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Old 11-29-2008, 06:29 AM   #21
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Sorry for the long response I've been thinking about some things.

But RO is open, non-instanced RvR pvp. How do you get balance in that situation?
I've been thinking about this Gideon and the only thing I can come up with is provide an actual incentive for joining an underpopulated realm, and make it known on the screen when new players choose thier realm.

Giving us back the Realm Chat for better communication.
The way things are right now nearly all of our high level players are in the war zone at all times. We don't get many new players and when we do then Ignis chat is empty or nearly so because of this. A new player may think no one is playing the game at all.

The most annoying thing is waiting.
Just like real war. Interminable waits separated by moments of terror.

The really good thing was Horus week.
While I would never complain about an xp bonus I did notice something first with the Horus weekends then Horus week. These bonuses benefit the more populated realm more than the underpopulated. During Horus week we got few new players, most of our level 50s, including myself, used it to level up new characters. After Horus week was over I noticed alot more higher level Syrtis players in the warzone while the number of active warzone players in our realm didn't change much.

PS. Ronas, don't quit this game. Because of the ppl like u who want to play it having lvl 50 this game make sense in WZ. Even if it's hard now, I hope it will be better in the future.
I've decided to tough it out after speaking with friends and thinking about it. I've been staying in the realm to help any new players that come along as I now see this as more important than the warzone at the moment.

I think the issue of realm balance is important to the future of the Horus server.
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Old 11-29-2008, 02:55 PM   #22
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ngd must close the realm of syrtis ore they become more players. alsius and ignis have no chance to fight with so many syrtis. i hope ngd do someting ore all players leave. it makes no fun fight with 10 alsius about 30 ore more syrten.

demon hunter
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Old 11-29-2008, 03:35 PM   #23
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As we have positive bonuses for xp and gold for each realm (depends its population), should be introduced negative bonuses as well...

Just a ding idea!

RuleZ - LawZ
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Old 11-29-2008, 04:34 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by RuLeZ

As we have positive bonuses for xp and gold for each realm (depends its population), should be introduced negative bonuses as well...

Just a ding idea!

even though this will affect new players more there are people who still play who will get punished because players join their realm, warm welcomes ^^.
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Old 11-29-2008, 05:54 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
even though this will affect new players more there are people who still play who will get punished because players join their realm, warm welcomes ^^.
You cant avoid new incomers without "punish" someone...

There are 3 solutions:
1. Bring new incomers by punishing the other realms - positive bonuses (NGD is doing that right now)
2. Avoid new incomers by punishing those realms - negative bonuses
3. The combine of the previous 2

Imo 2 is more effective than 1. 3 is the best ofc.

RuleZ - LawZ
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Old 11-30-2008, 01:29 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by RuLeZ

As we have positive bonuses for xp and gold for each realm (depends its population), should be introduced negative bonuses as well...

Just a ding idea!
I like the idea, think its great. It will help the underpopluated realms out.
T a k e r---lvl 50 warlock, Lexen---lvl 50 knight--Horus
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Old 11-30-2008, 03:23 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by RuLeZ
You cant avoid new incomers without "punish" someone...
what I mean is why should people who did nothing get lower xp because some new people join their realm?

it's like "hi syrtis, I just joined this realm" "you idiot why did you do that? Now we'll still have more negative bonuses", something like that. It's ok the way it is now, the problem is that it's too easy holding a fort for fortwars and that the game literally is a bunch of crap for the little guy who finally have reached level 50, players doesn't need to be punished they need a good game, look at fatique?

just think about it, isn't a balanced and stable game what will keep players here? This is what the problem is, people does not stay, there may be a dozen of level 50's who doesn't play anymore, they leave the game because it keeps getting nerfed, no offense but that's the truth. And here you have it NGD, make your game better or people leave, easier said than done, I know.

I have a problem with forming my ideas into words sometimes, but I think this is the place where the problem is, people doesn't hang around because it sucks to be level 50. The problem is in any realm, not just ignis but also syrtis and alsius, before 50 they knew they had to grind, now there's nothing, no hunting groups, no realm enemies attacking you, where is the war? donde hay guerra (speaking of horus of course.)

This is feedback for you guys, take it or leave it but it's the best thing you can get to make your game better and more attractive, listen to your players/customers.
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Old 11-30-2008, 04:52 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by RuLeZ

As we have positive bonuses for xp and gold for each realm (depends its population), should be introduced negative bonuses as well...

Just a ding idea!

No thanks Rulez XD you may not still need to gind for XP but most of us do, make lvling harder? and you want to do this with the most populated realm? I think the forum would implode under the backlash from that :P
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Old 11-30-2008, 04:55 PM   #29
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I don't think you should punish people because they want to play in a certain realm.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 11-30-2008, 05:53 PM   #30
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Making leveling even harder is a Bad Idea. Once the user-base increases, these problems will be partially alleviated, but until then it will be hard to find balance between the realms at all times of the day.

I often see more Ignis than Syrtis online,,, so should we close all three realms because of time-zone differences? Try logging on at a different time of day and then say Syrtis are zerging, like when all 5 of us in the WZ had to hide in inner-realm to stop Ignis camping us the other night.

Edean - Founder of the Forest Guardians of Syrtis (Horus)
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