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Old 03-22-2008, 12:38 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Seer is on a distinguished road
Lightbulb Lag and general communication

I want to make this a thread about the lag situation, unless someone can point me towards another existing thread that specifically deals with lag and provides updates.
And I'm not referring to the type of lag that obviously comes from your machine not being able to render huge fort battles, I'm talking about pure network/server originating lag.

I was lvling just now and I swear to God I couldn't even do that because I was waiting 5 seconds or more just between regular staff shots, and with casting spells it seemingly took even longer between clicking and it being cast. Completely unplayable. It's only gotten worse since I started playing Regnum some months ago now.

When I was playing for free I couldn't really complain, and I appreciate that you take and enjoy what's given to you under those circumstances. But I have been paying plenty of money amounting to a regular monthly payment in the form of premium items for the last couple of months, so now I can.

If NGD is seriously working on lag, then they need to communicate it better, period. Having someone else referring to some 'other thread' that has one post from a NGD developer mentioning it, is not sufficient. If there already is such a thread on *this* issue, then great, but there isn't on most occasions. Developers are generally bad about keeping users in touch; being one I understand - they just work on the solution, keep hoping they'll having it ready soon and not need to keep the users in touch, then the next thing you know it's been days or a week and you haven't kept the users informed all that time. So all we get is silence. The PayPal situation was a great example of that.
It's all about communication. Without it, users only have their frustration. With it, users can be amazingly tolerant.

I think there either needs to be a developer forum with only messages allowed from developers so they can keep us up to date on progress, or they should use the main news ticker on the public website. I'm sure they would think it was more appropriate for the forum, though.
But having to dig through dozens of forums and posts hoping to find one ray of hope from a developer just doesn't cut it.

Again being a programmer (albeit web) I would find it interesting to be kept up to date on developments and the fascinating problems that NGD must tackle in dealing with MMORPG development issues. Instead of keeping users at bay, why not take them along for the ride?
What interests me for example, is how NGD plans on fixing the lag to the point where the Regnum architecture scales better. If it creaks under 650-700 users, how do they ever plan on expanding beyond that? What are the issues/possible approaches? etc. You don't have to waste enormous time writing on the forum, but look, other developers can take time out to do it, so it's possible to keep users up to date and work on a solution at the same time. John Carmack did it for years.

I'm quite sure the NGD developers do some amazing work given challenging parameters. I think Regnum is a fantastic and generally well balanced game. But lag can just take all that and turn it to crap. Same with any network game. So share some! Hell, I wouldn't mind running posts through babelfish.altavista.com if the developer only speaks Spanish!

Good luck and talk to us more will ya.
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Old 03-22-2008, 05:18 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Seer
Having someone else referring to some 'other thread' that has one post from a NGD developer mentioning it, is not sufficient.
So you would rather see people make a new thread and NGD mention it all over again every 3 days?

Originally Posted by Seer
The PayPal situation was a great example of that.
Firstly, NGD had absolutely nothing to do with that, it was on pay pal's side. Secondly, if you had read the Premium forum, you will see that they constantly posted on that thread.

Originally Posted by Seer
Hell, I wouldn't mind running posts through babelfish.altavista.com if the developer only speaks Spanish!
Then go to the spanish forum. You'll find plenty of information there.
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Old 03-22-2008, 05:32 AM   #3
Join Date: May 2007
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It took them a couple days to adjust the message posted on the website and game launcher concerning the unavailability of the PayPal service. Confusing, since it was said it would be back up after 24h. And who /wouldn't/ post replies to a thread about people complaining that they can't give you money? ;D


Yes, the lag is the biggest issue for me at the moment. During peak hours, I find something else to do...

Being a (former) paying customer, I thought about "bitching" on the forums but decided that it would do no good. So I stopped paying.
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Old 03-22-2008, 01:32 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus
So you would rather see people make a new thread and NGD mention it all over again every 3 days?

Firstly, NGD had absolutely nothing to do with that, it was on pay pal's side. Secondly, if you had read the Premium forum, you will see that they constantly posted on that thread.

Then go to the spanish forum. You'll find plenty of information there.
Amazes me that no matter how logical or 'common-sensical' your point, someone always has to pick holes in it and misses the point.

I believe I explained my point about having one forum only developers could write in, so I don't know what you mean when you talk about people making new threads every three days.

I didn't say the PayPal problem was their issue to fix, I was using it as an example of an issue where they could have kept people in touch better. If they saw fit to put it on the news section to begin with, then I think that is where they should have kept us informed. I don't remember seeing 'constant' posts anywhere about PayPal, but...ok.

The Babelfish thing was a half-joke. Besides, without some known structure, just 'going to the spanish forum' wouldn't really help would it? I would have to run the entire forum through Babelfish since I wouldn't even know where to start looking. Perhaps your answer was a half-joke too.

I don't think you can really argue that NGD has done as well as it might in the area of communication, especially when it comes to the lag issue, or that greater communication wouldn't make users feel better. Or maybe you can if you're you -->

Nah I'm sure you're right - everything's perfect the way it is.
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Old 03-23-2008, 02:45 AM   #5
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I don't know what happened to niclam but IMO it was much better in terms of communication when he was around.
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