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Old 05-24-2009, 06:36 PM   #1
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Default [Horus] New Player - How's Realm Balance?

Got RO running nicely on my iMac, so I'm looking forward to getting involved. I was just wondering what the current realm status and trends tend to be for Horus.

I was a Hibernian for many years, so Syrtis seems to be the logical choice... how's the population on Syrtis? Good guilds? Good RvR leadership?

Mostly, I just don't want to join the realm that tends to be overpopulated and rules RvR...
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Old 05-24-2009, 06:51 PM   #2
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I would advise against Syrtis if you don't want to be in the overpopulated realm.

Their RvR leadership is non existent from what I have heard and they all end up arguing instead of doing anything meaningful. This is hearsay though, mind you.

I personally chose based on landscape. I played the other two realms and I just did not like the feel of the game anywhere but the realm I chose.
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Old 05-24-2009, 06:57 PM   #3
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So Syrtis is overpopulated but doesn't compete very well? Odd... I figured the zerging from an overpopulated realm would be a problem. Do they just not RvR very much?

Also, I did start up a character and noticed a lot of people complaining about "spies" in general chat. I'm taking it with a grain of salt, but I guess in DAOC you had to pay another sub to have a spy... here it would be free. Would you say that its bad enough here to affect balance or just a nuisance?
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Old 05-24-2009, 07:02 PM   #4
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Syrtis has the biggest population. Even then, coordination isn't that good and tends to rely more on zerg tactics. We do have our moments though, particularly when the various clans get together and cooperate in organized joint attacks.

Alsius is middle ground. Once the underdog, they are waking up as a realm and is gaining strength in war. ATM it seems they are highly active in the warzone too.

Ignis seems to be the least populated. However they seem to be the best in coordination particularly when it comes to area chains. They currently hold the lead in successful invasions.

Every realm has good guilds. The community in this game is one of the best I have seen so far.

Looking forward to seeing you around.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 05-24-2009, 07:33 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Kaliek View Post
I personally chose based on landscape. I played the other two realms and I just did not like the feel of the game anywhere but the realm I chose.
You chose Ignis as "best landscape?" meh whatever.

Syrtis has the most players, and occasionaly some great drama, providing your not involved in it

Ignis invades the most but I dont realy like the landscape, they have the best/only "leaders" and organise very nicely most of the time.

Alsius is waking up lately and is becoming a strong realm, but have yet to open their portal, just a matter of time though

Everyrealm has great clans and great people but also their fair share of idiots and assholes as to be expected, just dont let them run off on you, quite often I see on realm chat "your assholes im joining another realm" or "X realm are all assholes so im joining you" just /ignore them :P
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Old 05-24-2009, 08:11 PM   #6
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In warzone alsius is underpopulation,i think it's for that the hadest to play.

This is just if you want balance population in the game
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Old 05-25-2009, 04:55 AM   #7
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Ah, good to see another veteran DAoC-er. Likewise I was in Hibernia back in the days of the Nimue server. Over here, on Horus, I'm in Alsius myself. Call me a glutton for punishment if you like, but we've been picking up lately and making some pretty good progress I think. We've got some good people over here, and there (usually) isn't too much int he way of dram-o-rama.

Bring a fur coat though. It's cold!
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Old 05-25-2009, 10:14 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by 210paul View Post
You chose Ignis as "best landscape?" meh whatever.
"Best" is in the eye of the beholder as I thought anyone could discern from what I wrote.

Could you point out where you saw the word "best" in my post? Are you unfamiliar with the use of quotation marks or just plain dishonest?

If it is the former then please allow me to be of some assistance to you.

"I did not like the feel of the game playing on the other two realm's landscapes."

Note the similarity to the original intent of the writers words. You can get away with changing the words up a bit, direct quotes are ideal but in cases where you may need to paraphrase this is fine. You can not, however, insert words that completely change the writers intent and still use quotation marks in any honest debate. You will simply look like a fool or a liar. Luckily you have me here to help you avoid such unpleasant circumstances.

If you would be interested in the next lesson we can dive into just why you would would put a period after a gem such as "meh whatever." Perhaps we will start by capitalizing the word "meh" so the rules of proper English are recognized at the beginning of your supposed sentence. This will help those that speak more than one language recognize that "meh whatever." is indeed intended to be the King's English.

Please forgive me for not adding your entire post to the small quote I have added here but the less of that stuff we spread about the longer the English language endures.

I would not have went off like this but I do not care for dishonesty and this rubbed me the wrong way. That and I was bored.

Last edited by Kaliek; 05-25-2009 at 11:04 AM.
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Old 05-25-2009, 12:41 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Kaliek View Post
"Best" is in the eye of the beholder as I thought anyone could discern from what I wrote.

Could you point out where you saw the word "best" in my post? Are you unfamiliar with the use of quotation marks or just plain dishonest?

If it is the former then please allow me to be of some assistance to you.

"I did not like the feel of the game playing on the other two realm's landscapes."

Note the similarity to the original intent of the writers words. You can get away with changing the words up a bit, direct quotes are ideal but in cases where you may need to paraphrase this is fine. You can not, however, insert words that completely change the writers intent and still use quotation marks in any honest debate. You will simply look like a fool or a liar. Luckily you have me here to help you avoid such unpleasant circumstances.

If you would be interested in the next lesson we can dive into just why you would would put a period after a gem such as "meh whatever." Perhaps we will start by capitalizing the word "meh" so the rules of proper English are recognized at the beginning of your supposed sentence. This will help those that speak more than one language recognize that "meh whatever." is indeed intended to be the King's English.

Please forgive me for not adding your entire post to the small quote I have added here but the less of that stuff we spread about the longer the English language endures.

I would not have went off like this but I do not care for dishonesty and this rubbed me the wrong way. That and I was bored.
LMAO. Awesome post Kal I didnt know people still used the term "King's English"
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Old 05-25-2009, 12:46 PM   #10
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Well we have a Queen for now so it’s sort of the "Queens English" right now :} unless (god forbid) she dies and Charles takes over.

Thanks for the English lesson but in my eyes I’m on an online forum not an English exam. So I’m not bothered by my lazy typing crappy spelling and "Just writing from the top of my head" style.
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Last edited by 210paul; 05-25-2009 at 03:09 PM.
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