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Old 08-09-2009, 10:34 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Kasp1 View Post
Well I was that stupid that I was expecting something at least funny for the Sunday's event if not interesting. A situation when I see like 2 messages "Now will Santa fly around", then 2 stupid items for free appear in my inventory which I would most likely never buy, and then message "Good bye, thanks for participating. (and btw. your gems will be taken back)" well, it sounds more like an admin on a bad mood before he goes to bed writes few commands into chat. I didn't see anything special, only sign of Kailer getting online. Hm.. I thought that NGD at least could make a model of flying Santa. But no, this was nothing. THIS WAS NOTHING. That wasn't an event. You wish you could make an event. Invasion is something what realms do in normal. I pay to NGD for this game and NGD gives me back a crap like this? Well NGD. I will play this game for free since now.

Say big words.
Take big money.
Do nothing.

"Regards, NGD."
Don't Flame on a happy thread.

Alsius actually Said to kailer we should Return the Gems back to Syrtis to not Take Away any Fun Factor from anyone and make Syrtis Feel as they did a Bad Job or such. Which they did not we all had a nice fight and that is the point of this game.
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Old 08-09-2009, 10:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Kasp1 View Post
Well I was that stupid that I was expecting something at least funny for the Sunday's event if not interesting. A situation when I see like 2 messages "Now will Santa fly around", then 2 stupid items for free appear in my inventory which I would most likely never buy, and then message "Good bye, thanks for participating. (and btw. your gems will be taken back)" well, it sounds more like an admin on a bad mood before he goes to bed writes few commands into chat. I didn't see anything special, only sign of Kailer getting online. Hm.. I thought that NGD at least could make a model of flying Santa. But no, this was nothing. THIS WAS NOTHING. That wasn't an event. You wish you could make an event. Invasion is something what realms do in normal. I pay to NGD for this game and NGD gives me back a crap like this? Well NGD. I will play this game for free since now.

Say big words.
Take big money.
Do nothing.

"Regards, NGD."
If you didnt have fun, thats your own fault, the rest of us seemed to really enjoy it. Please dont piss all over something most of us really enjoyed, its just crass.
Alsirian Legion
Horus: Wulfgar Heartsfang 50 barb: Arcan Heartsfang 50 Lock
RA: Drakonklenok 50 Knight
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Old 08-09-2009, 10:47 PM   #13
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As promised, screens. OMG Alsius zerg.....WTF?!?!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg screenshot 2009-08-09 16_08_38.jpg (75.0 KB, 89 views)
File Type: jpg screenshot 2009-08-09 15_11_01.jpg (59.5 KB, 87 views)
File Type: jpg screenshot 2009-08-09 15_10_48.jpg (75.7 KB, 73 views)
File Type: jpg screenshot 2009-08-09 15_10_26.jpg (89.9 KB, 76 views)
File Type: jpg screenshot 2009-08-09 15_10_16.jpg (77.7 KB, 74 views)
Alsirian Legion
Horus: Wulfgar Heartsfang 50 barb: Arcan Heartsfang 50 Lock
RA: Drakonklenok 50 Knight
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:03 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Signatus View Post
...Christ, the goats were really fired up... even semi-deceased Kyrorritmus [sic] was brought back to life! ...
It's "K y r o t t i m u s," but yeah, I think I have the most misspelled name in Alsius

Thanks for noticing though! I've been spending most of my RO time this weekend grinding Rykor to take advantage of the 50% bonus, but as always I got bored of grinding and made some war with the knight. But I knew I'd probably utilize Kyro for the dev event.

I figured I'd dust off ol' "Zippy McNolongerRunsVeryFast nor Really-hits-much" and see how he performed. Not too bad really, as with the numbers we had I actually didn't die (huge shocker!). And 3 of my 4 Mindsquashers worked! Plus we killed Thorkul before Kailer showed up!

But it was fun watching so many goats kick ass and take (syrtis) names at Herb and at the Syrt Gate (and then again at our gate)!

For once we were on the side of the uber-zerg! So THAT's what that feels like to not be outnumbered!

I never really left Alsius, been playing my alts, but if Alsius zergs like that more often I'll have to play Kyro more often. I had fun! Thanks Devs! Thanks to everyone of all realms!

Keep the fight alive!

