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Old 07-09-2015, 09:37 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Sentan View Post
Ofc it won't be spammable in 1v1 but when you have x conjs behind you... conjs always spam synergy bond on barbs :> even if barbs are full lol.
Well, can't say anything more here than you're wrong. There aren't that many conjurers to give all your knights and barbs mana for MS in case it would cost 450mana.

If they'd change it like this, I'm 100% sure the situation would be much much better.
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Old 07-09-2015, 09:53 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
If they'd change it like this, I'm 100% sure the situation would be much much better.
Every single nerf will make it better, I agree. But still you are able to dispel all enemy buffs in one hit. You know how this game works... everyone spam 1000 buffs before every fight... doesn't matter what class you play If defensive support won't work against MOD or howl (thanks to RNG and this lottery :P) i'm pretty dead on my knight... after single MS... and I cannot avoid this during fort wars. The only reason for me why MS can still exist in game is DI. If they will nerf or remove DI they can do the same with MS. Both spells are poorly designed.


My suggestions:
  • MS: Dispel Positive Powers (temporarily) for 3s, 4s, 6s, 8s, 10s; chance 100%; increase cooldown from 40s to 70s; global cd: very long; blunt damage: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 (remove +100% attack damage; it would be too op with 100% chance:P)
  • DI: duration 5, 8, 11, 16, 20; cd 50 :P
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Last edited by Sentan; 07-09-2015 at 10:07 PM.
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Old 07-09-2015, 10:00 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
Well, it's same as warlock you can't avoid getting killed by DI barb. If a DI barb catches warlock, his only hope is help of his allies. I believe, that MS on barbs should work same way. That means, you can't avoid it still, but a knight/conj can help you.
But support to what extent? If a warlock survives the DI barb attack, he can be healed and instantly be ready to fight again.
It doesn't matter if the barb survives or not in the MS scenario, either way he is out of the fight at least until he can buff again.

Both DI and MS need to be adjusted.
My suggestion for DI:
Dur - 15s
CD - 65s
Effect - Immunity to non-damaging powers, +12% armor bonus, +5% main attribute

My suggestion for MS:
Mana - 230
Effect - 75% weapon damage, dispels all ally given buffs (DI, SW, MW etc), -15 const
Dur(-15 const) - 25s
CD - 65s

Both of these are level 5
WM barb WM marx WM conj WM knight 60 lock
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Old 07-09-2015, 10:08 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Sentan View Post
But still you are able to dispel all enemy buffs in one hit.
Yes, this aspect would stay...But as I already wrote, the main problem isn't its effect(which is strong indeed) but the fact it's spammed. One succesfull MS in one fort fight shoudln't kill you always, no matter what you play.

And anyone who gets killed by 1 succesfull MS every time is just playing too risky.
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Old 07-09-2015, 10:14 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
But support to what extent? If a warlock survives the DI barb attack, he can be healed and instantly be ready to fight again.
It doesn't matter if the barb survives or not in the MS scenario, either way he is out of the fight at least until he can buff again.
Yes, but this is the problem because it's possible to spam it!

Imagine you'd get 1-2 succesfull MS in one fortbattle lasting lets say 20minutes. Then, the downside of having to wait to buff isn't any terrible.

It is a problem, if you buff, go outside from fort and get MSed. You wait inside to buff and be able to play again, and you go out and get MSed again. Yes, that's horny shit.
But the problem is mostly that idiots spam it on you, not the effect itself.
Same shit would happen with MoD if it had 40 seconds cooldown and 200mana cost.
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Old 07-09-2015, 10:47 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
But support to what extent? If a warlock survives the DI barb attack, he can be healed and instantly be ready to fight again.
It doesn't matter if the barb survives or not in the MS scenario, either way he is out of the fight at least until he can buff again.

Both DI and MS need to be adjusted.
My suggestion for DI:
Dur - 15s
CD - 65s
Effect - Immunity to non-damaging powers, +12% armor bonus, +5% main attribute

My suggestion for MS:
Mana - 230
Effect - 75% weapon damage, dispels all ally given buffs (DI, SW, MW etc), -15 const
Dur(-15 const) - 25s
CD - 65s

Both of these are level 5
+1 DI should be used only when really needed and not spammed on rushing barb or on conju.

