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Old 01-29-2009, 09:33 PM   #1491
Join Date: May 2007
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takola will become famous soon enough

arlick, probaste kde 4.2 en laptop?

Me pasa una cosa rarisima. Desde la shell hiberno sin problemas, (konsole@kde4.2 tambien), desde 3.5.10 tampoco hay fallo pero hibernando con el plasmoid de kde 4.2 me da kernel panic . Creo que es algo con la hda-intel, mañana investigo

La suspension a ram funciona bien en todos los entornos.
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Old 01-29-2009, 09:37 PM   #1492
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Originally Posted by takolo
arlick, probaste kde 4.2 en laptop?

Me pasa una cosa rarisima. Desde la shell hiberno sin problemas, (konsole@kde4.2 tambien), desde 3.5.10 tampoco hay fallo pero hibernando con el plasmoid de kde 4.2 me da kernel panic. Creo que es algo con la hda-intel, mañana investigo

La suspension a ram funciona bien en todos los entornos.
¿Nada relevante en el mensaje de kernel panic?

si te digo que nunca use el hibernar en linux (será porque no uso laptop ).

Y sí, ayer creo que pusieron los paquetes de slack de la release final, esto está cojonudo , todo lleno de pedos de colores .

Lo mejor de todo es que el plasmoid de la tira cómica ahora tiene "tira ecol" entre sus fuentes. Cuando me aburro me pongo a leerlo....

Noticia relacionada:

Desarrollador de KDE le responde a Linus Torvalds

Aaron Seigo, un desarrollador de KDE, respondió a la polémica desatada por las opiniones de Linus Torvalds sobre KDE4, aclarando algunos motivos de ese proyecto que podrían haber sido pasados por alto por el lector ocasional:

“Las decisiones que se tomaron en KDE 4.0 fueron para el futuro. Un futuro en el que vamos a vivir con el lanzamiento de la v4.2. KDE 4.2 es un lanzamiento fenomenal y, al contrario que KDE 3.5, que también fue un lanzamiento fenomenal, esta nueva versión es una plataforma sobre la que podemos construir y competir en el mercado para la próxima década. Es multiplataforma, las librerías son mucho más claras y la tecnología disponible para el usuario en KDE4 es apropiada para su uso en computadoras modernas&rdquo.

“A pesar de que la v4.0 fue una decisión brutal y una que me costó (y creo que a otros también) noches sin dormir, fue lo que necesitábamos para asegurar que no termináramos empantanándonos en la irrelevancia”.

La advertencia más importante de Seigo es sin duda una lección que todos deberíamos tener en cuenta:

“Aquí el daño colateral será el miedo a la innovación. "No hagan nada demasiado grande, porque les costará y les costará..." es la lección que algunos están sacando de todo esto. El miedo es un asesino. Es algo que predispone a no tomar riesgos irrazonables, pero que también puede prevenir tomar riesgos saludables”.


chúpala torvalds (?)
"Nunca un científico ha quemado a un religioso por afirmar a Dios sin pruebas". Manuel Toharia
"uno empieza a darse cuenta que eso de no hacer ejercicio, comer y beber como si fuese la ultima cena y mantener la figura ya no existe...". Maryan
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Old 01-31-2009, 01:57 PM   #1493
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Originally Posted by arlick
¿Nada relevante en el mensaje de kernel panic?

si te digo que nunca use el hibernar en linux (será porque no uso laptop ).

Y sí, ayer creo que pusieron los paquetes de slack de la release final, esto está cojonudo , todo lleno de pedos de colores .

Lo mejor de todo es que el plasmoid de la tira cómica ahora tiene "tira ecol" entre sus fuentes. Cuando me aburro me pongo a leerlo....

Noticia relacionada:

Desarrollador de KDE le responde a Linus Torvalds

Aaron Seigo, un desarrollador de KDE
Resolvi lo del hibernate. Era la notificacion de audio de powerdevil al ejecutar la hibernacion. Al intentar apagar la tarjeta de sonido esta respondia busy pero la ghibernacion continuaba, terminando en un kernel panic. Saque la notificacion audio y listo.

Aaron Seigo no es un desarrollador de KDE, es EL DESARROLLADOR, en mayuscula XD

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Old 01-31-2009, 06:39 PM   #1494
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Yo tengo una laptop y nunca dejo que hiberne. Bootea en menos de la mitad del tiempo si le dejo el arranque normal.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 01-31-2009, 08:52 PM   #1495
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Originally Posted by Xephandor
Yo tengo una laptop y nunca dejo que hiberne. Bootea en menos de la mitad del tiempo si le dejo el arranque normal.
Yo lo uso cuando tengo que apagar la maquina pero estoy compilando algo gordo de portage.
Takola Barbara ··· Aker Medico ··· Iraia Aprendiz de Thanus ··· Zakilixut Gigolo de oficio, tirapalillos de aficion ··· Kinki Guardian de las lindas elfas
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Old 01-31-2009, 08:58 PM   #1496
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Dashboard con mapa ^^
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Takola Barbara ··· Aker Medico ··· Iraia Aprendiz de Thanus ··· Zakilixut Gigolo de oficio, tirapalillos de aficion ··· Kinki Guardian de las lindas elfas
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Old 01-31-2009, 09:29 PM   #1497
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Originally Posted by takolo
Dashboard con mapa ^^
no puedes usar mi programa? ¬¬


