we lose in this game (happened several times), but enjoy the fight meanwhile.

Shortly: no fun? alt+f4
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Old 05-14-2012, 10:46 AM   #7
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Another Alsius Raven player complaining about the disbalance. Funny how the disbalance in Raven didn't bother you when it was Alsius that was overpopulated, huh?

I wasn't willing to read much past that, looking at that painful wall of text. However, I did manage to read your suggestions about the realm gate guards near the end of the "paragraph". I agree with you that the guards are weak and need tweaking, and that they should not just be positioned outside the gate. Regarding a guard to player ratio, couldn't players from the invading realm log off just before the gate goes Vulnerable and the guards spawn, like they used to? I also think save guards at the realm gate is a bit too much, considering it would just be a game of luck; the save guards targeting the knights one day, conjurers the next.

There's really no way to prevent an underpopulated realm from being invaded, unless you make it so insanely difficult that the invading realm needs every single player online to have a zerg large enough to invade.

Oh well, being an Alsirian who mainly played in Raven, I can't help but think that our realm deserves to be stood on for a while. At least when the other realms invade us they use some strategy; something that was rarely required by us in Raven. Maybe we might learn something?

Adrestia ~ Kellie ~ Deionarra
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Old 05-14-2012, 12:44 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Tenel_Ka View Post
Oh well, being an Alsirian who mainly played in Raven, I can't help but think that our realm deserves to be stood on for a while. At least when the other realms invade us they use some strategy; something that was rarely required by us in Raven. Maybe we might learn something?
Well... there's still some Horus players around (although not many), who have been through 1+ year of nightly Ignis invasions on Horus, maybe even longer since I remember this occuring since well before Warmasters update which is now a year old. While I have no doubt Raven Alsius players have been a bit spoiled, with some even claming to have "opened the portal forty times in four months", the results of the server merge are kind of just making everything worse for the Alsius from Horus who were tired of being beaten down all the time for two thirds of the day... if this continues then all new players will simply be just that, new players, and the few old players that are left in the game will be gone. This creates more imbalance, because the new generation takes time to develop skill, and learn how to handle every situation properly.

I've just given up on any balance in this game. Whether time zone balance, class balance, or anything. The separation of Horus into Horus and Raven, redirecting all new North American users to Raven for a year and a half and then merging it all back together are, IMO, directly responsible for the massive loss of experienced players the game has suffered, new players to take their place (and those that are still joining are subject to getting killed all of the time while questing), and the overall stability of a server that, if simply promoted by GameSamba instead of split from the beginning, could have double its population by now. Add to this numerous bugs, lag, and bad client stability.

And neither NGD or GameSamba seems interested in fixing the critical issues like the long-term effects on player retention, especially of new players. The grind is still kind of rediculous compared to other, comptemporary MMOs that English players are used to (even if its easy for some who are used to "Grinder MMOs"). Its not really fun to join a game where you have to be a certain level to enjoy the action, your quests only last until level 30 which is 3% of the total XP curve, and people are killing you while you try to grind not only in warzone, but also in your "safe" inner realm on a daily basis and you only do 10 damage to them while taking 600+ normal hits.

The game just seems completely random and haphazard to me now. And the frequent invasions highlight every single problem in the worst ways possible.

Last edited by Kitsunie; 05-14-2012 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 05-14-2012, 01:32 PM   #9
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I was a slight bit too negative in my previous post, I'll admit, but for months those in Raven were just fine with constantly and effortlessly invading Ignis and Syrtis for the sake of WM coins. I can't criticise them for that - I participated in invasions too. What I can't tolerate is those from Alsius Raven now complaining because they're receiving a fraction of what they dished out.

I know that the Alsius Horus players haven't had it easy, I've participated in invasions there, too. However, I can't help but think that they partly deserve to be invaded. Over half the times I logged into Alsius after Syrtis had been invaded, our force would be sitting at Aggersborg Save waiting for Imperia to be attacked, instead of camping Imperia. Then when our forts were taken, our forces would all be going to different forts in twos and threes and achieving nothing. We'd also make several mistakes during Vulnerability too numerous to name. I'm not sure if this is because of a complete lack of morale or the inability of basic thought.

I don't mean to say that Alsius Horus always play poorly during invasions, sometimes they played very well... but just sometimes.

So, like I said in my previous post, maybe Alsius deserves to continuously be invaded until it can learn to properly fend off an invasion and work in a team. If it causes a few people to rage-quit Alsius, good. I don't want to be in a realm with those who must be on the winning side and bitch if they aren't.

Adrestia ~ Kellie ~ Deionarra

Last edited by Tenel_Ka; 05-14-2012 at 01:46 PM. Reason: I was being too negative again.
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Old 05-14-2012, 04:43 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Tenel_Ka View Post
What I can't tolerate is those from Alsius Raven now complaining because they're receiving a fraction of what they dished out.

Over half the times I logged into Alsius after Syrtis had been invaded, our force would be sitting at Aggersborg Save waiting for Imperia to be attacked, instead of camping Imperia.
Sorry for just highlighting a small part of your post, but...

What they dished out? Alsius did thesame as ignis did in horus, invade at night with superiour numbers, however, just like ignis horus, they could not farm all day, or invade at other times, in this case, syrtis can invade at almost any time of the day, and farm at any given time / kill other realms bosses at random times.

So you're saying, if alsius doesn't want to be invaded, they'll just have to sit at their castle each day for hours? That's even more boring and less fun as being invaded, maybe you should think about taking the root of the problem (huge numerical disbalance) instead of trying to cover the problem with other stuff.
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52

One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight
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