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Old 03-16-2009, 03:56 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by sbauer9113
Nonono, keep fighting and spread the rps.
too bad you don't get none ^^
Slayer Of Light 50(Barbarian)
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Old 03-16-2009, 05:30 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by cisco2950
Anyway, I have no doubt i will enter Syrtis portal sometimes.
Hehehe, oracle said true...

After that vicrotious 5 (or 6?) hours war I just figure out that only way for Syrtis to learn how to invade is invade and invade again.

Mega-respect to Arwen, she is really a great leader. Isemon acts pretty cool too. It seems that conjurers rulezzzz. ^^
Pendalf, Alturian Conjurer (Horus)
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Old 03-16-2009, 08:28 AM   #53
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You barely even belong in war or invasion. But we have so few on Horus, you help is appreciated. But your ideas of what to do are not.
I do not entirely agree, though, yes lower levels should not come in and try to lead, they are entitled to their opinion and what they think should be done, whether people agree with them or not.

And yes Syrtis does have some Issues, But I find that it is more fun, then the over ruling in ignus, which Is why I left. I dont feel bossed in Syrtis, which makes it more enjoyable. But, sometimes I feel we have to much freedom, and to much stuborness for our own good. Even the higher levels argue amungst themselves over what to do next, and if they dont agree a fight starts, which divides Syrtis tremendously.
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Old 03-16-2009, 04:07 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Altara
And yes Syrtis does have some Issues, But I find that it is more fun, then the over ruling in ignus, which Is why I left. I dont feel bossed in Syrtis, which makes it more enjoyable. But, sometimes I feel we have to much freedom, and to much stuborness for our own good. Even the higher levels argue amungst themselves over what to do next, and if they dont agree a fight starts, which divides Syrtis tremendously.
I play in Ignis for some time now and I really don't know what's ur talking about when u say there's over ruling in Ignis?
What's the point in argueing at all? It may only make a bigger group divide and decrease chances of survive/victory.

Btw isn't it sometimes better when we have a different opinion, to say "What do you think about doing this/that.." instead of "Do this/that.." ? It makes ppl think about the idea and sounds much less argueing.
Kosiash Moozgoov, Lord Belial Renegades
Renegades clan is looking for mature thinking ppl (esp. solo grinders) (lvl20+) from Ignis Horus. Contact me ingame.
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Old 03-16-2009, 11:08 PM   #55
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I never played any other realm, so don't know how it is there. I also do not want to be bossed around. Yes, of course, the expierence of the player does not always represent the lvl of the player. But as our opening of the portal demonstrates, you just can't do it without leaders.

Anpu showed what it takes. I didn't hear him boss anyone around. He did exactly what a leader should do. Once we all stuck to his plan, we won. The first attempts on Imperia were unorganized and we were all running like crazed "infected" chickens. Once the leaders got back control, we claimed the castle and fortified it.
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Old 03-18-2009, 04:43 PM   #56
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I just do not agree with anything that has been written in the original message. You cannot judge quality of a character only by his level. There are guys who came to level 50 in 2 months, and guys who play RO for nearly a year, and still haven't reached level 50.

Moreover, just look around and you will see many dumb lvl 50 players. They just weren't lazy, they grinded, and that is all.

Another issue is - even if you are level 30 - you WILL NOT (and it is absolutely OK, IMHO) follow orders of a level 50 char whom you have NEVER seen before, or fought with. It is just a natural behaviour and is completely normal.

Congratulations on your lvl 50, but if you are about to give me some order, I would just ignore it, because I have never seen your in our fights on Horus! - I would rather follow orders of a player who is 20 levels lower than me, if I have seen that player in many fights and know for sure he or she knows what is (s)he doing.

That is all
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Old 03-25-2009, 09:45 PM   #57
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Ha ha ha, this post is out of control.

Some of my opinions have changed since writing the original post, but!...

You CAN NOT invade without leaders.

A Lvl 30 will do NOTHING to help invade except be cannon fodder.

If you are a lvl 30, and your just so expierenced, then why aren't you on with your higher level??? You can play lvl 30's all year long, and you still DON"T know what it takes to win.

Even if you have 1 lvl 50, your still not qualified if thats the only class you have ran. A true expierenced player in this game will have ran many of the classes, so they know what each is capable of.

