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Old 03-16-2009, 03:57 PM   #1
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Default we need a way to get more people off there alts and onto lvl 50 chars.

we need a way to do this because it's a wargame, and we need people who can actually war to have a war. it's insane to have like 6 alts. one or 2 i understand, but more than that is unnecessary. these people don't war cause its less interesting then grinding, and that means we need to make war more interesting.

any ideas? the only one i can think of is to make more people war so there are more battles, but we have to get people off alts to make them war. it's a spiral, and right now its a downward one: less soldiers, less fighting, less war, less soldier....

(uu) bunny!
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Old 03-16-2009, 04:04 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by zeevzeev
we need a way to do this because it's a wargame, and we need people who can actually war to have a war. it's insane to have like 6 alts. one or 2 i understand, but more than that is unnecessary. these people don't war cause its less interesting then grinding, and that means we need to make war more interesting.

any ideas? the only one i can think of is to make more people war so there are more battles, but we have to get people off alts to make them war. it's a spiral, and right now its a downward one: less soldiers, less fighting, less war, less soldier....

(uu) bunny!

having alts isnt exactly bad! i have people in my realm who have 6 alts all lvl 50!
makes the person very useful cause he can adapt to what kind of war or what were lacking in our Army!

for exciting Features id say more places for war not just forts why not make battlefields with Trenches to run by for warriors have Barricades to allow archers to shoot without warriors running at them maybe some small towers!
Slayer Of Light 50(Barbarian)
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Old 03-16-2009, 07:09 PM   #3
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Same as Sol said if someone has more alts then they can bring a char depending on what is needed, also its fun ot have a few chars for variaty etc.. :P

I would hate if NGD "forced" people to play their higher chars
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Last edited by 210paul; 03-16-2009 at 07:27 PM.
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Old 03-16-2009, 09:11 PM   #4
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I like my alts ;-; And I still go to war ^^
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Old 03-16-2009, 09:54 PM   #5
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People play alts to try all aspects of the classes, and it only gives them a bigger understanding of each classes strengths and weaknesses. You can't even understand balance by playing only one class (though sticking to a main is something different) Apart from that it also helps people choose what role suits them best, I think only good come's from alts, most of the fun in Regnum comes from training characters. To me it seems like training collectibles, then I can look back and say Ahh looks at my chars, which one can I pick today ^^

Variety ftw eh.
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Old 03-25-2009, 11:03 PM   #6
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a good point, but its not about the destination, its also about getting there. if everyones on alts, the downward spiral continues, and the people that come for the war and hate grinding have nothing to do but or wait.
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Old 03-25-2009, 11:17 PM   #7
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actually the downward spiral is noobs who come into the game and don't grind and try to war at 20 (i was one of them but i became a steady grinder while also having fun in the wz)
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Old 03-26-2009, 12:40 AM   #8
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i think what he means is people who grind their low lvl alternates knowning that their realm is in need of help. I agree with him, there are plenty of times were we are highly outnumbered and people refuse to help out because they want to grind their alts, people with many alts, in my opinion, hurt the realm as they spend more time grinding than helping in wars, and any most people tend to stick to one char, their favorite.
But alt or no alt, making war more interesting is definatley a good idea, the everyday fort wars are getting very boring, as when we are outside the fort it turns into an archer war... and when the enemy eventually overuns you it turns into an area war, pretty boring, i always prefer a good bridge battle or open field battle. New areas to war in would be awsome, i definatley agree with that, maybe have like a capture the flag kind of thing, see who can defend their flag the longest or so...

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Old 03-26-2009, 08:58 PM   #9
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maybe like a war field somewhere, and we can organise battles on the forum.

as for ideas to make war more interesting, i'm stumpped. war machines might work, so they break down the door and there's a field battle right away, but u need money and materials to make them, so there still is a point in having doors.
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Old 03-31-2009, 11:29 PM   #10
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Why don't ou score XP points during war? only RPs... I don't get it
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