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View Poll Results: Do you feel dual shot should be 7 seconds due to its so called power?
Yes dual shot is overpowered (I have a hunter) 16 27.59%
Yes dual shot is overpowered (I am not a hunter) 4 6.90%
No dual shot is fine as it is (I have a hunter) 32 55.17%
No dual shot is fine as it is (I don't have a hunter) 6 10.34%
Voters: 58. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 07-04-2009, 07:55 PM   #11
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this evens the playing field alittle
This is the part I was referring to. I mean in PvP you're basically trying to deal enough dmg to kill the enemy. I agree with the change and think it's a good one in PvP scenarios but in fort fights I won't be able to be that useful. I can spam few ambushes or confuses but can't really kill anybody. In my opinion this only makes hunters even less useful and important in fort wars.
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Old 07-04-2009, 08:08 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
Dual shot does not make archer overpowered... Confuse does... Bye
Lol I got read karma for saying that
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Old 07-04-2009, 09:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
The record stays as it is... until NGD gives a solid reason why they feel dual shot is more overpowering than a mages arcane missle.

I just tested on Amun. Lvl 5 Arcane Missile vs Lvl 5 Duel Shot.

Arcane Missile damage:


Peak: 458
Low: 375
Average: 419.1

Duel Shot damage:


Peak: 494
Low: 476
Average: 483.2

I know it's not in anyway a perfect test, but what you need to remember is that you can boost Duel Shot's damage. Arcane Missile's, however, you cannot.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 07-04-2009, 10:00 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post

I just tested on Amun. Lvl 5 Arcane Missile vs Lvl 5 Duel Shot.

Arcane Missile damage:


Peak: 458
Low: 375
Average: 419.1

Duel Shot damage:


Peak: 494
Low: 476
Average: 483.2

I know it's not in anyway a perfect test, but what you need to remember is that you can boost Duel Shot's damage. Arcane Missile's, however, you cannot.
Thanks Matt for your time in testing.... I've already done this....

now take this into fact...

mages have tons of other attack skills/heal skills.... 600 / 1000+ damage low cooldowns...
hunters do not...

mages can buff a 1000 damage prevention barrier...
hunters cannot...

With the new dual shot its going to take me more than 30 seconds to kill a mage... 1vs1 .. Now imagine in fort war with heals buffs barriers it will be damn near impossible. And those same mages can suck 1000 + 400/600 of my life and feed that into their own. How is that balanced? They can rain down skill after skill on me meteor/ivy/stalagmite/magmabast/terror/golemfist/steal my mana/and arcane missle between each skill cast... they do not need to boost damage... but they still can with onslaught.

little example...
meteor 700
arcane missle 400
lightning 1200
arcane misse 400
golem fist 1000
arcane missle 400
meteor 700
arcane missle 400
fireball 600
arcane missle 400
its infinate man... high damage constant....
Archer cannot do this.. dual shot is not overpowered....
Basic 200
dual shot 430
basic 200
ensnare 450
basic 200
tear apart 720 (over 30 seconds)
baic shot 200
dual shot 430
<and pet hunters have less than the above listed>

how do they two compare? how does the new 7 second cooldown make dual shot as powerful as the other classes that have a similar cooldown but more damage and more attack skills? It does not... my point exactly. My other posts got deleted by the forum SS.

<Raises a red flag>

There is no point in continuing this banter... I have a lvl 50 warlock same as you. Warlock can kill 5 people for every 1 a hunter can...
I stopped playing warlock because to me it was overpowered... No one could kill me and it was boring. I DID NOT EVEN USE METEOR or TERROR

Last edited by DemonMonger; 07-04-2009 at 10:22 PM.
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Old 07-05-2009, 12:12 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
There is no point in continuing this banter... I have a lvl 50 warlock same as you. Warlock can kill 5 people for every 1 a hunter can...
I stopped playing warlock because to me it was overpowered... No one could kill me and it was boring. I DID NOT EVEN USE METEOR or TERROR
A lot has changed since then, tried playing warlock when the randomness was worse than the weather ?
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Old 07-05-2009, 04:36 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil View Post
A lot has changed since then, tried playing warlock when the randomness was worse than the weather ?
My brother from another realm mother....
Sir Ornu still does it to this day... not much has changed for warlocks.
And my point still stands valid and true, dual shot was not overpowered.
Yes, I am saying it was not overpowered, in part because no matter what we say it will be changed.

