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Old 12-10-2007, 12:17 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by l33t_linux_h4x0r
I don't start with version 0.1 liks some people. My first release is 1.0 and trust me this next version will be a 2.0 ;-)

And for all of you who think that the project might be dead you are wrong. I have been working hard codeing and you are in for a big supprise!!! First of all It is completly rewritten in python and I am really really close to having the desktop shortcut working and the menu entry should be working however I am not going to release this first python version until I have a gui unless there is a high demand for it. The final version of 2.0 will include some code so if you just run the program it will spawn a GUI but if X is not detected it will fall back to the CLI. It is going to be awesome! Hopefully once I release the code for version 2.0 written in python more people will help develop it.

i will help
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:05 PM   #32
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For python, I am in!
I'll help if I can.
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Old 12-16-2007, 10:09 PM   #33
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One thing is confusing me : front page has version 1.0, later I saw an update,... Finally, which is the most recent version ? I think you should always put the most recent version in the front page, it would be easier to find it

Secondly, about that QT vs GTK, in my opinion, GTK is better than QT for one reason : GTK is less ugly in KDE than QT is in Gnome (that will not be tru with QT4). So if you want to be cross-platform, GTK seems a better compromise.

Finally, You wrote that the installer should test if it can run the graphic version or a cli if X s not detected. What is the point of installing a 3D game with no X ? So maybe this probe is worthless... An alternative could be to always run the graphical installer, unless a --cli option (or something like that) is specified

So, in a nutshell, where can I found the ROGPLI in its latest version ?
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Old 12-16-2007, 11:06 PM   #34
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I have the latest installer in python but I wasn't planning on releasing it until I had a gui but this is proving to be way too difficult for me. I can't find an easy way to write a gui. So I will release the current version of the python installer. All that really needs to be done is for someone to change the parts of the code that ask a question in the command prompt to ask the questions with a gui. I however am no good at programming a gui as there is no program that I know of that lets you make a visual layout of what you want the gui to look like and then assign code to the different parts of the gui.
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Old 12-16-2007, 11:42 PM   #35
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theotherhiveking has a spectacular aura abouttheotherhiveking has a spectacular aura abouttheotherhiveking has a spectacular aura about

Originally Posted by l33t_linux_h4x0r
I have the latest installer in python but I wasn't planning on releasing it until I had a gui but this is proving to be way too difficult for me. I can't find an easy way to write a gui. So I will release the current version of the python installer. All that really needs to be done is for someone to change the parts of the code that ask a question in the command prompt to ask the questions with a gui. I however am no good at programming a gui as there is no program that I know of that lets you make a visual layout of what you want the gui to look like and then assign code to the different parts of the gui.
I will have a look.
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Old 12-17-2007, 02:04 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by l33t_linux_h4x0r
I have the latest installer in python but I wasn't planning on releasing it until I had a gui but this is proving to be way too difficult for me. I can't find an easy way to write a gui. So I will release the current version of the python installer. All that really needs to be done is for someone to change the parts of the code that ask a question in the command prompt to ask the questions with a gui. I however am no good at programming a gui as there is no program that I know of that lets you make a visual layout of what you want the gui to look like and then assign code to the different parts of the gui.
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Old 12-28-2007, 09:54 PM   #37
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one question......where does Regnum_Archive.tar.bz2 exist?
Name: Rezaak Alit Class: Hunter Realm: Alsius

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Last edited by Artemis_Neetcudt; 12-29-2007 at 01:20 AM.
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Old 01-01-2008, 12:55 PM   #38
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I have made it. You could also create one if you want to but you would have to change the hash that verifies the archive. Sorry for lack of updates. I recently broke my foot and was in the hospital and unable to access a computer. I am doing much better now in case you were wondering.
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Old 01-01-2008, 07:24 PM   #39
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I mean, where do you download that file? I can't find any links to the file, only the fact that the script requires it.
Name: Rezaak Alit Class: Hunter Realm: Alsius

Rock on, Alsius! Keep on fightin!
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Old 01-03-2008, 12:18 AM   #40
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wow nice work dude. Kudos to you and you have GoPs support we'll do anything we can to help, I think we'll host the file when we get our homepage up and running.
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