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Old 11-22-2013, 06:15 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Frosk View Post
List of changes updated.
Any statement on Barb changes? Would like to see some things "nerfed" also CC adjusted for all classes.

I'm sure you guys have some balance ideas roaming around the air over there, mind sharing it with the community?
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Old 11-22-2013, 07:22 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post
Any statement on Barb changes? Would like to see some things "nerfed" also CC adjusted for all classes.

I'm sure you guys have some balance ideas roaming around the air over there, mind sharing it with the community?
You are thinking from a knight side. IMO spells duration is ok, except for the darkness 5 abusers, and maybe roar...

Barbs damage isnt a huge problem too, only fully bossgeared and overpowered players but thats not only barbs problem.. happens also on some hunters and marxs..

What NGD should fix is the stack of some spells. As someone posted before, roars shouldnt stack, neither does kick nor BoW and so on... Thats an annoying problem in war in any aspect of the warzone.
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Old 11-22-2013, 07:32 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by jorgeseg View Post
You are thinking from a knight side. IMO spells duration is ok, except for the darkness 5 abusers, and maybe roar...

Barbs damage isnt a huge problem too, only fully bossgeared and overpowered players but thats not only barbs problem.. happens also on some hunters and marxs..

What NGD should fix is the stack of some spells. As someone posted before, roars shouldnt stack, neither does kick nor BoW and so on... Thats an annoying problem in war in any aspect of the warzone.
No, I speak from a barb side, I can two hit a knight if I catch him off guard with Fulm. Any sane barb knows we don't need fulm. We can all agree that it makes no sense to be stunned for more than 7 seconds. If you think barbs are fine, I think you should play them more. Why doesn't a barb use 2h weapons anymore?

My huge problem is CC's in this game, they're too damn long. Why does someone have to be dizzy for more than 5 seconds, and knocked down. Why does MS remove all buffs, why is darkness more than 20 seconds?(even that shit is long). Reality of it is, this game isn't too forgiven unless you resist.

They're changing some warlock spells fine, hopefully it's more damage rather than DoTs.

Gear is one thing, but spell balance is another thing.
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Old 11-22-2013, 09:04 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post

My huge problem is CC's in this game, they're too damn long. Why does someone have to be dizzy for more than 5 seconds, and knocked down.

I think u playing too much gw2. Spells effects and duration is a part of this game.. what would a lock do with a 5s freeze, no will domain, 5s time master and so.. Would hunters even have a chance of a 2v1 with a 6s dist shot? what about those 6 v 3 fight that the 3 dudes can win thanks to their 6-7s meteors, roars, freezes and stuff? Even talking about bigger numbers.

I think most of the spells' duration got nerfed enough, some spells just need to get a longer cd to avoid the retarded spam of some of them, u know, basically ms fulm and winter stroke. Plus some class-redistribution of some spells -like what happened with feint- would be good, specially on the archer class, and ofc a slight change on some spell efects (ms).
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Old 11-22-2013, 09:36 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by jorgeseg View Post
I think u playing too much gw2. Spells effects and duration is a part of this game.. what would a lock do with a 5s freeze, no will domain, 5s time master and so.. Would hunters even have a chance of a 2v1 with a 6s dist shot? what about those 6 v 3 fight that the 3 dudes can win thanks to their 6-7s meteors, roars, freezes and stuff? Even talking about bigger numbers.

I think most of the spells' duration got nerfed enough, some spells just need to get a longer cd to avoid the retarded spam of some of them, u know, basically ms fulm and winter stroke. Plus some class-redistribution of some spells -like what happened with feint- would be good, specially on the archer class, and ofc a slight change on some spell efects (ms).
Why should a hunter be able to win a 2v1? Why should people win a 6v3?
5s freeze sounds decent to me.

Spell effect and duration is a part of gw2 too ^^ doesn't mean it should disable you and force you to watch the whole fight aka 15 sec stun 12 sec freeze. CC with such long durations make the game stale and boring. How is it fun to get knocked for 14 sec by a knight? or 15 sec by a barb? (like you would ever survive that tho). And what makes you think that this is really needed?