They say that dual shot is being changed to prevent us from being assassins,
but this is what the change will force us to do even more. With the advent of 7 seconds cooldown on dual shot, the advent of less damage done in a 30 second time window, and less use in fort wars per time spent in battle, to gain RPS we have been forced to stay in the shadows of those who dare to train in the warzone, just to take their last breath from them.

Kailer has said that this is not the last update for hunters but yet a mere stepping stone in the development of the overall glory of regnum. In order to obtain this vision and bring all to light, some must take a walk throught darker times. Those who remain throughout all the storms that are so soon to be fall us, and strive to maintain a dry smile throughout the cold rain will be the ones who prevail.

I will remain the stalking shadow..... train alone in the warzone if you dare.
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Old 07-05-2009, 05:45 AM   #17
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Try playing a warrior. We have very few truly useful skills. We have to spend a lot of points in a lot of different trees to really be effective. I usually an only able to max 2 trees and split the rest to really be effective (much harder on a barb than a knight). In PvP (im a fort guy so i dont get a lot of PvP action) we spend a lot of time on our back, or stun, or dizzy, and unable to do a whole lot, you have a high evade and range on your side.

I don't really have much of an opinion on this one way or the other, but you have posted something about this in like 6 different threads, So i figure i can complain too. To be fair, ive never even tried an archer, though ive killed my fair share of them and faced enough in battle to be reasonably qualified to comment on their abilities. After the last (1.06) update all i heard was archers bitch and bitch about their 2 spells that had nerfed cooldowns. Warriors lost an entire tree and then some. 1 spell now has 2 second longer cooldown, big deal, with the complete nerf of ons, is it really relevant? No one will be able to get close enough anyways in PvP, which is what hunters specialize in isnt it? If they do get you close enough to death you can just Low Pro and run away (and with the sanctuary nerf, i really hope that low pro acquires a casting time as well as its goddamn annoying to get you within one hit of death just to have you use that spell to escape with 0 chance of stopping it).

That said, I would really love to see hunters have a skill set that allowed for fort fights, other than assassinating mages and gathering intel (though i do appreciate those functions). I have said for a very long time, that for an RvR game, hunters do not belong with the skillset that they have; they are forced into the role of grind-killers and assassins. I dont know how to correct this...maybe some evade auras (maybe a minor boost to miss chance...all based upun manipulating the environment around them...whatever) or trap setting abilities. Knights have auras, conju have auras, why is the only 'defensive' class to not have auras the hunters? Hell, even barbs can buff people, and marks have DS; the hunter stands alone in so many aspects and its pushed outside of the RvR aspect of the game.

Edit: As for your DPS on lock vs hunter. Locks exist to deal damage, comparing DPS on a hunter to a lock is like comparing DPS on a knight to a barb, it has no bearing at all. Locks have no speed, no spells to go invuln, fairly limited range in comparison with other ranged classes (most spells are range 25 or less, terror being staff range and meteor being 30 are all i can think of off the top of my head, maybe SK is 30), hunters can confuse, which means no energy barrier, no arcane devotion, no energy borrow (i think), no ambitious sacrifice. Once we get hit with confuse, if barrier is gone its a close game, especially with a pet beating on us, 25 0r 30 seconds is a LONG time to not be able to cast our very limited defensive buffs, and spells at full cast time means we die very fast since we spend so much time knocked, and with that a chance to disrupt the spells that we do try to cast (most with 2sec or longer cast time). And you damage estimates on lock spells, are very very high, and not at all close to what they actually do in real combat situations. 1200 lightning 1k golem fist, try 500-700 each.
Alsirian Legion
Horus: Wulfgar Heartsfang 50 barb: Arcan Heartsfang 50 Lock
RA: Drakonklenok 50 Knight
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Old 07-05-2009, 06:02 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by ArchmagusArcana View Post
Try playing a warrior. We have very few truly useful skills. We have to spend a lot of points in a lot of different trees to really be effective. I usually an only able to max 2 trees and split the rest to really be effective (much harder on a barb than a knight). In PvP (im a fort guy so i dont get a lot of PvP action) we spend a lot of time on our back, or stun, or dizzy, and unable to do a whole lot, you have a high evade and range on your side.

