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Old 05-21-2014, 04:22 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Barreln View Post
Lol. A Poll at the Forum.
When i would ask at our realmchat "who did vote on the poll to remove relic lock again" then the next Question would in best case be " Is there a Forum?"

You dont think that such a Poll is really reliable to all Players what log on a few times, i know from syrtis that they are maybe 5-10 ppls what read sometimes here, but less what really check it regular or write here.

I saw the Situation as it was, it been some more Players around, but they did not do more War, but that was once because there still did more Players play, but this one did anyway no War. When you tried to get a group, you could not more or less one as its today. There been always more lowlevels inside the realm to level but not really Peoples at the Warzone. Where should they even come from. They came later, at US Time afternoon, but been not here the whole day.

And as i said, the invasion did happen during noon time for 3 hours, Alsius had a zerg, Ignis had Zero Peoples on, and YOU try to tell, there was more War when you simple dont have a chance on a Fort. Sure sure. Dream on.
Most players know that there's a forum. It's their choice whether to participate.

The fact is, before relic lock, we had more action during the same times. Yes, even though lot of times it was one realm raping the others - it's still way better than having no realm action at all. Plus it ruins wars on weekends and EU afternoons, when there actually are players around.

Anyway, we're just repeating the same arguments over and over again. Simply, we have different perspectives and expectations.
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Old 05-22-2014, 04:07 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
Most players know that there's a forum. It's their choice whether to participate.

The fact is, before relic lock, we had more action during the same times. Yes, even though lot of times it was one realm raping the others - it's still way better than having no realm action at all. Plus it ruins wars on weekends and EU afternoons, when there actually are players around.

Anyway, we're just repeating the same arguments over and over again. Simply, we have different perspectives and expectations.
Seriously, i even can not really say right now, if there more or less then the half from all this new faces know, there is a forum or even care if there is one.

Sure its her choice, but it doesnt make the poll more reliable as it is now.
Then claiming this poll is is the majority is simple nonsense. It doesnt make it more true, if they only have a " choice" but didnt vote.
79 Votes, 50 from it from alsius?

And no, i still know from the past, that there was never any big Action at the Wz during noon-afternoon time EU from syrtis or ignis. There been some lows at the realm around, what leveled her chars and you could chat with them, and few higher levels what did go to the Invasions, but even reported there, that Ignis was empty. It was more then one time, where we did help them to hold the gem beause both sides had to less, and that was over months.
Its not different today, its the same less population and few low-levels what level at this time, even more less, as it was and anyone who have seen that, knows its true.

I also still remeber the time very well after few Days/weeks as the relic lock came, that Alisus still did cap Forts, liked to farm there with her zergs, the Forts still been not retaken over hours, because there simple been not enough Peoples on. It was the same situation as it was before the lock time.
Not because there was now a lock, but because there been simple no Peoples online anymore from that one, what maybe been the mass at the past around this time.

Lock time at weekend changing, yes, maybe only the half lock time, but starting at the same time as usual, only ends earlier, because it then falls into a time where the Peoples from the US time zone can slowly come on, even, that its not everywhere normal to have at Weekend 2 Days free. That would need to be tested. My Opinion.

But not like Irish at he Poll thread thinks, remove/change it again all days, that it exactly ends at the EU noon time, where the most are again in alsius online,
because its the same situation as it was before.
When i read through some of this threads and erstwhile gamesamba, then its as usual the same one sided solution as it allways comes from Alsius Peoples, in particular the one, what fits them best. Anyway I think, i do my further posts at the Poll thread if i do any.
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Old 05-22-2014, 06:22 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Barreln View Post
Ok, got it, hear ya' loud & clear, Mr. Biased Partisan. It's alright for gelfs to petition NGD on their realm's behalf for whatever desired rules or changes that will most directly benefit THEM atm; yet it's NOT ok for Alsius to do the same exact thing.

Further, it's entirely ok for Ignis & Syrtis to have relic-&-gem capture opportunities at THEIR relative peak population times; oh, but it's NOT ok for Alsius to have the same opportunity during it's (previous) relative peak time (EU afternoons/USA mornings).

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
No matter how you choose to try & spin this, many, if not most, in your realm like & want it easier & actively advocate on these forums near-constantly for various rules & mechanics changes that will directly benefit Syrtis in it's current status on Haven ... very few players with any common sense bother to take what most such naked-partisans say anymore as serious discussion, as the suggestions they make are transparently realm-biased or totally meaningless semantics intended to derail & detour ... a total waste of time, not fair at all, not balanced in the slightest & distinctly not objective, rational overview-assessment of where this game actually is in reality or needs to be going in the future...

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
...ANYthing that overcomplicates, limits or discourages war in a RvR WARgame is just plain stupid.
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Last edited by Lebeau; 05-22-2014 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 05-22-2014, 07:53 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Ok, got it, hear ya' loud & clear, Mr. Biased Partisan. It's alright for gelfs to petition NGD on their realm's behalf for whatever desired rules or changes that will most directly benefit THEM atm; yet it's NOT ok for Alsius to do the same exact thing.

