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Old 02-03-2009, 09:16 PM   #1
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Default Version 1.0.3 - Problems and Compliments

Thought I would write a quick thread to you NGD to note out what I love about this update and what irritates me the most. Since Im a Conjurer> Alsius >Horus, I can only spot mage aspects and not a warrior's or archer's. Ill start off with the bad news...

*My conju runs with his right arm very close to his chest constantly. If anyone tried running like that, they would kill their muscles.
*When I use Arcade Missle, the staff turns red (cool), then shoots blue light (wierd).
*The turning of the character is more sensitive. I wont exaggerate stupidly, but its irritating when youre used to it being the way it was a day ago for many months beforehand. If this was intentional, it would be good to know why you changed this.
*The mobs sense of sight no longer exists. Herein lies a few bugs maybe that need to be fixed in a Hotfix. I attacked an Orc Warrior which ran at me, through me and decided to attack my Incorporeal. Fair enough. It then decided to attack me by sliding backwards, but didnt turn around. Then it ran straight past us, attacked thin air until we killed it. Once it was dead, the corpse slowly slid along the grass and back to my feet. Lovely.
While 'blindness' of mobs occured with every 2 in 10 mobs while I grinded a few days ago, its somewhere nearer to 5 in 10. Something to fix/look at? Maybe it was just petty coincidence.

Just so you know I dont like to hate and flame you NGD, here are some good things that I love about the update.

*No fatigue. Speaks for itself really.
*Uthgar helmets, we can now defend ourselves however we like, and will benefit us in the higher levels.
*Animation spells, the summoning one in paticular looks cool, havent experienced all the new ones yet, but Im sure theyre a blast (no pun intended). I know there is a bunch of scepticism (to say the least) about these new animations, but I fully support you with them, we need change, we asked for change in monotous animations and we got it. So we cant go back on what we asked for now, I only ask that you monitor them, improve them and add them.
*Last but not least, Skolhiem really shows how much you lot have improved graphics-wise, youve grown a lot since you first started this project. Hope to see more like this in the upcoming months. Love the sharks too.

Take this in good stride NGD and fix these new glitches soon,
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Old 02-03-2009, 10:28 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Bladnoch
*The turning of the character is more sensitive. I wont exaggerate stupidly, but its irritating when youre used to it being the way it was a day ago for many months beforehand. If this was intentional, it would be good to know why you changed this.
Yeah noticed this on Amun, and didn't like it at first. I guess I'll just get used to it though.
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Old 02-04-2009, 05:42 AM   #3
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Default fixed horses and casting while seated.

im told in the changelog this is corrected.

however when seated i can still cast a horse, it simply makes me stand automatically and then it casts as usual, i do not have to press the rest button nor any movement keys to manually stand first.

is this intended and im just assuming casting while seated means something else or what, or is it still an issue.

thats my only issue at the moment.

i generaly like the new anims and buffs, and i really dislike how people are complaining so much about them as if aesthetics matter so much. i dont have a fit every time i see my knight jump a bit when casting a spell. its a trivial issue and if you dont like it turn the animations off or find another game, dont insult other peoples hard work without offering any help or ideas other than your own other than OMG it sucks or change it back. i spent an hour with a barb friend discussing and comparing moves and attacks, and it did not change how i play..weird..who woulda guessed that the way i look while attacking had zero impact on how much fun im having or the underlying game mechanics..get over it already people, politely said as possible..look past it and be grateful theyre doing something rather than sitting on their you know whats.

the anims add a new bit of life to the same old moves we been doing for awhile, they also let human enemies know more visibly what buffs are being cast and how to counter. that i like.

i do have some probs with mobs too like you said though, teleporting..running away, me and my friend both saw it, as we attacked the same golem while he was literally about 20 feet from us. sometimes no animations in my attacks as well, damage registers but no visible swing..it may just be lag though so i'll give it a few days before i mention or submit if it persists.
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Last edited by Puppypaws; 02-04-2009 at 05:53 AM.
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Old 02-04-2009, 08:35 AM   #4
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Well, I think I got a problem.

I created a new char a few days ago.

I finished some Quests in Essadi Village before the update.

Now after the Update I don't get new Quests.

I know that I haven't finished all quests that were available. Is this a bug or have some quests been removed ?
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Old 02-04-2009, 08:48 AM   #5
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Default new moves

I actually love my new knight moves. I mean this game was missing some candy-eye. So add more moves , move animations , more efects. Such thigs also attract new players. I have only two more wishes. To give reason to loots (like mangnanite) and more work on moobs AI. Because how it is the creatures always attack the player which does most damage to it..which is nor really realistic. I mean If a knight is killing me with a sword right in front of me I will not run and attack a marskman 20 meters away fro me.
But good job NGD.
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Old 02-04-2009, 09:23 AM   #6
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NGD, thank you very much for update! Great job! Everything's much better, thanx a lot, guys. Special thanx for running-in-combat-mode animation, very nice!
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Old 02-04-2009, 09:39 AM   #7
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Yes! As a material thanks we will bought some Ximerins =)

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Old 02-04-2009, 10:57 AM   #8
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Sorry but as a customer I'm not happy at all, animations sucks hard because they are not finished, you should have put the animation update for the futur. Not to say there is a thread about it on the forum because we try to do the testing on amun.
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:59 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by mute
I finished some Quests in Essadi Village before the update.

Now after the Update I don't get new Quests.

I know that I haven't finished all quests that were available. Is this a bug or have some quests been removed ?
I noticed something similar:
I had one of the pendant quests but didn't finish it when I was lvl 35. Yesterday I finished it at lvl 36 and did not get any more quests for that pendant line.

It was water rune, finishing the "big mob" quest and did not get the "Huge mob" quest.
So either the quest moved to a higher lvl or something is broken.
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Old 02-04-2009, 05:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by gph
Sorry but as a customer I'm not happy at all, animations sucks hard because they are not finished, you should have put the animation update for the futur. Not to say there is a thread about it on the forum because we try to do the testing on amun.

It might not be finished, but if NGD waited until most of the things they do is finished, they would go bankrupt and RO would die. If anything its progress, even if it does have glitches. Progress is what we need right now to give us some form of communication that they are working hard on what is passionate to them.
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