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Old 01-19-2008, 07:53 AM   #1
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Default How to write a correct error report

How to write a correct error report:

NOTE: This is taken from the Spanish forum (Thanks Arlick, Sunos and Adrianpf!) as a way to help users to post "qualified" error reports so we can solve them faster. This is, by no means, official or mandatory. It's an adapted version! The Spanish one is a LOT more agressive. PM me if you find any error...

Threads should follow the next four compulsory sections, leaving the user the choice to complete the last one (Others) at will. It should be well "delimited" (meaning that you should respect the sections) and well explained: try to be as precise as you can, don't miss any detail.

Posts should be as short, comprehensible and concise, but as it was previously stated try NOT to miss any detail you may think it was related to the problem. Avoid "leet talk" or abbreviations... It takes away valuable time that could be used to solve your problem!

Say thanks! Users often do almost the impossible to solve your problems, but sometimes some tech. aspect is beyond our comprehension and we don't know the answer to it. You should understand that most of us aren't Engineers or that we don't have a PhD. on IT. If we ask you questions about any technological aspect it is because we need it. Try to follow our advices.

Oh, and by the way, ONCE THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED YOU SHOULD INFORM IT. That's the only way we have to know if the solutions we tried were a complete failure or a huge success. It's the way we can help other people the next time! It will save us time, too. We also would like you to say thanks. We're not part of NGD neither advanced A.I. bots or the ultimate NPC's, there's somebody behind the screen.

Here's the template you could use:


Graphics Adaptor: [Complete with model and description, please]
Internet Connection: [Just in case you have lag or problems with resources]
Hard disk: [OPTIONAL... Just to know if you have enough space to download drivers and stuff needed to repair your problem]

Operative System:
Firewall: [Just in case you have connection problems]
Antivirus: [Complete when you have problems executing the game]
Programs running while playing Regnum:


Did you add, removed or changed anything between the last time you could play Regnum without any problems and when the problems started? In case you did, please explain:

Did you add, removed or changed anything between the last time you could play Regnum without any problems and when the problems started? In case you did, please explain:


Short error description:

What were you doing when the error ocurred? Comment briefly:

Error windows or messages:

Attached files: (Error logs and screens, in case you have)


Please, post here all the solutions you have tried. Comment briefly:

Threads where you looked up for information:


Please, post here any comment regarding to software or hardware changes that weren't suited in the other sections:

The above text was written by me, Xeph. That means you can blame me all the way because of this. DDDD

Useful Tools:

The "Sunos' line" tool:

This is JUST for Linux users. Past this on a console to get a file in the desktop with all the information we need:
clear && echo "Please wait, gathering information" && echo "++++++CPU+++++" > pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cache size' >> pp && echo "++++++Distro+++++" >> pp && uname -a >> pp && cat /etc/`ls /etc/ | grep version` >> pp && ls /etc/ | grep version >> pp && cat /etc/issue | grep -m1 "" | cut -d\\ -f1 >> pp && uptime >> pp && echo "++++++Graphics Adapter+++++" >> pp && `locate lspci | grep -m1 'n/lspci'` | grep VGA >> pp && glxinfo | grep direct >> pp && glxinfo | grep OpenGL >> pp && glxinfo | grep s3tc >> pp && echo "++++++MODULES++++++" >> pp && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Load >> pp && echo "++++++RAM+++++" >> pp && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal >> pp && echo "++++++SENSORS+++++" >> pp && sensors >> pp || echo "No sensors configured" >> pp && mv pp $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt && echo "information available at: $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt. " && echo "Detailing information: " && echo "" && echo "" && echo "" && cat $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt
Why not a script? Some users got problems with permissions, this should be easier to execute. Just open a terminal (alt+F2 and write "konsole" or "gnome-terminal") and paste it! Press enter, of course ¬¬
Credits to Sunos.


Press the windows key + r to open the "Run" window. Then write "Dxdiag" and execute it. Save the information to a text file with the button "save information" and attach the file. I guess I don't need to explain it. :P
Credits to Adrian on this one...
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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