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Old 08-21-2015, 09:31 AM   #51
Elva Hunter
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Originally Posted by WhateverUSMC View Post
Not really a complaint, but not really NOT a complaint, either, so please move this as needed.

For me; I hate CONFUSE, especially when I am on support conj. The duration at 3-5 sucks, and it renders me (more) useless. I would be content if the duration was shortened.

Any single spell that can make a player unable to function is, to me, too strong.

I completely disagree with you.

and the reason is simple. those who complain about skills, usually is because dont own proper gameplay to learn about pvp methods. they dont know how to fight, they are lazy and don't want not even pass close of the realm arena to pratice and when get rekt in wz preffer come to forums complain and cry, say that is a problem of the game, instead to admit that is their own faut, but well, the psicology explain that, humans naturaly preffer to say that "is not their faut, well never is their faut, how could it be?"

so if you come to complain about spells, my personal opinion ( very personal ) is that you really dont know how to play properly. At least to come back and kill the mofo if he kill you ( is a game of war, everyone will die/can die, no matter who be ).


somethings deserve a small fix, not a change in the spell, but one small fix and this is not about "oh that spell have a big duration" or "oh that spell is terrible take it out from the game" no. no way, one of the reasons for i stay in RO all this time is because most of the game spells are really very good thought and for all of them have a counter.

so what could be those "small fix" which you talk about elva?.....

Simple dear reader:

one example is the MOD ( master of doom ) is really a very good spell, and i find it beautiful, all the idea from behind this skill is awesome, and i enjoy.

but one little incoherence is found in the fact that this spell works through the "son of the wind"

now lets compare, hunters have only 1 cc spell specifc for their class, and warlocks have 66666. the "only" defense of archers ( hunters and marksmans are together in this cake ) against spells is the son of the wind with a duration of 8 secs.

so ok, locks own one area dizzy of 30 secs, kinda OP which also insta cuts 30 const ( 555 hp for archers, and about 700 + for warriors ) but what IS REALLY NOT FAIR, and even dont make sence, is that the dark aura from the master of doom, works against all the wind flow velocity generated by the son of the wind, placing the archer in dizzy even with sotw active. In my opinion this is really not fair, that aura should be dispeled by the wind speed during the effect of son of the wind. then the lock still could use all the others 22 secs of full dizzy to spam all their "poor" spells which hit about 1000 damage each and kill the mofo archer in 15 secs. still lasting with 7 secs to take a coffe and watch tv. or ofc teabag the "noob"

but this is my personal opinion, change if want make the game win more realistic sense, if dont want change, no problem, ima not die for this, life is hard anyway and we have to adapt to the inconsistencies ).

another thing which really dont make sense is in the sultar terrior casting time. if anyone here never got a sultar from range 35 + in /1.0 or even 0.5 secs, throw the first stone

sultar is a good spell, can be awesome and make a true difference in the war, it does about 600-700 damage plus area knock, but i really dont find razoable allow the locks to use it even in 1v1 without any "hardness", so increase the casting time, to make it be, even under arcane devotion and cs gear, 2.0 secs seems kinda fair, because will give to the poor soul 2 secs to get outside the range 35 and dont get rekt like one ox in the slaughterhouse.
I talk about range 35 because locks as everyone know, usually use the arcane projection to make sultar hit as far ( no problem, i agree with this, if there is one spell which you can use to increase the effect of other, thats good, show that you are "thinking" about the game and ways of fight ) but please DEVs, don't allow the mages to do that in 0.5 secs when they still own 6666 others CC spells to spam.

(again, change if believe that is razoable, if not, again, no problem, i still can come back and camp the mofo save for 3 days till he leave it mounted, and then i can rekt him to pay back )

i know warlocks players who keep crying for more and more power must rage at this comment but this is the true, those spells which i commented above, must exist, i dont care about the duration, but the casting of sultar and the dizzy effect of MOD even under the unic archer spell resist ( sotw ) in my opinion, don't seems much fair and neyther makes sense.

About confu, bullshit, i already took confu 5 from horse and did not died, also i already was gotten by confu 1 and died. I already played with pet less and no confu no camo no cb, only with archer tree spells, and still won 2x me. ( both archers, 1 hunter with pet )
so bro, in a fight we have many variables, but the only thing which can't change is your will of improve your gameplay.

Kind regards

Elva Hunter
"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Last edited by Elva Hunter; 08-21-2015 at 09:45 AM.
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Old 08-21-2015, 10:50 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Elva Hunter View Post
Giant wall of incoherent rambling
This is supposed to be a fun thread, not an in-depth debate on balance. At least, I think that was a post about balance? My eyes started to hurt fairly early in.


On-topic, Precise Block can be frustrating due to all the bugs. When I need it most I can't use it because I was knocked while moving, and I waste important spells on enemy knights because their PB animation bugged.

Here's the obligatory superhero cat with a bonus supervillian cat!


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Old 08-21-2015, 12:27 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Tenel_Ka View Post
On-topic, Precise Block can be frustrating due to all the bugs. When I need it most I can't use it because I was knocked while moving,
This was fixed one update back. Precise block will no longer cancel when casted right after a knock or immobilize.
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Old 08-21-2015, 12:43 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by godismyjudge View Post
This was fixed one update back. Precise block will no longer cancel when casted right after a knock or immobilize.
Really? Gosh, I feel silly now. I've spent the past month moving before PBing... so many needless deaths...

Adding this to reasons I hate PB: Made me look stupid on forums.

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Old 08-21-2015, 03:47 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Elva Hunter View Post
another thing which really dont make sense is in the sultar terrior casting time. if anyone here never got a sultar from range 35 + in /1.0 or even 0.5 secs, throw the first stone
Sultar's range is 30m. No more, no less.
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Old 08-21-2015, 04:58 PM   #56
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The intent of this thread was spells you hate and why (and hopefully cats in funny costumes). You have not convinced me that I do not hate Confuse, so I still hate it.

It is my opinion, and my opinion does not change because someone dislikes it.

Playing ability has nothing to do with it. I hate the spell named Confuse, especially on the higher levels.

o Q o (WM), Martok (WM), Wyatt Earp (53), T'Pol (52), P'Tak (57), Rotarrin (38)
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Old 08-21-2015, 06:55 PM   #57
Elva Hunter
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Originally Posted by WhateverUSMC View Post

The intent of this thread was spells you hate and why (and hopefully cats in funny costumes). You have not convinced me that I do not hate Confuse, so I still hate it.

It is my opinion, and my opinion does not change because someone dislikes it.

Playing ability has nothing to do with it. I hate the spell named Confuse, especially on the higher levels.


ahah sure, your opinion is just that hate the confu, and mine opinion is that there is no reason to hate any spell. Because if you play well you can counter basically all things. moreover, now days everyone use rocks and trees to avoid the full effects of the spells ( champions of tree huggers ), so i really dont think there is a reason for rage at any spell/spell duration. in the end what will make difference is your own ability.

but well, i respect your opinion

Kind regards
"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
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