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Old 03-16-2008, 02:06 PM   #1
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Default Playing and Ablilties: Conjurer

My current setup, just for the people that would actually find this information useful.

Mental: 3
Beetle swarm 1

Mana Control: 19
Energy Barrier 5 | Synergy Bond 2 | Energy Borrow 1 | Mana Burn 1 | Ambitious Sacrifice 4 | Arcane Devotion 5 | Mana Pylon 5

Staff Mastery
: 19
Arcane Acceleration 1 | Arcane Projection 1 | Static Field 1 | Mana Communion 5

Life: 19
Heal Self 3 | Heal Ally 5 | Regenerate Self 1 | Regenerate Ally 5 | Resurrect 5| Divine Intervention 5 | Greater Healing 5

Sorcery: 19
Force Armour 1| Mind Blank 1 | Mirage 1 | Karma Mirror 1 | Sanctuary 5 | Tremor 1 | Steel Skin 5


Beetle swarm:
Only level one but stops the enemy from hitting you at a certain time. Could be useful to use to save somebody as they are running away as your heals are recharging.

Mana Control

Energy barrier:
Used to take 1000 damage so you won't die so quickly, use Energy Barrier when possible, as it has a 2 minute duration and 40 second cooldown you will be able to cast it again if an enemy attacks after 40 seconds. It can mean the matter of life and death in a fight, if you can cast it before a high damaging spell hits you when you are on low health it will keep you alive.

Synergy Bond:
It is a cheap spell at level 2 without passing on too much mana so that you will run out of reserves to protect yourself with.

Energy Borrow:
At level 1 it can give you enough to cast heal ally or to collect some mana to protect yourself with in desperate situations.

Mana Burn:
Good for use against warlocks who have cast Sadistic servants on you. aAt level one it only removes about 100 mana but it's 100 mana that the enemy doesn't have to use against you. It is also good to tell when people do not have any mana left so you can tell your allies.

Arcane Devotion:
Not many conjurers have this as high as me. I have this because faster casting will make it more unlikely that you will be knocked, dizzied or have any other cancelling spell put onto you when you are casting. You should keep this casted as much as possible.

Ambitious Sacrifice:
-375 Health for 750 mana. This is good exchange rate as we can easily heal that health removed after with out regenerate self or heal self cheaply.
750 mana is enough to cast alot of useful spells. Combined with mana communion we pratically have infinate mana.

Staff Mastery

Arcane Acceleration:
Good for attacking fort doors with and also attacking pts with that charge you.

Arcane Projection:
Useful to staff hit people who are in range, I just like to staff hit people when I am not needed to heal, it helps.

Static Field
-10% movement speed for a small area. Good for slowing down runners and it will also allow you to manouver a little better.

Mana Communion:
One of our best spells. It gives you and your allies 30 mana per tick at level 5.
It helps you to regenerate alot of mana and this should be casted when you and when others need mana simply.

Protection Dome and Evendims fury:
I stopped using PD because of the speed reduction but when you don't need to move much 10% resistance is still 10%.
I use evendims at level one whenever it is safe to do so, it's 125 mana and health that the enemy do not have.


Heal self:
Use when your health is low simply. It's relatively cheap at level 3. When you have health it usually means that others around you have health. You shouldn't take too many risks in a fight because you are needed and are an important part of the group.

Heal Ally:
900 health to give an ally is alot. This will keep your ally alive for longer simply.

Regenerate Self:
Useful, 20 health per tick is good for slow regeneration of your health, I usually have this casting throughout a fight. Combine with greater healing and it's 60 a tick.

Regenerate Ally:
A very good spell; it heals the total of 1350 health over 30 seconds. And it has a 20 second cooldown. Combine this with Greater healing and it's 85 a tick.

This is needed at level 5, the amount of ties i've gotten a low level resurrection and died because of lack of mana is just annoying. Level 5 enables your ally to have 30 seconds of sanctuary from enemies, other benefits and 2000 health.

Divine Intervention:
One of our best spells. At level 5 2 minutes of immunity from non-damaging powers. This blocks out things like confuse, ambush, MoD and Death Sentance. You should cast this whenever possible.

Greater Healing:
At level 5 it's +40 health for you and your allies per tick. It will heal you too, so overall this is a good spell. In war it will help to keep everyone alive in an area 10.

Material Wall and Magic Barrier: Useful to block out some damage received to an ally so it would be an advantage if it was a 2v2 situation or something similar.


Force armour:
I use this within a Steel Skin to cut damage a little or to cancel out most of the effect of a sudden strike.

Mind Blank:
Although it has been nerfed for level one itis useful to cast from time to time to have a chance of evading certain spells like knocks. Especially good for at the fort door so you can heal allies with some protection.

Combined with Mind blank 30% chance of not being knocked, every little helps.

Karma Mirror:
Just helps to remove some damage. I often cast this with mirage, mind blank, force armour and steel skin ^^.

Keeps you safe to heal/resurrect/buff your allies in. You can combine this with mana pylon too. This can be used to regenerate mana and health in whilst you are sat down too. This is the main reason why conjurers live until the end of fights.

