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Old 07-22-2009, 04:38 AM   #91
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What amuses me is the people who have plans for saving mankind in the instance of the heat-death of the solar system...

Which is going to be several billion years away. If mankind survives that long anyway (and let's face it, we'll probably kill ourselves off Real Soon Now by comparison – if not from war, then from over succeeding), don't you think someone will make your plan obsolete several hundred million times over?
If you can't detect sarcasm yourself, please pay attention when it's pointed out to you.
Arathael :: Wyrd Sceote :: Gwn M'gerSoul Taker, Imperial Guard of Ignis
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Old 07-22-2009, 07:09 AM   #92
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I find it funny, so many are freaking out...and its a simple case of...the mayans got bored (or died of some illness) and didn't finish their callander...oh noes!!
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Old 07-22-2009, 10:48 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Fonepixie View Post
I find it funny, so many are freaking out...and its a simple case of...the mayans got bored (or died of some illness) and didn't finish their callander...oh noes!!
Not too lazy to finish the rock, but the first one got full and they were too lazy to find a second one.
Dannboy, Horus Knight lv 50 Ignis After two years
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Old 08-02-2009, 03:29 PM   #94
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Ok, i retract my previous statement, i found this (well hubby did) and now lets say i am a little bit freaked, if what this series has to say is true, then yeah, were screwed lol

i was sceptical at start, thought i'd maybe watch one or two of these, i couldnt stop watching the episodes, still have a few to go.

Have a look....

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Last edited by Fonepixie; 08-03-2009 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 08-03-2009, 01:27 PM   #95
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I just can't wait to the day after nothing happened... like in all the others know or unknown predictions all around the world.

Here are some refusals. Hope they help clear soem of the ideas.


* Academic research does not indicate that the Maya attached any apocalyptic significance to the year 2012: the date for the end of their world lay unimaginable aeons of time in the future.
* John Major Jenkins's 'Galactic alignment' theory is based not only on a misleading astronomical claim, but in part on the same false calendrical premise.
* As the Timewave Zero theory has never been published in a peer-reviewed journal and its sources and reasoning are primarily what would be considered numerological rather than mathematical, the theory has failed to gain any scientific credibility or much recognition by professional mathematicians and scientists.
* Professional astronomers ridicule the Nibiru collision theory, which is based on claimed 'channeling' by extraterrestrials.[47][48]
* More academic research is needed into the claimed Hopi prophecy: it does not appear to mention the year 2012.[49]
* The Bible's Book of Revelation, composed some 1900 years ago, did indeed offer a dramatic picture of the end of the world—but it also promised that it would happen 'very soon'.[50] The Bible says nothing about 2012 or any similar date.
* The prophecy of the Tiburtine Sybil, as reproduced in the 16th century, did indeed likewise present a dramatic picture of the apocalypse, but did not date it, least of all to 2012.[51]
* While the quatrains of Nostradamus are clearly intended to be read in a pre-apocalyptic context, they do not specifically mention (or, consequently, date) the end of the world: their Preface states that they are valid until the year 3797.[52]
* The so-called Lost Book of Nostradamus is a version of the anonymous Vaticinia de summis pontificibus — a book of prophetic papal emblems dating from centuries before his time – and does not mention the year 2012.
* The Prophecies of Merlin were a fictional composition by the medieval Geoffrey of Monmouth,[53] amplified in 13th-century Venice, and did not mention the year 2012.[54]
* The original 1641 edition of The Prophecies of Mother Shipton says nothing at all about doomsday or the end of the world or, consequently, any proposed date for either.[55]
* The alarmist claims of imminent doom made by Sony Pictures in their fictional publicity for the forthcoming film 2012 are not supported by reputable independent academic research.
Torg Snowflake Brujo Pirómano de Alsius, Vagallero Cornflakes y Consejero de La Jihad
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Old 08-03-2009, 03:30 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Torg_Snowflake View Post
* The alarmist claims of imminent doom made by Sony Pictures in their fictional publicity for the forthcoming film 2012 are not supported by reputable independent academic research.
But... But... It's Sony! They made the PS3! They *can't* be wrong!

Oh, it's just Sony Pictures.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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