I use all CC level 1 and i don't think i do that bad...
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Old 11-23-2013, 12:08 AM   #96
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did you boost my hunter?
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Old 11-23-2013, 02:09 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by jorgeseg View Post
If they nerfed CC duration of course they'll adjust duration to fit it. My whole deal is we die in one chain.

Does it not bother anyone that a barb can kill anyone with a successful kick 4? That's all they need, one lvl 4 kick and above and you're dead.

Hunters/Marks, with dis shot 5 is enough time to make all their CC's CD for a next wave of the same spells. Roar 5 allows a barb to kill a person while their partner sits their watching, shit even can kill him too with a lvl 5 rage of the earth.

The only class that I believe is balanced atm is marksman, the problem is they benefit too much from OP gear.

Ideally, I try to see the game based on RvR and not PvP.

It's like Skit said, a knight and barb can keep you knocked on the ground for 15 seconds+ bullshit right? You can't even do anything.

Hopefully they give Warlocks more damage spells it's what I'm wishing, and is why I suggest a CC change.

FYI at least GW2 got it right in terms of CC balance.
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Old 11-23-2013, 07:45 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post
Ideally, I try to see the game based on RvR and not PvP.
Well, your next sentence doesn't seem to be approving this ^^

Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post
Does it not bother anyone that a barb can kill anyone with a successful kick 4? That's all they need, one lvl 4 kick and you're dead.
If we look at it from the RvR side there are most likely allies around that may help you, a mage with a dispel, a knight with a PA, heroic, SW and archers with distract /freeze.
PvP wise of course you're right, tho the barb has to reach her target first to kill and all classes have the tools to either keep distance from her or use defensive skills such as PB and defensive stance or AoO as a knight for instance to avoid death... Conjus have steel skin, locks have slow, archers SOTW (tho it'd really need some rework 'cause it sucks as it is right now ).

It's all about well timing, so if you're clever enough in a PvP you can avoid barbs two-hit-kills, if you fight at a fort you have to rely on your allies, simple .

I really wouldn't like to see things getting nerfed on, instead of that I'd buff things up just for once for gods sake, it might be working miracles...
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Old 11-23-2013, 04:58 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
Well, your next sentence doesn't seem to be approving this ^^

If we look at it from the RvR side there are most likely allies around that may help you, a mage with a dispel, a knight with a PA, heroic, SW and archers with distract /freeze.
PvP wise of course you're right, tho the barb has to reach her target first to kill and all classes have the tools to either keep distance from her or use defensive skills such as PB and defensive stance or AoO as a knight for instance to avoid death... Conjus have steel skin, locks have slow, archers SOTW (tho it'd really need some rework 'cause it sucks as it is right now ).

It's all about well timing, so if you're clever enough in a PvP you can avoid barbs two-hit-kills, if you fight at a fort you have to rely on your allies, simple .

I really wouldn't like to see things getting nerfed on, instead of that I'd buff things up just for once for gods sake, it might be working miracles...
If you go that way, there are most likely allies around with whom you should chain your cc not one single guy cc you to death without any afford.

And really SW, HP, etc...? MS spammers like you should know better. Also there is not a dispel for every single CC that skill got cd too.
But most warrior can't even do a simple knock + immobilze/dizzy combo, that's why they need super long knocks.
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Old 11-23-2013, 07:40 PM   #100
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I was only reacting on the "omg, barbs are to OP nerf 'em hurr durr" part. /me iz exaggerate a bit .

As I already said it, if you doing a PvP you have the tools (all subclass) to keep distance /avoid fast death from a barb - then fight back, and once you go to war you also should be capable of co-op with your allies /rely on them to survive a barb rushing at you ...
Barbs are fine, they lost feint already and they're the killing machines after all, tho they might have too much defense compared to their damage output.
I don't say give back berserk's armor penalty but something should be done about this IMO.
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