Further, it's entirely ok for Ignis & Syrtis to have relic-&-gem capture opportunities at THEIR relative peak population times; oh, but it's NOT ok for Alsius to have the same opportunity during it's (previous) relative peak time (EU afternoons/USA mornings).
Lmao. Since you admit it, that your intention its only an advantage for Alsius, then there is nothing more to say. I rest my case.
You showed your Face Lebeau, and its not a nice one.
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Old 05-22-2014, 08:40 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Barreln View Post
The pool took place on the forum, and that's how it is. I never argued, that the majority of players voted, but a trend is clearly shown - most voting players are for removing relic lock. Even if more players voted, the result would most likely be the same. That's statistics.

In the next part you contradict yourself. You state, that there was never much action during eu noon/afternoon time, and then you say that you remember, when alsius used to take forts and join action during relic lock.. Just sayin'

The point is, that relic lock decreases player activity. That's a fact we all can agree on. It's true that there is a server downtime, when there's not much action, but with relic lock there's even less.

I never cared about loosing gems too much. As far as there's some action. If Alsius has enough people on and invades us, that's fine with me. At least I can get a few kills and hunt in inner realm. That's enough action to keep me entertained.
Sitting at cs or hunting few grinders in deserted warzone on the other hand side... meh

There are many other ways to prevent a overpop realm from farming others. Some are drastic, some are not. It needs to be tested if they will work, or not. However, that's not the topic of this thread, so I won't go into this.

In my honest opinion, relic lock has not been as successful as intended. It prevented the "zerg vs. few" situations, but killed most action during its time. That was not the intention of it. Big part of this is the flawed timing of the lock

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Old 05-22-2014, 09:47 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
The pool took place on the forum, and that's how it is. I never argued, that the majority of players voted, but a trend is clearly shown - most voting players are for removing relic lock. Even if more players voted, the result would most likely be the same. That's statistics.
Oh no, that's just not truth. I can imagine those players who are 'rage angry' about relic lock will vote much more likely than those who think 'it's ok how it is'. Truth to be said, the poll really doesnt say much about opinions of all players.

But still, it shows the opinions of those who voted - everyone has a chance to vote.
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Old 05-22-2014, 09:49 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
Oh no, that's just not truth. I can imagine those players who are 'rage angry' about relic lock will vote much more likely than those who think 'it's ok how it is'. Truth to be said, the poll really doesnt say much about opinions of all players.

But still, it shows the opinions of those who voted - everyone has a chance to vote.
You are right, I didn't see it quite that way.
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Old 05-22-2014, 09:58 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
In the next part you contradict yourself. You state, that there was never much action during eu noon/afternoon time, and then you say that you remember, when alsius used to take forts and join action during relic lock.. Just sayin'
O really. Please learn to understand what you read, then you dont need to make answers like that.
About what do i talking about the whole time? About that Alsius was the only one realm what was the most during noon time.
THEY been the only Realm what was active, and all others not.

What is so hard to get on that or only an bad attempt to twist my words. I dont wanna now again repeat all what i did allready write above, until you maybe get it.
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Old 05-22-2014, 10:08 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Barreln View Post
O really. Please learn to understand what you read, then you dont need to make answers like that.
About what do i talking about the whole time? About that Alsius was the only one realm what was the most during noon time.
They BEEN the only Realm what are active, and all others not.

What is so hard to get on that or only an bad attempt to twist my words. I dont wanna now again repeat all what i did allready write above, until you maybe get it.
My apologies, if that's what you wanted to say, I take my words back. The truth is, I have some troubles trying to understand you - english is not my native language either.

Alsius has not always been the overpopulated realm, and I do remember both syrtis and ignis pulling of successful invasions during relic lock times. Not only once, but for several weeks in a row.

Relic lock was introduced to stop invasions targeted on empty realms. The outcome was, that all realms are empty. Is that really an improvement?

From your posts I feel a particular disdain towards Alsirians. Even though I'm playing Ignis, I don't see why they should not be able to invade us, if they have the numbers.. As I said before, I rather face off an invasion than sit at cs.

Anyway, NGD just made an announcement, that relic lock will be removed in future version, and invasion mechanics modified. Therefore I don't see any point in continuing this discussion.

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Old 05-22-2014, 11:52 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
My apologies, if that's what you wanted to say, I take my words back. The truth is, I have some troubles trying to understand you - english is not my native language either.
Ok accepted. I found the Post too, it doesnt say a lot right now, but we will see, if it can make again more balance or keep players.

I have heared that too, that syrtis did dominate a long time, like ignis did too,
but the past was not that great anymore, that there did build up a more stable playerbase over time. I saw couple coming until her temporary mount disappeared, some did then buy some but some leave again, or leveled to 60, and then i did not really see them anymore.
I think the reasons are different that peoples leave, mainly i think they go at other games too, some dont play games more then a year or less and only come sometimes back.
Well we will see, how it will look like.
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