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Old 05-07-2008, 05:46 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by magnet
I have to post two comments (and refrain for more). BlooD already pointed to the official answer. Anyway:
1) to the poster: the crashes you experience on GNU/Linux would exist in a Mac version. These are bugs in the client, not in the operating sytem.
2) to people who answered: all the arguments I've read as "Macs not being common" are the ones used by other gaming companies AND game communities against a GNU/Linux port when we make such a thread. Please think before posting...
I wouldn't have said better. Bad memory management leads always too bad things when programming in C/C++ (it's murphy's law).

At my lab we have around 20 workstations and server running under Linux Debian for only 1 windows station. At the HMI Lab, all researchers have a Mac as a Laptop. I mean that using the "at my work argument isn't valid" . Because when you are working you use the computer that suits your working needs (or you try).

Moreover I think NGD made a lot of players with the Linux community, and that's a good thing for them. I'd like to see a Mac client (yes I have also a Mac at home), it would be a good thing for NGD. But it needs works, and ressources (at least a Mac and maybe Surak to work on it).
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Old 05-07-2008, 06:59 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by trash
Figures from www.w3schools.com, Mac 4.4%. So I'm not quite sure where you got more than 35% from. I don't even have a friend that uses a Mac I could name. Also your stability probelms are personal, I've never had any problem with stability on linux.

If more than 35% of people used macs, and the vast proportion of users suffered unplayable stability problems, then there would be an implicit need for a mac version, however since neither of these facts are true, I doubt it's a priority for the developers, who have a huge windows and linux user base to develop for. It would also mean maintaining three different OS versions, given the amount of complaints, queries and requests the devs already suffer regarding people being impatient to see new features and fixes, supporting another version of the client would probably be like asking them to...

Well do do something they don't want to do.

O! It's nice because i strongly disagree.
There is many games "Windows only" and therefore there is strong competition on this market. With all respect, NDG isn't big time player on this market. So instead competing on Windows market they should get into niche of other OS's. Good example of it is Linux client. Check how many ppl started to play Regnum only because of Linux native client.
They could attract Mac users and i assure you, they aren't poor ppl.
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Old 05-07-2008, 07:01 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Dupa_z_Zasady
They could attract Mac users and i assure you, they aren't poor ppl.
That's very true.

NGD could profile itself as a company who produces for every OS, it can bring them fame(=money).
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
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Old 05-08-2008, 01:23 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by LenaRosemberg
When I look at researchers in computer science, I see loooot of Linux.
When I look at designers or researchers in human factors, I see loooot of Mac.
When I look at everyone else, I see loooooooot of Windows.

30% is really a lot, don't think it's so high. By the way, if you have segmentation faults, core dumps and freeze, I think you should try to run the game with a computer with more memory.
*MORE MEMORY* as if 8 GB isn't enough?
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Old 05-08-2008, 06:07 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by BlooD

So if you want a mac client, send a mac to them .
The can buy one for CHEAP from the a certified pre-owned macs website for as low as $119.00 USD (thats pretty dirt cheap).

it is NOT up to us users to DONATE a machine, its up to the company to ACQUIRE the equipment FOR THEMSELVES to use.

Since NGD is a paying concern (as far as premium content is concerned), they can break loose of a little of that cash to acquire the equipment they need.
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Old 05-08-2008, 09:40 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by n7zzt
The can buy one for CHEAP from the a certified pre-owned macs website for as low as $119.00 USD (thats pretty dirt cheap).

it is NOT up to us users to DONATE a machine, its up to the company to ACQUIRE the equipment FOR THEMSELVES to use.

Since NGD is a paying concern (as far as premium content is concerned), they can break loose of a little of that cash to acquire the equipment they need.
And they can also choose not to make that investment if they think they won't profit from it.
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Old 05-09-2008, 12:45 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by n7zzt
*MORE MEMORY* as if 8 GB isn't enough?
Should be enough, but core dump and seg fault are memory errors. Coming 99% from bad programming and 1% from low memory.
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Old 05-09-2008, 08:37 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by LenaRosemberg
Should be enough, but core dump and seg fault are memory errors. Coming 99% from bad programming and 1% from low memory.
There's at the current changelog that they fixed several memory leaks.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:03 PM   #19
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"2) to people who answered: all the arguments I've read as "Macs not being common" are the ones used by other gaming companies AND game communities against a GNU/Linux port when we make such a thread. Please think before posting..."

Magnet, you're just awesome. Nice to see someone who has a little bit of consideration from how far GNU/Linux has come. It is sad how people still use the same old excuses to pander to a target group. Just as people didn't want to be told to stop using GNU/Linux, I don't want to be told to stop using mac os x.

I do believe even more now, Macs are more numerous than this thread had tried to dissuade. Macs are more popular now than they ever have been. I would still love to see a Mac client. There are not a great number of good social games for mac.

That said I have come back from a long fixation of world of warcraft. The lag at times in my very brief time back is still quite bad. I really hope regnum continues to improve, it seems they made a very unique game.

On a previous issue. Yes my vmware is 3D accelerated. I think the one for workstation, (not my vmware fusion) has been 3D accelerated for a very long time. As someone else has pointed out there is a OSx86 project as well. Apple has a habit of awarding game devs macs at no cost for development. I know they did this for teamspeak. (that still has not made a port to mac in over 5 years)
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Old 11-01-2009, 06:55 AM   #20
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Just for the US sales figures for 2nd quarter of 2008 only put MAC at 7.8% of the market and a similar figure was recently used by Apple in their case against Psystar of something around ~9-10% of the market for hardware (the lead going to Dell and second HP, this was in response to Psystar alleging an anti-trust complaint against Apple and Apple having to show they dont have a significant presence in the hardware market). So 30/35% maybe only a locally based per capita and not reflective of their market share overall. 2008 market share source: macworld

Secondly some users have tried using a program called CrossOver Office by Codeweavers with some success in order to play the windows based version on the MAC through WINE. A Free version of the latest WINE may work so you do not need to switch and do not need to run a VM. While this may not satisfy your want of a MAC Client, it may work for you. Whether NGD wants to make one is totally up to them, but you got options otherwise.
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