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Old 02-06-2009, 07:30 PM   #41
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This video is rather informative...well I think that much...

Whether you choose to believe it is another story...that's all I'm going to say
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Old 02-07-2009, 12:32 AM   #42
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You've still failed to have an opinion and make yourself heard, you must vote at all levels of government and you must contact those people when something comes up that you don't agree with.

As for your children being less safe due to firearms, grow up nannystater, an armed populace is essential to a functioning government as it prevents things from becoming as completely one sided as it has in your country where the government can release the military hounds and put you back in your hole. Guns also don't cause an increase in crime rates, just look at Switzerland where its mandatory for every home to have least one functioning firearm.

Even Ghana, one of the greatest pacifists in history saw the value of a gun, he also knew that just because you have it doesn't mean you will use it, but its a great thing to have when you are threatened by an external force. Like all weapons, the best one you can have is the one you never have to use.

And before you think a bunch of yahoos with rifles can't hold back a well trained and equipped military force if they had to, take a look at history, over the last 50 years it's happened over and over again that exactly that has happened, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are just the most recent case where a bunch of yahoos have actually managed to hold back one of the most powerful military forces on the planet and managed to hold them back for years using asymmetrical warfare techniques. Sure they where up against all manner of tanks, planes, bombs and boats yet are still there and still putting up a fight after all this time. You don't have to be more powerful, you just have to grind them down, one side will back down eventually, thats just the way it works.

And I also stated that there is no reason to have a concealed weapon, since how often is it that someone commits a violent crime with a riffle of any sort? Compare that to how often a handgun is used for violent crimes, notice that the handguns far outnumber the cases involving rifles? All of this is due to the fact that the small hand gun can be hidden away and carried on your person anywhere without anyone knowing its there, so you end up taking it to situations that could easily escalate.

As for the drugs, legalize at the very least marijuana and guess what? You've undermined the drug cartels biggest cash cow and it's also the one that causes fewer health problems then legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. Legalize cocaine in leaf form and you're also supplying a mild stimulant which will again take a deep cut out of the drug cartels again.

Drugs themselves aren't always that bad, its the way they are produced in an unregulated manner using any manner of hazardous chemicals that get tossed into the mix for whatever reason that causes the majority of the health risks. You wouldn't smoke a cigarette that had been dipped in bleach, formaldehyde and antifreeze would you?

So are you going to have an opinion or are you still content to let yourself be rolled over at every level of your government through your own lethargy, apathy and ignorance?

As for you hell bound, I refuse to be humble, I know full well what happened with our economic collapse and I had been saying that the way it was going it had to collapse 4 years ago, the old bastard just took longer then I expected to finally come to a grinding halt.

Just so you know, its not over by a long shot, the idiots that keep thinking we'll be out of it by the end 2010 are in for a big surprise. After years of companies lobbying to get all regulation removed and letting complete greedball morons take the to posts in almost every large corporation in the "western" hemisphere the deck is stacked against the world economy, the leeches will bleed the world dry for as long as they can. What happened is an epidemic that is much bigger then any one nation as all of the economic powers of the world are in on the game.

Don't try to bring up anything about the "free market" either, it does not and has never has existed since it depends on a well educated populace to make informed decisions about what they buy and who they buy it from. The local monopolies such as telephone and electric companies don't help either.

So instead we're going to be stuck with capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich for a very long time to come.
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Duo Maxwell, Knight, Ignis. Yo Momma, Conjurer, Ignis. Izana, Hunter, Ignis
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Old 02-07-2009, 03:58 PM   #43
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell
You've still failed to have an opinion and make yourself heard, you must vote at all levels of government and you must contact those people when something comes up that you don't agree with.
I dont want to make myself heard..i havent come across anything where ive needed..wait once i did. I have no problem in standing up for myself..dont worry about that, but i only need to when necessary, which brings to my next point.

I dont believe in using extreme force. You want to carry a gun, thats fine, thats because in the U.S you have the right to bear arms..whoopie good for you. As for thinking my children are less safe..i do. Knife and gun crime is creeping up over here.. and really really hope to christ this doesnt mean that the police will eventually decide to carry guns at all times too, that day would be a sad..sad day indeed. The point is Mr..im a lover not a hater and ill never agree that everyone should have the right to carry a gun. Violence does not stop or prevent more violence, your just escalating it to a higher level.

Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell
As for your children being less safe due to firearms, grow up nannystater, an armed populace is essential to a functioning government as it prevents things from becoming as completely one sided as it has in your country where the government can release the military hounds and put you back in your hole.
First off..feck off. Second its your opinion that its essential. How is making everyone have a gun..essential to a functioning government ?? FFS

Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell
Guns also don't cause an increase in crime rates, just look at Switzerland where its mandatory for every home to have least one functioning firearm.
Good for them

Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell
Even Ghana, one of the greatest pacifists in history saw the value of a gun, he also knew that just because you have it doesn't mean you will use it, but its a great thing to have when you are threatened by an external force. Like all weapons, the best one you can have is the one you never have to use.
Guns have no value..other than there ability to end life.

Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell
And before you think a bunch of yahoos with rifles can't hold back a well trained and equipped military force if they had to, take a look at history, over the last 50 years it's happened over and over again that exactly that has happened, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are just the most recent case where a bunch of yahoos have actually managed to hold back one of the most powerful military forces on the planet and managed to hold them back for years using asymmetrical warfare techniques. Sure they where up against all manner of tanks, planes, bombs and boats yet are still there and still putting up a fight after all this time. You don't have to be more powerful, you just have to grind them down, one side will back down eventually, thats just the way it works.

The really want to go down this route..one of America's biggest mistakes in history..what good ever came from all that war...none...bloody none.

And I also stated that there is no reason to have a concealed weapon, since how often is it that someone commits a violent crime with a riffle of any sort? Compare that to how often a handgun is used for violent crimes, notice that the handguns far outnumber the cases involving rifles? All of this is due to the fact that the small hand gun can be hidden away and carried on your person anywhere without anyone knowing its there, so you end up taking it to situations that could easily escalate.

Are you listening to yourself here... Im not sure what you waffling about..are you saying everyone should have a rifle in their home or what ?? Make your point clearer please.
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Old 02-08-2009, 02:03 AM   #44
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They say the memories of an old man are the deeds done in his prime...

Originally Posted by Slipknot
I did my time and I want out
So effusive - Fade - It doesn't cut
The soul is not so vibrant
The reckoning, The sickening
Packaging subversion
Pseudo-sacrosanct perversion
Go drill your deserts, go dig your graves
Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save
Sinking in, Getting smaller again
I'm done, It has begun I'm not the only one.

And the rain will kill us all
We throw ourselves against the wall
But no one else can see
The preservation of the martyr in me.


There are cracks in the road we laid
But where the temple fell
The secrets have gone mad
This is nothing new, but when we killed it all
The hate was all we had
Who needs another mess?
We could start over
Just look me in the eyes and say I'm wrong.
Now there's only emptiness
Venomous, insipid
I think we're done, I'm not the only one.

And the rain will kill us all
We throw ourselves against the wall
But no one else can see
The preservation of the martyr in me.


The limits of the dead
The limits of the dead
The limits of the dead
The limits of the dead
The limits of the dead
The limits of the dead

Fake anti-fascist lie
I tried to tell you but
Your purple hearts are giving out
Can't stop a killing idea
If it's hunting season
Is this what you want?
I'm not the only one.

And the rain will kill us all
We throw ourselves against the wall
But no one else can see
The preservation of the martyr in me.

And the rain will kill us all
We throw ourselves against the wall
But no one else can see
The preservation of the martyr in me.
.'. In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen. - Alucard .'.
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Old 02-08-2009, 02:55 AM   #45
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Miraculix will become famous soon enough

ew, their last album sucked major ass
Hit me, nail me, make me God.
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Old 02-08-2009, 04:17 AM   #46
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Ok, here's my 2 cents on the issue, then I'm done.

My thoughts come mostly in the form of questions......

How does your (anti-gun folks) logic work out to the idea that guns are the problem? Have you forgotten the hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of people that died violent deaths before gunpowder was ever discovered? Sadly, human nature is always bent towards destruction. Destroying our latest invention for destruction, sadly, will never solve that. The problem you are trying to address is correct - humans with evil intent are more dangerous with guns. The method you use to address it is not. Evil intent can be dangerous with a stick. If we ban guns, shouldn't we next ban sticks, rocks, and kitchen knives?

In short, banning guns is never going to remove the root problem - humanity's destructive nature - that brings evil intent to fruition. You're barking up the wrong tree.
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Old 02-08-2009, 02:24 PM   #47
Join Date: Jan 2008
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I never said guns should be banned..i just said that giving everyone a gun, just isnt the answer. I totally agree with what you said..

Originally Posted by Flightcap
humanity's destructive nature - that brings evil intent to fruition.
We are a destructive lot(well some of us are)..am i not allowed to say i dont like guns ? I never seen an actual gun in my life(as in right in front my eyes) and i hope that doesnt change in the future, this isnt so for some. I have two young children(9 and 11), whenever they ask me anything about life i tell them truth(sometimes times its simplified, but its still the truth nether the less), to be forwarned is to be forarmed this is what i offer my children.
Truth in words is a powerful..powerful thing, far more powerful than anything that can be weilded by man's hand.
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Old 02-08-2009, 04:41 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Skatz1980
Truth in words is a powerful..powerful thing, far more powerful than anything that can be weilded by man's hand.
Heh...nicely said
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Old 02-09-2009, 01:35 PM   #49
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by Xero_Aurion
Heh...nicely said
Thankyou very much. Nice sig you have there Xero
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Old 02-09-2009, 01:36 PM   #50
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Angel_de_Combate is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Hell_bound
They say the memories of an old man are the deeds done in his prime...
Slipknot are crap, sorry
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