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Old 03-25-2013, 03:53 PM   #21
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RA <> Haven. Populations are different and this changes picture alot. Maybe on RA dragon can make a difference and help any of the realms invade easier, but in Haven where number imbalance is bad is for me a fun breaker.

Protect relics. Attacker can have 20+ and you let's say 5. Protect it...well IMPOSSIBRU!

Actually i do not see what this dragon do on gate. Why dragon ffs...what it have to do there. If dragon is needed spawn defenders dragon too and make them fight each other so both realms have a show.

I know dragon is big and badass, but at least make it less deadly and killable, so if defenders manage to stop first wave they have a chance to kill it and make things easier for them.
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Old 03-25-2013, 04:09 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post

Protect relics. Attacker can have 20+ and you let's say 5. Protect it...well IMPOSSIBRU!
I agree with u in that, but i dont think removing the dragon is the solution. Relics should be blocked in low population times or smth like that..

As i said, the invasion system is fine (for me) the problem is when the invasor realm capture ur forts with 3x or 4x more people than the defending realm..
Jorge Segundo (RA) entre otros..
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Old 03-25-2013, 04:16 PM   #23
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Placing a BULLY(dragon) to beat defenders is a DIRTY workaround of the whole problem. Leave players to invade of their own - dragons, guard captains are mistake.

I managed to get your relics - so it proves i'm stronger, why i do not have a dragon which makes me even stronger...perfect logic...

I do not see why we need an NPC bullies to help us. Cmoon.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
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Old 03-25-2013, 05:01 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by jorgeseg View Post
I agree with u in that, but i dont think removing the dragon is the solution. Relics should be blocked in low population times or smth like that..

As i said, the invasion system is fine (for me) the problem is when the invasor realm capture ur forts with 3x or 4x more people than the defending realm..
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Old 03-25-2013, 08:08 PM   #25
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(strikeout)I like the idea of a timer on the gate to release the gems, but by the nature of growing defense, perhaps a 15min. timer rather than a full half hour.(strikeout)
The gate run through actually gives lower population realms an advantage they would lose if the gates had to be capped. I remove my prior statement. Keep the gates as they are.

The person who talked about the goat invasion on Ignis was wrong, we failed to get the Yellow Gem but have (or had) all other gems.

In defending (or even attacking) there is something called a 'green wave.' This is when the numbers of lower level toons so overwhelms higher level toons that they go down to the death of a thousand papercuts. There should never be twenty invading and only 5 defending an inner realm, maybe 20 L60's attacking but the low level toons can and should be involved making a defense, even if it is just to get a kick in.

It isn't as easy to get the gems out as some of you are making it out to be. The only way to succeed in this is to have the invading force to stay together and to keep control of several choke points in the WZ and enough control at the gates to get back out of them.

That third realm cannot support invaded realm is just not true. Gelfs ruined the chances of getting the Yellow gem by flanking the force that was attempting to resecure the Ignis Gate so the gem could get out. The third realm still plays a part, as it should. Flanking is an age-old tactic that works.

It takes a lot of time to get the relics and to get your relics back you must have the castle they go into secured, so not defending a relicless castle makes that realm vulnerable to invasion. By holding the enemy's castle you make it so they cannot get their relics back to safety. The mounted relic move is a two-edged sword, sure it makes it easy to get a relic from the enemy but it also makes it easier to get one back, making treading relics happen more often. Remember there are choke-points that can be taken advantage of. Play smart.

Numbers of one realm vs another is not the advantage most make it out to be. Great players plus great group tactics often win over numbers. this can be seen time and again in RL history and does apply in game, as well. L2P!

Realm strength tends to shift over time, so one realm being at a disadvantage is temporary. With the influx of Steam players, the near future of Realm strength is up in the air. As far as numbers disparity is concerned the game can give bonuses to the less populated realm that is posted on the character creation screen, encouraging new players to choose the underpopulated realm. Any more than this is trying to frame a house with a sledge hammer.

The dragon stomp does alert people of all realms to a big fight coming and many people who are leveling alts know to log onto their Mains to get into the war. Timers displayed in the game are for lazy players that can't use a clock. We all know how much time the dragon stays and how long the gate remains down, etc. Having a clock next to your puter is a no-brainer. Stop asking for the game to give you a binky and grow up.

As far as newb-slaughtering during invasions is concerned, when I first started playing we were invaded. A successful invasion does not hang around to slaughter newbs but runs from goal to goal and gets out fast. Any newb deaths are due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time, but time moves on and that place becomes safe again. To good players it just gives them a reason to level so they can get revenge. The whiners that rage-quit because they get run over by an invasion are not the types of players that I want beside of me in the end-game anyway. It is these whiners that ruin every single game that the dev's start catering to.

I do agree that eliminating the negative wish on another realm is a good idea. For the godly one-person enhancement, I think that to get that wish it should perhaps take another step to open up then give one such item to each class rather than just a single one that ends up going only to a couple of classes when gotten leaving others always with nothing.

And fix the Dragon Bugs. sheesh!

Last edited by Krungle; 03-29-2013 at 05:26 AM.
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Old 03-25-2013, 09:31 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Hopeakettu View Post
I made a post about this system in the spanish section and Frosk answered that thing wasnt something automatic, it was just a DEVs tool to block relics if necessary (i supose in case of glitchs or some realm bugging or smth like that)
Jorge Segundo (RA) entre otros..
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Old 03-26-2013, 02:03 AM   #27
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I agree with Krungle that there is room for tactics. This is why I think it is an improvement on the old invasions which was quite limited in scope. This one provides more balance but, its weakness remains weak population. Weak population will break any non scalable mechanism in any MMO.

But a few things need improvement.

1. The dragon, its damage and the length of time it stays should be examined. For example, should the dragon exist for invasions on devastated realms ?

2. A mechanism should exist that allows defenders to bypass the dragon in the event the gem goes. A simple solution could be to have a new WM defensive teleport location only during invasion time.

3. Portal wishes could be improved and minor benefits gained for gathering each gem .

4. More rewards for invading and a reward for successfully defending. Like I wrote above, frivolous invasions that fail would gift benefits to the defenders.

5. More emphasis placed on cities and sacking them to gain the loot and gems.

6, an improved role for the 3rd wheel realm other than sneaking in to gather nobles. If you want to keep the action end to end and more invasions, encourage the third realm to attack the invaders at home when they are plundering.

7. The mechanics of the door needs to be examined again. Breaking the doors without capping, drastically reduces the options for the defenders (especially if they are less) and drastically increases the chances of the invaders. I doubt this is what NGD intended.
Who knows, the fix might be that you have to cap the gate to be able to pass the inner door. I think the mechanism should always allow for the defender to be able to re spawn a gate once their inner perimeter has been breached. It could lead to very interesting battles other than stalkered /speed boosted runs to get out.
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Old 03-26-2013, 03:37 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by trulyem View Post
2. Has to face 70 enemies at the same time and risk of getting killed by the Dragon.
70 Enemies... ! The entire population of Alsius is 70
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Old 03-27-2013, 01:22 PM   #29
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Tired of whining. NGD never really think and cares anyway. But I do thank all those who responded in this thread. Good suggestions all in all.

NGD is also One Sided by nature. It will take 3 years until invasion becomes logical and interesting again.
When luck rans out, I die.
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Old 03-28-2013, 11:05 PM   #30
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As I have already posted my ideas in another thread over in suggestions, I will link to it here.


Please read this, I believe my ideas have merit.
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