This is the perfect idea, MS can have also -% protection like disabling so it can be used as well in 1vs1 with more mana cost.
THe problem of MS is not only spam but on the fact that it remove all buffs, now i'm rarely using UM just to have chance to run after getting MS'ed (if i notice it). without any buffs and with my poor wm armor i get fucked in 2 or 3 s.
Increasing mana cost won't fix the problem, players that have no skills to use any other usefull spells than abusing MS won't have such mana problem.
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Old 07-09-2015, 11:28 PM   #37
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Mind blank (duh)

because.. it hardly ever blocks when I use it
because.. it always seems to block when others use it
because it wont let me cast ivy 1 !

(pff DI haters.. its so short now conju's actually get confuse'd)
Winter Wolf (hunt) Winter Mage (conju) Winter Strike (knight) Winter's Big Bro (barb)
I used Mind Blank too much, now I'm too dumb to resist anything.
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Old 07-10-2015, 04:34 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Rising_Cold View Post
Mind blank (duh)

because.. it hardly ever blocks when I use it
because.. it always seems to block when others use it
because it wont let me cast ivy 1 !

(pff DI haters.. its so short now conju's actually get confuse'd)
DI is only really a problem on overbuffed barbs because there isn't a counter for it if you're getting kicked in 2 seconds.

Mind blank nerf was bullshit, it forces you to become a walking practice dummy to use it since you can't use half your mental spells to defend yourself or use energy borrow to keep your mana up.

Mind push nerf is bullshit as well, you keep giving everyone more move speed for some reason but nerf slows...

Staff mastery is bullshit...any spells / spell trees that require items or certain items to be effective. Stop pushing the game further to P2W.

Mind squash...

The list goes on...but I'm going to go do something else ^^ Can't say I agree with a lot of the changes lately...
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Old 07-10-2015, 12:01 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
You should watch the experienced players
that's always a good idea!

Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
I have never had huge problem with it.
me neither, i always have to smile seeing someone getting ms-ed, is very funny to watch

Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
Anyway, playing mage is all about positioning
finally you've learned something!

Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
so you probably need improve your skills if you consider this spell too OP.
the thing why i consider this spell to be broken is cause there is nothing you can do against it. to every spell there is a strategy how to deal with it, but with ms the only thing you can do is avoid fighting and that can't really be the idea of a spell

Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
Indeed, it's spammed which isn't good and therefore its parameters need to be adjusted; but its effect isn't significantly more powerfull than other 'OP' spells.
well, it deletes an enemy immediately from a fight which is kinda strong keeping in mind, that there is no counterplay to it

Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
Anyway, since we're on english forums, I would welcome if you'd write in english. English equivalent for 'Aplasta' is Mind Squasher, shorthand MS.
i was assuming that you are a smart guy so i was pretty sure you would understand it and it seems that i was right. but your wish is my command, won't use that term again. hope this small fauxpas won't affect our relationship at all :3
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Old 07-10-2015, 03:19 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Farael View Post
the thing why i consider this spell to be broken is cause there is nothing you can do against it. to every spell there is a strategy how to deal with it, but with ms the only thing you can do is avoid fighting and that can't really be the idea of a spell

well, it deletes an enemy immediately from a fight which is kinda strong keeping in mind, that there is no counterplay to it
As if 3K southcross or roar -> rage of the earth -> bumbum didn't delete the player. Only thing you can do(assuming you are barb) is avoid fighting.

Once you get roared->Rote->bumbumed, it's exactly the same situation as with MS. You can only hope your support is good enough.

Originally Posted by Farael View Post
i was assuming that you are a smart guy so i was pretty sure you would understand it and it seems that i was right. but your wish is my command, won't use that term again. hope this small fauxpas won't affect our relationship at all :3
I'm not that smart, but googletranslate compensates my 56 int
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