Ahora viene con posibilidad de arrancar temporizadores, para cuando se inicie la invasión

aaaggg... ahora que tengo tiempo me podría poner a ver como se hacen los plasmoids, aunque voy a darle duro a rolgps... como se hacen? XD

Fíjate en este de znurre que tiene muy buena pinta (no lo probé con kde4.2, pero me dijo que lo actualizó no hace mucho):

Así es como se ve:

"Nunca un científico ha quemado a un religioso por afirmar a Dios sin pruebas". Manuel Toharia
"uno empieza a darse cuenta que eso de no hacer ejercicio, comer y beber como si fuese la ultima cena y mantener la figura ya no existe...". Maryan
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:15 PM   #1498
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takola will become famous soon enough

Ta compilando el de znurre. Lo importo a kdevelop despues y le hecho un vistazo.

digikam-0.10-rc1 released, ya tienes otra beta para probar

Da error en 4.2 cmake, voi a darle un vistazo abe si lo arreglo. El error es una tonteria, un find de sobra en CMakeLists.txt. Pos no, no esta compilado aunque lo pusiera . Tendre que documentarme sobre cmake
Takola Barbara ··· Aker Medico ··· Iraia Aprendiz de Thanus ··· Zakilixut Gigolo de oficio, tirapalillos de aficion ··· Kinki Guardian de las lindas elfas
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:25 PM   #1499
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Ale, a darle a python
Takola Barbara ··· Aker Medico ··· Iraia Aprendiz de Thanus ··· Zakilixut Gigolo de oficio, tirapalillos de aficion ··· Kinki Guardian de las lindas elfas
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Old 02-15-2009, 12:24 PM   #1500
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Default primicia de pescau. 8:29

Originally Posted by Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
The Debian Project http://www.debian.org/
Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released press@debian.org
February 14th, 2009 http://www.debian.org/News/2009/20090214

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released

The Debian Project is pleased to announce the official release of Debian
GNU/Linux version 5.0 (codenamed "Lenny") after 22 months of constant
development. Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system which supports
a total of twelve processor architectures and includes the KDE, GNOME,
Xfce, and LXDE desktop environments. It also features compatibility with
the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version 3.2 of the LSB.

Debian GNU/Linux runs on computers ranging from palmtops and handheld
systems to supercomputers, and on nearly everything in between. A total
of twelve architectures are supported: Sun SPARC (sparc), HP Alpha
(alpha), Motorola/IBM PowerPC (powerpc), Intel IA-32 (i386), IA-64
(ia64), HP PA-RISC (hppa), MIPS (mips, mipsel), ARM (arm, armel), IBM
S/390 (s390), and AMD64 and Intel EM64T (amd64).

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny" adds support for Marvell's Orion platform
which is used in many storage devices. Supported storage devices include
the QNAP Turbo Station series, HP Media Vault mv2120, and Buffalo Kurobox
Pro. Additionally, "Lenny" now supports several Netbooks, in particular
the Eee PC by Asus. "Lenny" also contains the build tools for Emdebian
which allow Debian source packages to be cross-built and shrunk to suit
embedded ARM systems.

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny" includes the new ARM EABI port, "armel".
This new port provides a more efficient use of both modern and future ARM
processors. As a result, the old ARM port (arm) has now been deprecated.

This release includes numerous updated software packages, such as the K
Desktop Environment 3.5.10 (KDE), an updated version of the GNOME desktop
environment 2.22.2, the Xfce 4.4.2 desktop environment, LXDE, the
GNUstep desktop 7.3, X.Org 7.3, OpenOffice.org 2.4.1, GIMP 2.4.7,
Iceweasel 3.0.6 (an unbranded version of Mozilla Firefox), Icedove (an unbranded version of Mozilla Thunderbird), PostgreSQL 8.3.6,
MySQL 5.0.51a, GNU Compiler Collection 4.3.2, Linux kernel
version 2.6.26, Apache 2.2.9, Samba 3.2.5, Python 2.5.2 and 2.4.6, Perl
5.10.0, PHP 5.2.6, Asterisk, Emacs 22, Inkscape 0.46, Nagios
3.06, Xen Hypervisor 3.2.1 (dom0 as well as domU support), OpenJDK 6b11,
and more than 23,000 other ready-to-use software packages (built from
over 12,000 source packages).

