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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

View Poll Results: Will you leave the new premium changes are made?
No, I have the money, I'll keep playing 4 5.19%
yes, I have the money but I don't want to be forced to pay 11 14.29%
yes, this game sucks but I can live with how it is atm 2 2.60%
yes, this game will be total crap with this system. 23 29.87%
no I won't leave (other reason) 29 37.66%
yes I will leave (other reason) 8 10.39%
Voters: 77. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-12-2008, 12:52 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by trash
What is it with everyone and the "have to pay money", you don't have to now, and you're not gonna have to.

Gawd, it's like watching sheep reacting to a guy with a "the end is nigh" sandwhich board, except the first sheep actually misread...
No, its like watching a bunch of reacting fainting goats, cept the first one was a sissy and saw a rock move -.-"

However, that would be HILARIOUS to watch. Its as good as the lines "My foot your balls! HILARITY ENSURES!" and "FIVE SECONDS! YOUR FACE, INSIDE OUT!"
Dark Venom Fang
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Old 05-12-2008, 01:48 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by trash
You disappoint me AWD, I expect this sort of thing from others not you. Nobody is being forced to pay anything, the speed at which level 50 characters can roll off the conveyer belt is simply being curbed. This is the sort of fear mongering, hate generating thread that will be bad for the game by dividing and demoralising the community, and distracting from all the good news, like the three new developers that have been hired, or the other improvements coming in the new patch.
the good news has been read, but as I said in another thread they shouldn't make such changes without fixing lag first. They are in fact taking away our freedom.

And to be able to play effeciently you have to use reset_powers, new players will leave when they find out they have to pay or start over if they built up a wrong build and discover it sucks in war.

With a war build you will level slowly anyway, and with the fatique system even slower.

and reset powers will be like teleport scrolls after what I understood it
Originally Posted by chilko
The details are not yet defined but we are making sure that everyone will be notified of this and all current users will receive this new premium item in gratitous form (with several uses) when we implement this new system.
several uses, if an item makes the use of reset_powers unlimited why will it have "several uses"?

and how many times will you be able to use it as a free user? In my opinion this totally sucks.

If a player wants to play different roles he should be able to, not start a new character
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Old 05-12-2008, 01:51 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Mage_pegusas
I havent read ALL the replies, just page 1 and 4 so forgive me if someones mentioned this, but the /reset_powers command as a premium scroll will make non-paying conjs pretty much USELESS IMO. Conjurers cant lvl and be a healer with the same setup, although its possible, it is EXTREMELY slow and ineffective.

Also about the fatigue system, AWD made a good point that from lvl 1-30, people dont go into wz and will have nothing to do but to lvl, so will find the game to be boring.

I currently level my conjurer on the weekends, in big chunks (8-10 hrs), so if after 3 hours my xp drops to 50% , my levelling time will increase dramatically, then after 6hrs 0% ?? i think this is ludicrous, i will never hit level 50 if it goes like that. I dont mind the -15% xp per mob to be honest, it dosent bother me, just means il need to kill more mobs.

I understand the need for NGD to increase premium sales, but i dont think this is the way to go, i mean come on 0% xp after 6 hours..limiting /reset_powers command?? It really is a bad move on the part of NGD.

IF NGD does this 'fatigue' system, and the /reset_powers limit, i do think i will quit the game, which i have played for 7months or so now.. its really a shame

Sorry to flame on ur thread AWD btw
I agree with you, because:
Conjurers can:
Be healing persons;
Be alone-hunting persons:
Be Warjurer persons;
Be training persons.

It's too bad for Conjurers the reset as premium.

Same with Warriors because:

Warriors can:
Be Piercing Using persons;
Be Slashing Using persons;
Be Blunt Using persons;

Knights can:

Be Half Offence Half Defense persons;
Be Totaly Defense persons;
Be Totaly Offence persons.

Barbarians can:

Be Half Defense Half offence persons;
Be Totaly Defense persons;
Be Totaly Offence persons.

It's too many choises to make...


Also, NGD making lots of things to premium is a nice good idea to gather money, but, making things like Reset Powers scrolls, rings and amulets only for premium is gonig to unbalance the game 100%.
And, I wonder who is going to buy Exp scrolls, if the game is lagging and crashing, making lots of minutes being lost.
Happy ups...I've forgot the rest.
Oh, wait, I've already remenber, Happy
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:33 PM   #44
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trash and asdfghs,

Everyone except you two appear to be completely on-track in this thread, and it is actually your flaming of them that comes off as possibly misplaced, not their concerns over the changes to the game.

No one here acted like the game was doomed, and everyone has provided legitimate explanations for each concern, and the fact that most of them are commenting on the same things shows that some changes are controversial.

And if you think changes cannot poison an MMORPG and make it die, you must be new to the genre.

Hannah AmelieCatalina NevenaAlicia Godwyn
Alsius Horus ✝ No chance of victory, no chance of defeat ✝ Frozen Flame
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:39 PM   #45
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I give my opinion about this subject an suddenly I am flaming??! What's this?

Originally Posted by Katiechan

And if you think changes cannot poison an MMORPG and make it die, you must be new to the genre.

I know that, only I don't think the current changes are poisoning Regnum. I think it's very weird that Trash and I are off track because we don't think the new changes are dangrous
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:42 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
I give my opinion about this subject an suddenly I am flaming??! What's this?
When you agree to a flaming post, you are a flamer too. The only purpose of responding to such a post is to make the thread go off-topic with useless cruft and does absolutely nothing to further development.

I am reminded of a quote - "A weapon of mass destruction can only be used for one thing."

Originally Posted by asdfghs
I know that, only I don't think the current changes are poisoning Regnum. I think it's very weird that Trash and I are off track because we don't think the new changes are dangrous
Who said that they were poisoning it or dangerous?

That was my response to trash, who was obviously flaming posts in other threads (such as AwDs) saying that it would poison the game and make it die, but I do not remember any such posts in this thread.

Hannah AmelieCatalina NevenaAlicia Godwyn
Alsius Horus ✝ No chance of victory, no chance of defeat ✝ Frozen Flame
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. An ocean of drama.
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:42 PM   #47
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Perhaps you two can buy Ximerin ...
(Talking to asdfghs )
Happy ups...I've forgot the rest.
Oh, wait, I've already remenber, Happy
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:45 PM   #48
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I fail to see where I went off-topic.(ok, here, but earlier in this topic.)
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 05-12-2008, 04:11 PM   #49
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And I agree with Dky and Trix aswell.
Everyone are just judging before they know how things will turn out!

They parse the negative parts out from NGD's statement and put it into a new context.
Wait until the changes are here and complain if you didn't like it.

IMO this thread is totally BS.

On topic: No, I won't stop playing and I even consider getting some Ximerin using a friends e-card.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 05-12-2008, 04:22 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Znurre
And I agree with Dky and Trix aswell.
Everyone are just judging before they know how things will turn out!
look at the 2008 changes, it explains it quite well, reset_powers will cost you money in the future
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