This is not totally about lvls people, its about communicating and working together as a team.

Why some of you think you must keep repeating that "nobody wants bossed around" is beyond me. This is NOT about bossing, its about leading, and for the noobs to SHUT UP during INVASION and LARGE SCALE wars.

Oh, and BTW, if some of you lower levels would maybe train more, we would have more active lvl 50's and this post would not even be needed.

(last paragraph is really directed to the United States time zones. I realize during my day while I work, that there are plenty of lvl 50's in our realm.)

It seems a few in our realm are great leaders. Especially the ones mentioned in this post. But I just don't see them on when I play. When I play (eastern time zone), its mostly 30-45th lvls.
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Old 03-26-2009, 02:15 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Lostican

You CAN NOT invade without leaders.
I disagree.

You cannot successfully invade without Coordination. Its not about "awesome plans" wich only the most intelligent could work out. The problem is to get the masses following one Idea. That you get easiest with some known name eg. Draconic Gem. But you could get it easily done too with good clans working together.

You need a decent Coordinator to win a uneven fight, thats true, but i didnt see an invasion yet where a smaller group (smaller in power not numbers) successfully invaded the bigger one.

For me it is not following someones "commands". It is "accepting" someone to coordinate actions.. like giving the Go for areas.. but thats not that kind of "leaderness" what you could also name dictating.

Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 03-26-2009, 11:06 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Lostican
I never played any other realm, so don't know how it is there. I also do not want to be bossed around. Yes, of course, the expierence of the player does not always represent the lvl of the player. But as our opening of the portal demonstrates, you just can't do it without leaders.

Anpu showed what it takes. I didn't hear him boss anyone around. He did exactly what a leader should do. Once we all stuck to his plan, we won. The first attempts on Imperia were unorganized and we were all running like crazed "infected" chickens. Once the leaders got back control, we claimed the castle and fortified it.
I m really not interested to boss around, nor to be kind of a leader of Syrtis. Being leader just of INQ is enough for me But I m here to help whenever I can to my realm. I play in Syrtis almost 2 years, and I can say I really like my realm.

As I d like to stay as much as neutral in any kind of Syrtis leadership, I try to direct INQ in same direction too. When we came, we wanted to share our experience from Ra with Syrtis players, but many found that offensive. So we gave up, not to make any kind of negative atmosphere. But ofc, as some know, we are always open for discussion, sharing knowledge, giving tips, advices.. And about "INQ always get Vesper drop", I d like to say that we usually have many players there, and drop goes random. As you can see in last couple Vesper fights, INQ didnt get a drop. It s just sad to see some players putting aside any of our effort to make Syrtis better place and launching poisoned arrows into our direction. I hope they ll understand soon that game is designed to have fights btw realms, not btw clans.

About organizing invasion, I felt we needed it because of terrible situation it was in Syrtis. Realm was falling apart, and I felt we need to do something that will return faith in Syrtis. So, we decided to make first step. But I said and I ll repeat again. INQ did made plans, but Syrtis players managed to make plans true, not just INQ. I was extremely happy when I saw results of invasion. Old players returning from breaks, many people happy, morale was boosted till sky, many low levelers grinding like never before. I was happy to see Syrtis recovered, and that was the best gift for me.

I had idea how we could organize the most unorganized realm in RO history, and I m glad idea worked well. During invasion, I started to write in normal size of letters, till Isemon asked me to write in caps lock, so we could all see my words in the sea of spam. I m sorry if anyone was annoyed of it, but it was necessary.

I think thats all I have to say about all this. Really, I dont need any kind of "medals", or "leadership" status, all I want is Syrtis growing into nice place, full of good players, willing to use tactics, not just zerg, and playing as team, not as bunch of solo players.

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Old 03-27-2009, 10:30 PM   #60
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Anpu has a much better way of putting things than I do.

I guess I just hope it continues. The arguments have seemed to decline a little bit. So if that is all that happens, I'll still be happy, its really the arguing about what to do next that drives me nuts.

Most of the time, I just stand there and wait to see where most go, then I just follow the bigger group. I have ideas, but I don't say them most of the time because all it seems to do is add to the spam. Type in all caps, or in diff. color, yes, a good idea there, I had no problems with it.

Really, in the end, I want everyone (even the other realm players) to have fun. If your not having fun, then what is the point?
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