Good to dizzy enemies, very useful spell. IUse before a charge or just use randomly so that your realm players have some advantage over the enemies.

Steel Skin:
Almost a sanctuary, should be used sparingly. 40 seconds of 90% resistance to physical damage is pretty useful. Should be combined with energy barrier toblock out other types of attack. If all else fails then you could retreat to Sanctuary if you are lucky.
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious

Last edited by Valour; 03-16-2008 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 03-16-2008, 02:08 PM   #2
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there's only left barbarian, hunter and knight now >_>
Happy ups...I've forgot the rest.
Oh, wait, I've already remenber, Happy
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Old 03-16-2008, 02:14 PM   #3
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Haha yup, that took too long.
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 03-16-2008, 02:33 PM   #4
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Nice Valour.

Yea, I was thinking of using static field at my conjurer too, it's a little like reverse escapist.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:15 PM   #5
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Stealing what you done to make this easy

Mental: 13
All in one

Mana Control: 19
Energy Barrier 5 | Synergy Bond 3 | Energy Borrow 4 | Mana Burn 1 | Ambitious Sacrifice 3 | Arcane Devotion 4 | Mana Pylon 1

Staff Mastery
: 15
Arcane Acceleration 1 | Arcane Projection 1 | Static Field 1 | Mana Communion 4 | Protection dome 4

Life: 19
Heal Self 5 | Heal Ally 5 | Regenerate Self 1 | Regenerate Ally 5 | Resurrect 5| Divine Intervention 5 | Greater Healing 5

Sorcery: 19
Force Armour 1| Mind Blank 1 | Mirage 1 | Karma Mirror 1 | Sanctuary 5 | Tremor 1 | Steel Skin 3


Beetle swarm:
Your heals has cooldown 10, using this you will reduce the amount of damage an ally takes and also you will be healing him. Heal+bettle to the enemy+heal and you will make a warrior happy.
Useful for all the family. You can keep warriors aways from the battle, you can stop people who are running, you have to get this.
Same as bettle swarm, lots of times avoiding damage its 10x times better than healing it.
Mind push.
Its your friend, but its not enemy warriors friend. Great skill.

Mana Control

Energy barrier:
Used to take 1000 damage so you won't die so quickly, use Energy Barrier when possible, as it has a 2 minute duration and 40 second cooldown you will be able to cast it again if an enemy attacks after 40 seconds. It can mean the matter of life and death in a fight, if you can cast it before a high damaging spell hits you when you are on low health it will keep you alive.
VAlour said it all
Synergy Bond:
I use it at 3 because i always used it at 3 in beta, 300 its not too much and sometimes you will have to give mana again, better do it one time only for 400.

Energy Borrow:
Its not only a good defense its too a good attack, -600 mana who goes to you pool. Saved more life than you ever know

Mana Burn:
Warjurer needs it at lvl 5, conjurers use it at 1. The damage cannot be resisted, this and energy borrow make AoO knigths sad guys.

Arcane Devotion:
I had to be a warlock to really apreciatte this skill, now muy conjurer uses it too. Its always useful.

Ambitious Sacrifice:
Lvl 3 its enough for me, 600 mana and with mana communion and mana borrow you will never be out of mana.

Staff Mastery

Static Field
-10% mvement speed fora small area. Good for skowing down runners and it will also allow you to manouver a little better. VAlour said it perfectly

Mana Communion:
One of our best spells. It gives you and your allies 30 mana per tick at level 5.
It helps you to regenerate alot of mana and this should be casted when you and when others need mana simply. Again VAlour said it perfectly

Protection Dome.
Nowdays the one who resist most its the one who wins, lvl 4 its good and the -25% movement its not a big threath to a conjurer.


Heal self and regenerate self
I always liked heal self more, you can always have regenerate self on and if you are in danger better heal 600 and a fast sanctuary. When sanctuary didnt cancelled your positive effects i used regerate self at lvl 5 but now better heal self. Greater healing heals you too.

Heal Ally:
Is not a lot but its what we have. Must lvl 5 or better being a warjurer.

Regenerate Ally:
A very good spell; it heals the total of 1350 health over 30 seconds. And it has a 20 second cooldown. Combine this with Greater healing and it's 85 a tick. VAlour said it all

Use it at lvl 3 or lvl 5. 5 for fort wars and 3 for hunts. I remeber the times when all people used it on 3.

Divine Intervention:
One of our best spells. At level 5 2 minutes of immunity from non-damaging powers. This blocks out things like confuse, ambush, MoD and Death Sentance. You should cast this whenever possible. VAlour said it all again. It was funny when it dont allow you to cast non-damaging spells on yourself.

Greater Healing:
Great spell, if some conjurers use it a group will be very hard to kill. And it heals you too.

Material Wall and Magic Barrier: Only use material wall. Knigths have a spell who reduces the same amount as magic barrier and its for them and for their allies in area 10.


