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View Poll Results: Account-bound gear for transferred characters, Haven to Ra. How do you feel about it?
I'm okay with an account-bound restriction on transfer. 35 47.95%
I'm okay with an account-bound restriction, except I'd like to sell gear to merchants. 4 5.48%
I'd be okay with it if we make the restriction only for epic-level gear and above. 2 2.74%
I'd be okay with it if we make the restriction only for boss gear. 13 17.81%
I've already got toons on Ra, so I don't care about restrictions on gear after transfer. 10 13.70%
Hell, no! If NGD does this, I'm never playing this game again. 9 12.33%
No. I will not transfer my character under those conditions. 19 26.03%
I don't care what NGD does. I left this game a long time ago and I'm never coming back. 3 4.11%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 73. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-23-2018, 06:01 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by ArocaVitelli View Post
I do not agree with the merger of servers. I think it's more than good, the distinction of them.
Apart from this, communities are different and the simple fact of differentiating them by servers is correct.
Easy for you to say that when you probably haven't seen the state of haven
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Old 10-23-2018, 06:02 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Mashu View Post
I think in addition to binding magna and boss items, characters that are transferable should be 60lvl to avoid splitting items to fake accounts for selling whole accounts which was suggested on chats as a walk-around (if NGD decides to bind items).
No thanks. People also play the game as not-level 60s. Not everything is about items you know, put that into your thick skull. You'll push people away from the game completely than let them play with such stupid restrictions.

Also no to magna.
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Old 10-23-2018, 07:12 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by rekkles12 View Post
Boss jewls should be bound i guess but there is no reason to bound magnanite at all ,it's a in game trading currency...
The fact that you're considering magnanite as unofficial game currency gives point to those saying there should be some measure taken on transferring mag/mag items.

How much easier is to hunt say 1000 mags on Haven than on Ra? 3 times maybe? 3:1 that's then the exchange rate between Haven and Ra magnanite.(the numbers are an example).
If there is need to take an action on magnanite transfers, this would make sense. Bind mag weapons to acc. Convert mag/mag ingots at given rate. There are some details ofc that would need thinking, but nothing that can't be solved.

The fact that there are people on Haven that collected, I don't know, 17 mag weapons, pretty much indicates what are those for.
Let's not lie, there are people that were item-whoring just with an intention to get some easy money when the server gets eventually merged.

Anyway, souls are already acc bound, aren't they? So what's the fuss about.
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Old 10-23-2018, 07:22 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
The fact that you're considering magnanite as unofficial game currency gives point to those saying there should be some measure taken on transferring mag/mag items.

How much easier is to hunt say 1000 mags on Haven than on Ra? 3 times maybe? 3:1 that's then the exchange rate between Haven and Ra magnanite.(the numbers are an example).
If there is need to take an action on magnanite transfers, this would make sense. Bind mag weapons to acc. Convert mag/mag ingots at given rate. There are some details ofc that would need thinking, but nothing that can't be solved.

The fact that there are people on Haven that collected, I don't know, 17 mag weapons, pretty much indicates what are those for.
Let's not lie, there are people that were item-whoring just with an intention to get some easy money when the server gets eventually merged.

Anyway, souls are already acc bound, aren't they? So what's the fuss about.
Fact is that some person does that and it's none of my bussines, but i don't think it should effect everyone else. Some lowbie will rather collect magnanite cuz he maybe want to trade it for some gear he wants to buy and that is the easiest way to get some. Maybe there is a way to get this sorted out but punishing everyone for something individuals want to do doesn't sound fair. Im against binding it but oh welp, wait and see.
Since iv been playing on Ra lately the difficulty of getting magnanite isn't any different from haven, in fact it can be even fast. The auction house is always full with items you can buy cheap and sell for a profit. The 3x value of haven and Ra really makes no sense..

Last time he spammed the commerce it was around 30, no clue who needs that many anyway

Last edited by rekkles12; 10-23-2018 at 07:51 PM.
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Old 10-23-2018, 08:03 PM   #85
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lol @ everyone thinking Haven mags will affect Ra’s already underregulated mag currency. Multiple players have been known to have 20k-60k solo mags on their Ra characters. I don’t see any issue to Haven players effecting this trade since. Mags for real money happens anyway. NGD Knows this.

Mashu suggesting only lvl 60’s be allowed to transfer. I would have closed the thread after that delusional comment. 4head
Haven ~ Daggers/Miles Long *Retired*
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Old 10-23-2018, 11:43 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Eizaix View Post
...Focus on the issue discussed currently: which items should or should not be considered unique and why?...
Good to know, Elzaix. I'm cool. Still, Adrian has been fully upfront about all accounts (or multiple-accounts) that will end up being in 2 or more realms on Ra. It's a NO-GO! (without deletions). That said, I'm asking, once again, just how will NGD uniformly enforce such a strident policy without ever truly knowing who has what, & where. Ya' get me?....

As to exactly what qualifies as an "unique" item (or not) methinks Adrian must already have what he has in mind for this. So, what is it tho? Ah! Ask him. Truthfully, only he could say (but has yet to do so)....

Originally Posted by Pery3000 View Post
...I would have closed the thread after that delusional comment...
Oh, hell no, enough of that already, ya' think?
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Old 10-24-2018, 03:43 PM   #87
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What's the point of this post? Talking all time about one topic? About what we talk like 2 years? I am not sure if it really works... the we are wasting time and losing more and more players every day. Haven is completely dead, NgD knows that. But talking doesn't help we have to do something and I see us at the same point as at the begin of the year. We were writing weeks active here. We were trying to find way. But what did it help? Nothing. And tbh I am bored of seeing always such posts. We all know nothing will change. I gave up with that because I never saw something. Let's wait what Adrian will do and done is. I don't play anymore actively or buy xim until I am not on a populated server.
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Old 10-26-2018, 12:10 AM   #88
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I don't see any problem with account bounded epic rings, if Haven players are going to play on RA, why is it not being able to get rid of these jewels for cash/mags such an issue? Getting one of those rings is pretty much jackpot on RA. Why would you even sell them if you're going to play? They are good on almost all classes.
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Old 10-26-2018, 06:04 AM   #89
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In my opinion the idea that some people are waiting for merge to simply sell their stuff is only a theoretical guess and was made to be such a ''huge problem'' by some players having personal antipathy against few of the others who might have these mentioned items etc.
And in the result the few people who are still playing on Haven are the victims of this.
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Old 10-26-2018, 06:21 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Eizaix View Post
In my opinion the idea that some people are waiting for merge to simply sell their stuff is only a theoretical guess and was made to be such a ''huge problem'' by some players having personal antipathy against few of the others who might have these mentioned items etc.
Well actually it was Adrian who initially brought this up and not "some players having antipathy".

Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
Haven right now has a huge amount (related to its population) of cases of item transfers for real money, people selling their accounts, etc. This happens in other servers as well, but on Haven there are a lot of users that will just sell and not play at all, which could hurt our finances a lot. We have to find a way to avoid this if we are willing to keep Regnum alive. Regnum doesn't run on good will, sadly.
A better world.
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