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Old 11-16-2012, 09:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
@OP: It sounds like in the near future we're going to have that place for mid level players you want. I've heard things about instances, perhaps for specific level ranges, coming soon.
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Old 11-17-2012, 01:00 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
Let's see what the community has to say about this issue, maybe you guys have an idea for this?
More EP for killing players. Ideally you should get the same experience for a certain time spend killing players and mobs, not sure if that’s doable though. Sure, there’s the risk of it being exploited, but it’s worth risking it. And what can happen? Worst possible outcome is some cheaters get some levels for a bit less work, there’s more risk involved with creating new items, which doesn’t seem to bother you that much. ;-)

You could even let players become less and less exp the more they’ve got via PvP on that day, kinda fatigue like. Same system could be applied to warmaster coins, too, because those quests suck.

You simply can’t create any good PvE content, you can’t create enough quests, and even the quests you’ve got are by today’s standards, pardon me, crap. You need PvP if you want a decent game. It is a risk for revenue*, of course, but one of the many things that pay off (would have paid off) in the long term. I think I already mentioned all of this 3 years ago, but who cares. :P

*so far you don’t even have PvP only boosters, or any booster that works decently for PvP, so don’t complain, lol. I think it would be reasonable to pay for, well, not saving time when grinding but for having fun while doing so.
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Old 11-17-2012, 03:44 AM   #13
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You could also have some WZ related content that is non-confrontational. (well, potentially, because you could run into a hunter or group lead by hunter's tracks at anytime)

Something like taking a quest to go scout a key location in the WZ. When you get to the area, you have to remain there for something like 30 seconds to "scout" it, and then have to run back. This might be something for upper-mid level players, but if someone gets lucky and doesn't run into enemy groups, they could potentially complete it at a lower level.

Something like, "go to X, stay within 50m of X for Y Seconds, then come back" These could potentially be repeatable as well, so maybe they would be something for the task board system. The location doesn't necessarily have to be a fort (though it could be) they could also be places like the graveyard, or the ruined house, stonehenge, or the markets (not CS market since it's too close to save and you'd get caught immediately)

Or, as another thought, get a quest to go to a certain place, and you have to hold the place with your group for X number of minutes. These could be open locations like orc camps, or bridges, grinding areas, etc. This could also help promote open-field RvR or Group vs. Group. If you get killed, then you have to hope for a ressurect, or run back to the point within a certain time or before the "timer" runs out for holding the position, maybe. If you manage to stay alive and hold the position, you get maybe RP and XP for doing the quest. Maybe a random "special" piece of equipment as a reward.

There should also be a certain amount of dynamic to the "hold point" type of quest. If the realm with the quest is to hold an area in an enemy realm, that enemy realm should have a quest in turn to go repel the intruders. If the point gets held, maybe this promotes a small bonus to your allies, and a small malus to the enemy that failed to hold the point (fort doors slightly weaker, or fewer guards/weaker guards or something) If the point is lost, then there is no bonus or malus, but the quest is considered failed, and disappears from the log. Neither side gets any bonus or malus, but the quest may be attempted again at another randomized location. (bridges, orc camps, ruins, named areas on the map, etc.)

These kinds of quests might help spread the population around as well so it's not always a zerg farming a fort, and this would help promote groups against groups as well.

Also, if two different realms get a quest to hold the same point, then the groups would have to basically fight it out as a "last man standing" kinda situation. If both realms manage to keep their members in the location, then both complete the quest successfully, unless the intruded upon realm manages to flush both groups out, of course. Which, if both realms succeed in holding the point, this would imply a double-malus for the 3rd realm, which is really bad. So the 3rd realm would be encouraged to take a good sized army to flush both groups out.

Of course, this is all very complex, but I'm merely brainstorming. Perhaps a simplified version could be designed or something.
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Old 11-17-2012, 06:10 AM   #14
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May I suggest a contest where us players are challenged to create quests or a string of quests to fill the void between level 30 and level 60?

The reward should be something symbolic such as some scrolls or a box. And I say "symbolic" because if the game gets enriched with new interesting elements that encourage people to play is a good thing!
-Akaichi - Level 16 (female) Gremlin Warlock
-Aoichi - Level 48 (female) Blue Goat Conjurer
-Shiroichi - Level 30 (male) Gremlin Barbarian
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Old 11-17-2012, 07:00 AM   #15
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You could create a quest line for levels 30-60. One quest per level, 30 quests total. Each quest gives 20% of the total exp needed to level up that specific level.
Momentary, I'm leveling a new character in Ignis ... It's just too hard to get level 30 up to 40. Skills are too low for leveling and there are too few quests.

Would be very nice, if something gets changed!
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Old 11-17-2012, 08:13 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
When Chilko.. When!!

Give us a date, and yes you can use both synonyms I would like both !
Looking for an old Magna Long Bow in Haven Alsius. PM me here if selling !
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Old 11-17-2012, 08:49 AM   #17
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[QUOTE=bunglehaze;1666997]...Oh, one final thing. Where are the good drops? At level 29 I was still using a level 16 staff, gloves and hat, nothing better came up during 13 levels - that is crazy! QUOTE]

That's the big problem nowadays. In the past you could get some nice drops every now and day when grinding. Some time after the wm expansion drop rate was diminish to 0.0001. The only way you can now get decent gear is through commerce (tab), and then only if you pay with magnanites (and I am talking about hundreds of them). Alas at the AH most of the items (specially for lvl +50) are pretty worthless. Of course you can buy diamond lucky boxes to get nice gear. For that you have to buy ximerin with real money.

Last edited by Monthser; 11-17-2012 at 12:00 PM.
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Old 11-17-2012, 08:53 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by cokyy View Post
When Chilko.. When!!
New expansion in December SNT (standard NGD time), for conversion to normal time add ~one month.
Winning a fight doesn't make you a good player, having fun losing one does.

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Old 11-17-2012, 09:57 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
Of course you can buy platina boxes to get good gear. For that you have to buy ximerin with real money.
Of course I read this as platyna boxes...
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Old 11-17-2012, 10:45 AM   #20
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NGD need to stick to their strengths in this matter. What we all love about this game and what keeps us coming back is the PvP aspect of this game. It is unique and unlike any other game I have played. For this reason I would say that all PvE should stop around level 45 and leveling through PvP made easier after that point. A bigger variety of PvP quests as suggested above. More premium ways to speed it up. More PvP content. Instances will help a great deal because lower levels won't be afraid of being blown up by level 60's. Fix the armour system so lower levels could be a little more effective in the warzone.
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