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Old 08-12-2009, 12:35 AM   #51
survive's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kyrottimus
I like a quote from Malcom Reynolds in the series Firefly,
"Let me get something straight with you. If I ever do kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed." -- Malcom Reynolds

Generally, those who don't agree with that sense of nobility and honor tend to play hunter (and play very well many do).
First off... Kyro you ROCK! Firefly/Serenity best fkn show ever FTW!
number 2... I totally agree with that nobility.
number 3... He is refering to killing as in murder, as suggested by the line before it - '... how do I know you wont kill me in my sleep?'
number 4... Hunter is my favorite class.. (and i have them all)
number 5... a duel is 'supposed' to be fair (and that means to use all your skillz, but in a face to face situation.
number 6.... and finally ... a FIGHT... is never fair... or maybe... ALL is fair game... Harlem Street Rules as it were
Gringo de Magnifico - RA | Rumple Foreskin - Horus/Raven
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Old 08-12-2009, 01:26 AM   #52
ArchmagusArcana's Avatar
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I recall a certain level 50 hunter trying to save camp me a while back. Was one of the easiest fights i ever had.

If im at the keyboard, i am ALWAYS buffed, i habit formed a long time ago as a knight. So we were both more or less prepared except he jumped out of camo.

Ambush as usual. Darkness, magma blast, lightning, terror, stalag, meteor (in more or less that order), dead. He stood no chance at all. I had 2k life left at the end of it.

For a lock, if you have 2 DoT spells, open with the one that does the longest duration but less over time, keep them dizzy or knock. Darkness, use it right away if they dont Sotw, Always, with no exception if its a 1 on 1 fight. ALWAYS. As a lock you should not worry about the pet if its 1vs, you should have no trouble killing him before he can kill you, and worrying about the pet will only end in you being dead.

Once you get them to near death, ALWAYS end in a DoT if you have one (though if you used darkness, you should have the fight wrapped up before he can low pro), that way even if they low pro you can still kill them, and iirc it will stop them from using camo, but im not 100%.

Of course, if he uses sotw out of camo, you are dead, almost 100%, though you can try to run around trees to buy some time.......
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Old 08-12-2009, 02:16 AM   #53
King_Of_Angmar's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ArchmagusArcana View Post
Of course, if he uses sotw out of camo, you are dead, almost 100%, though you can try to run around trees to buy some time.......
Actually often if I open with SOTW I will lose, because even though I can get them so close to death in that 15 seconds they always come back with a meteor soulkeeper and, more often than not, a vampirism in my face(and that really hurts :P).

I find the best tactic is to try and time it so you SOTW before a SK, but most locks don't think to cast darkness on me as they panic while I come out of camo.....and confuse is an easy darkness stopper.
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