With the integration of X.Org 7.3 the X server autoconfigures itself with
most hardware. Newly introduced packages allow the full support of NTFS
filesystems and the use of most multimedia keys out of the box. Support
for Adobe(R) Flash(R) format files is available via the swfdec or Gnash
plugins. Overall improvements for notebooks have been introduced, such
as out of the box support of CPU frequency scaling. For leisure time
several new games have been added, including puzzle games as well as
first-person shooters. Also notable is the introduction of "goplay", a
graphical games browser offering filters, search, screenshots and
descriptions for games in Debian.

The availability and updates of OpenJDK, GNU Java compiler, GNU Java
bytecode interpreter, Classpath and other free versions of Sun's Java
technology, into Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 allow us to ship Java-based
applications in Debian's "main" repository.

Further improvements in system security include the installation of
available security updates before the first reboot by the Debian
Installer, the reduction of setuid root binaries and open ports in the
standard installation, and the use of GCC hardening features in the
builds of several security-critical packages. Various applications have
specific improvements, too. PHP for example is now built with the Suhosin
hardening patch.

For non-native English speaking users the package management systems now
support translated package descriptions and will automatically show the
description of a package in the native language of the user, if

Debian GNU/Linux can be installed from various installation media such as
DVDs, CDs, USB sticks and floppies, or from the network. GNOME is the
default desktop environment and is contained on the first CD. Other
desktop environments - KDE, Xfce, or LXDE - can be installed through two
new alternative CD images. Again available with Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 are
multi-arch CDs and DVDs supporting installation of multiple architectures
from a single disc; and this release adds Blu-ray Discs, allowing the
archive for an entire architecture to be shipped on a single BD.

In addition to the regular installation media, Debian GNU/Linux can now
also be directly used without prior installation. The special images
used, known as live images, are available for CDs, USB sticks, and
netboot setups. Initially, these are provided for the amd64 and i386
architectures only.

The installation process for Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 has been improved in
many ways: among many other improvements, support for installation from
more than one CD or DVD has been restored, firmware required by some
devices can be loaded by using removable media, and installations via
Braille display are supported. The installer boot process has also
received much attention: a graphical menu can be used to choose
front-ends and desktop environments, and to select expert or rescue mode.
The installation system for Debian GNU/Linux has now been translated to
63 languages.

Debian GNU/Linux can be downloaded right now via bittorrent (the
recommended way), jigdo or HTTP; see Debian GNU/Linux on CDs [1] for
further information. It will soon be available on DVD, CD-ROM and
Blu-ray Disc from numerous vendors [2], too.

Upgrades to Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 from the previous release, Debian
GNU/Linux 4.0 (codenamed "Etch") are automatically handled by the
aptitude package management tool for most configurations, and to a
certain degree also by the apt-get package management tool. As always,
Debian GNU/Linux systems can be upgraded painlessly, in place, without
any forced downtime, but it is strongly recommended to read the release
notes [3] for possible issues, and for detailed instructions on
installing and upgrading. The release notes will be further improved and
translated to additional languages in the weeks after the release.

1: http://www.debian.org/CD/
2: http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors
3: http://www.debian.org/releases/lenny/releasenotes


Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny" is dedicated to Thiemo Seufer, a Debian
Developer who died on December 26th, 2008 in a tragic car accident.
Thiemo was involved in Debian in many ways. He has maintained several
packages and was the main supporter of the Debian port to the MIPS
architectures. He was also a member of our kernel team, as well as a
member of the Debian Installer team. His contributions reached far
beyond the Debian project. He also worked on the MIPS port of the Linux
kernel, the MIPS emulation of qemu, and far too many smaller projects to
be named here.

Thiemo's work, commitment, broad technical knowledge and ability to share
this with others will be missed. Thiemo's contributions will not be
forgotten. The high standards of his work make it hard to pick up.

About Debian

Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system, developed by more than a
thousand volunteers from all over the world who collaborate via the
Internet. Debian's dedication to Free Software, its non-profit nature,
and its open development model make it unique among GNU/Linux

The Debian project's key strengths are its volunteer base, its dedication
to the Debian Social Contract, and its commitment to provide the best
operating system possible. Debian 5.0 is another important step in that
atención, esto no es ubuntu, así que no hay necesidad de instalar de cero, basta apt-get dist-upgrade
otra atención: leer por las dudas, las notas de publicación para ix86 (32bit) o amd64.
O tal ves tengan alguna otra computadora:
* Release Notes for Alpha
* Release Notes for ARM
* Release Notes for EABI ARM
* Release Notes for HP PA-RISC
* Release Notes for Intel IA-64
* Release Notes for MIPS (big endian)
* Release Notes for MIPS (little endian)
* Release Notes for PowerPC
* Release Notes for IBM S/390
* Release Notes for SPARC
¿muchas no? es lo que tienen las distribuciones de verdad, no abandonan a los usuarios de plataformas "obsoletas" comercialmente (como ia-64 o powerpc (mac)) que todavía tienen sus computadoras andando
in theCopyleft—all rights reversed
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