I don't really have much of an opinion on this one way or the other, but you have posted something about this in like 6 different threads, So i figure i can complain too. To be fair, ive never even tried an archer, though ive killed my fair share of them and faced enough in battle to be reasonably qualified to comment on their abilities. After the last (1.06) update all i heard was archers bitch and bitch about their 2 spells that had nerfed cooldowns. Warriors lost an entire tree and then some. 1 spell now has 2 second longer cooldown, big deal, with the complete nerf of ons, is it really relevant? No one will be able to get close enough anyways in PvP, which is what hunters specialize in isnt it? If they do get you close enough to death you can just Low Pro and run away (and with the sanctuary nerf, i really hope that low pro acquires a casting time as well as its goddamn annoying to get you within one hit of death just to have you use that spell to escape with 0 chance of stopping it).

That said, I would really love to see hunters have a skill set that allowed for fort fights, other than assassinating mages and gathering intel (though i do appreciate those functions). I have said for a very long time, that for an RvR game, hunters do not belong with the skillset that they have; they are forced into the role of grind-killers and assassins. I dont know how to correct this...maybe some evade auras (maybe a minor boost to miss chance...all based upun manipulating the environment around them...whatever) or trap setting abilities. Knights have auras, conju have auras, why is the only 'defensive' class to not have auras the hunters? Hell, even barbs can buff people, and marks have DS; the hunter stands alone in so many aspects and its pushed outside of the RvR aspect of the game.
My dear friend,

I have been here since near day 1 of regnum.

I can say that warriors have always been getting the short end of many updates, I spoke up for them each time. This new update will help you reach targets with new accuracy and speed. + 1 for you....

Our evasion chances have been altered so we do not dodge as much as we once could being archers. You say you want archers to be more effective in fort wars, so do I. Dual shot with its current cooldown of 4.5 seconds allows a hunter to at least participate in fort wars. We haev very few skills to assist in killing. With the change to dual shot the main offence we will have will still be camo + repetition on the enemy group when mages hit terror.
While we wait for the right time and the 3 minutes for our skills to cooldown, hunters will be just doing basic shots more often now in for wars. This is very bad for us. I was in herbred today attacking a knight for 56 damage with my normal shot... while he was getting healed by heal over time skills. Guess what? When that knight died I got 0 rps and spent more than 20 minutes in war. In that same 20 minutes I can kill levelers and get 100 - 300 regnum points max was 3000 in a short day. The total I got from this was was less than 20 Rps in 20 minutes.
Pet hunters will be effected little by the change to dual shot as their pets plus the archers basic shot can kill most people in under 10 seconds.

We will have to just wait and see what NGD has planned for us....

Until we the hunter are effective in war 100% without having to wait 3 minutes between repetitions. We will continue to stalk and prey upon the weak. Everyone likes to be seen on the ranks.
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Old 07-05-2009, 06:07 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by ArchmagusArcana View Post
Edit: As for your DPS on lock vs hunter. Locks exist to deal damage, comparing DPS on a hunter to a lock is like comparing DPS on a knight to a barb, it has no bearing at all. Locks have no speed, no spells to go invuln, fairly limited range in comparison with other ranged classes (most spells are range 25 or less, terror being staff range and meteor being 30 are all i can think of off the top of my head, maybe SK is 30), hunters can confuse, which means no energy barrier, no arcane devotion, no energy borrow (i think), no ambitious sacrifice. Once we get hit with confuse, if barrier is gone its a close game, especially with a pet beating on us, 25 0r 30 seconds is a LONG time to not be able to cast our very limited defensive buffs, and spells at full cast time means we die very fast since we spend so much time knocked, and with that a chance to disrupt the spells that we do try to cast (most with 2sec or longer cast time). And you damage estimates on lock spells, are very very high, and not at all close to what they actually do in real combat situations. 1200 lightning 1k golem fist, try 500-700 each.
My point exactly before... they cannot judge our skill to other classes.....
You spoke of the skill confuse. The skil confuse is the main source of the hunters overpowered rant. It is the pet + confuse hunter that should be getting the bad rap (most of them only use dual shot lvl 3 or less).
Also in real combat situations I do alot less damage...
try 56 - 120 for normal attack
try 80 - 315 for dual shot....

The situation you speak of is rare or non existant in RVR fort wars.
What you speak of is true mainly for pvp situations.

I may start using pets and confuse to hunt people to prove my point.....
As it is.. people can escape me when I set my ambush attacks..

Also I wonder if NGD will lower the casting time of repetiton shot since the new strafe ability will allow everyone to get out of the way of our 3 seconds casting time.
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Old 07-05-2009, 06:31 AM   #20
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dual shot was the only choice for the hunters to have a decen attack and now could change... i think that will be a mistake
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