Edit: Here is one of my screens from it

Μολὼν λαβέ
Kyrottimus: 60 - Barbarian (WM) RIP || Rykor: 60 - Knight (WM) RIP
Vanosen Sagesight: 60 - Marksman (WM) RIP || Orykus: 60 - Hunter RIP

Last edited by Kyrottimus; 08-10-2009 at 01:39 AM. Reason: Fixed some epic Grammar Fail...
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:50 PM   #15
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I honestly thought it was big fun to have a giant dwarf pave the way to invade syrtis I thought the event was fun because of the number of people who showed up for it, i wish we always had numbers like that on. Kinda sad that ignis didn't get a dev tho, lol but the amount of times they invade us i bet they don't need one
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:55 PM   #16
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This was an awesome event, thank you for it. This should be monthly
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Old 08-10-2009, 12:02 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by ArchmagusArcana View Post
If you didnt have fun, thats your own fault, the rest of us seemed to really enjoy it. Please dont piss all over something most of us really enjoyed, its just crass.
thats easy for you to say, it wasnt his fault, you know why? because ignis did not get a chance to go into the whole war thing, we did not get devs. He has 100% reason to flame, its not fair, other realms get up to 2 devs, and ignis gets 0. wtf? is NGD really this oblivious and unfair? The event was crap for ignis, we were forced to make our own fun, ignis players made up their own fun, NGD did crap for ignis. But at least every1 else had fun..... but this just gives me less of a reason to buy xim, knowing that i play the least favorite realm of the devs, why bother buying xim, tell me?

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Old 08-10-2009, 12:27 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post
It's "K y r o t t i m u s," but yeah, I think I have the most misspelled name in Alsius
Sorry! (I knew I should have looked up for a thread from you before trying to type your name!)

Originally Posted by lala110593
thats easy for you to say, it wasnt his fault, you know why? because ignis did not get a chance to go into the whole war thing, we did not get devs. He has 100% reason to flame, its not fair, other realms get up to 2 devs, and ignis gets 0. wtf? is NGD really this oblivious and unfair? The event was crap for ignis, we were forced to make our own fun, ignis players made up their own fun, NGD did crap for ignis. But at least every1 else had fun..... but this just gives me less of a reason to buy xim, knowing that i play the least favorite realm of the devs, why bother buying xim, tell me?

Oh, stop moaning. The event was a success, specially because Alsius found out what they can do if they focus on playing the game and less on how it should be made for underpopulated realms! (i had to say this )

If Alsius gets on a payback mood Ignis will certainly benefit from it, this game needs 3 competitive realms, and elves are know to return to their promised land beyond sunset before things get nasty (it's a fantasy fact!... seriously!).

And I believe the Devs made a fair choice, simply put Ignis is able to organize themselves, more then half of our players know what to and what not to do on an invasion (c'mon, if you had 2 available employees for this sunday invasion event you think the realm with more invasions needs someone?).

The only minor flaw was that the event didn't last long enough to bring the goats (and Kailer) to our gates... that would have been epic. ^^

Of course, a premium box would have been cool too!
The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind.
-- Chapter 1.1 of The Tale of Heike, Helen Craig McCullough's translation
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Old 08-10-2009, 12:40 AM   #19
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lol stop moaning? ur joking right? if your realm was ignored in a special anniversary event, you would just keep playing as normal? seriously you have no idea what you are talking about.... and underpopulated? i know what its like to be underpopulated, ignis was once the underdog like alsius, so you stop moaning of being underpopulated... I do not feel conftorable giving NGD money, if this is how they are gona treat my realm, and i encourage all igneans to do the same.

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Old 08-10-2009, 12:53 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by lala110593 View Post
lol stop moaning? ur joking right? if your realm was ignored in a special anniversary event, you would just keep playing as normal? seriously you have no idea what you are talking about.... and underpopulated? i know what its like to be underpopulated, ignis was once the underdog like alsius, so you stop moaning of being underpopulated... I do not feel conftorable giving NGD money, if this is how they are gona treat my realm, and i encourage all igneans to do the same.

Signatus plays for Ignis Horus... So you should probably check your facts before you open your mouth.

I prefer not having Devs, we didn't need them and we never have. So yeah, stop moaning about it. We got to kill two super bosses because of the "help" the other two realms got.
Catch me if you can...
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