Force armour:
I never have enough time for this kind of spells
Mind Blank:
Before the change it was too good at lvl 1, now its really good at 5 and a waste on 1. It can save you sometimes. WArjurer need it at lvl 5

Another warjurer thing, with this and mind blank at lvl 5 its 90% of resistence to knock, the warriors will laugh a lot.

Karma Mirror:
Since the old days didnt used this much. Before it reflected the original damage so it was way better. I explain it:
A barb hits you by 900, you have steel skin so it is reduced to 90 damage(it not reduces that amout but who cares...) if you had karma mirror on 5 now you will reflect 30 damage, at that times you reflected 300 damage (30% of the original damage), was funny kill people while you are resting but was a bit unbalanced.

You wil love this skills so better learn to use it. You can heal and give mana to your allies while you are invulnerable. Be careful with dot spells and your mana.

An area 10 dizzy with range 30. Nothing more to say.

Steel Skin:
If you are careful with the magic damage this is even better than AoO. Even at lvl 1 its a great spell. Use it wisely and it will be one of your favourite spells.
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Old 03-16-2008, 06:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by valterbla
there's only left barbarian, hunter and knight now >_>
There might be a knight one too. If i get some time infront of my computer, too much time at work this weekend.

Nice thread, my conju have some thinking to do

Atm he use a Mental 9, Staff Mastery and Mana Control 15, Life and Sorcery 19 setup at lvl 45
Heglin lvl 55 Dwarf Knight Hewdir lvl 50 Nordo Marksman Hegrulun lvl 60 Utghar Conjurer Heglina lvl 44 Warlock Smaerta Och Lidande lvl 60 Dwarf Hunter
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Old 03-16-2008, 08:02 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by eddius
There might be a knight one too. If i get some time infront of my computer, too much time at work this weekend.

Nice thread, my conju have some thinking to do

Atm he use a Mental 9, Staff Mastery and Mana Control 15, Life and Sorcery 19 setup at lvl 45
A nice build there, similar to my old one.

But a before I could afford sorcery as well as life which is somewhere between level 37 and 45 I had 19 life, 15 staff, 15 mana, 13 sorcery mental 3

Around level 37: I went for the i'm a pt, I don't have mana communion and therefore I had life 19, Mana 15, Sorcery 13, Mental 3.
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 03-17-2008, 08:19 AM   #8
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It's a different setup

I didn't implement lvl 19 Sorcery untill about level 47 ^^ So I just ran around objects more, haha.
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 03-17-2008, 08:25 AM   #9
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Haha yeah, a bad aspect at the moment.

Some conjurers have slightly odd setups too for example no energy barrier or heal self, use the insightful passive. But I find that setup a little strange :P
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 03-18-2008, 06:25 PM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2007
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octopus is on a distinguished road

My setup is very similar to Katiechan's but for level 50 support conjurer set up for war:

*** Life 19 ***
5 Heal Self
5 Heal Ally
3 Resurrect (1400 HP + 900 heal is enough to get 95% to safety)
1 Regen self
5 Regen Ally
4 Divine Intervention (Very powerful buff)
5 Greater Healing (great for when your army is being hammered heavily)

*** Sorcery 19 ***
5 Mind Blank (Helps avoid dizzy/knock/stun)
5 Sanctuary (very useful for reviving, supporting a charging barbarian, etc)
4 Tremor (Great to weaken enemy right as we charge in)
3 Steel Skin

*** Mana 19 ***
5 Energy Barrier (I need to stay alive to keep others alive)
4 Mana Burn (one of my few offensive spells)
1 Synergy Bond (rarely used, I much prefer Mana Communion to feed everyone)
5 Energy Borrow (fill me up, and empty the enemy)
3 Ambition Sacrifice
1 Mana pylon (I might boost this later, I haven't been using it until recently)

*** Staff Mastery 15 ***
4 Mana Communion (This is a must-have spell, too bad it is in Staff)
All others at level 1.

*** Mental 13 ***
All at level 1. I often use Ivy, Beetle, Silence and Knock to stop rushing enemies or fleeing hunters (the latter is usually a waste, as they evade 90% of the time)

*** Summon 7 ***
All at level 1. My zombie is only a decoration.

*** Enchantments 5 ***
1 Feline Dexterity - I only use it when other conjurers aren't buffing (I don't want to cancel someone's level 5 spell with my level 1)

Note that I often change things around, but this is the build I found most useful as a support conjurer in war. If your conjurer spends a lot of time leveling, I would highly recommend a different build, with a powerful summon and some points in Mental. Months ago, a conjurer could level quite effectively doing all support, but unfortunately NGD changed that and now you must be a warjurer to level effectively.

Also keep in mind that a support conjurer is very vulnerable when alone or in a small group. A hunter can pretty much render a support conjurer useless for 40 seconds with just one little Confuse spell. I chose to go all-support with my conjurer because I have a warlock I can play when there isn't a large army to support. If your conjurer is your only character and you are often alone or in small groups, you might want to lower your support a bit and get a nice zarkit to help you out.

-Mehgan, Alsius conjurer
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