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Old 08-18-2009, 02:09 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Zixmund View Post
I got some other characters so I will "feed" my best but yes its a problem and I think the best choice is add Crafting in the game to allow players make items and other thinks for sell or use also for example to make arrows. I know this is not so easy think for developers but I hope one day this game will have it too.

And yes I know this is a War game... but not FPS...
Problem with the current system is the grinders or people who spend a lotta money or time collecting magna the whole day get all the benefits.
People who dont like this and war most of their time end up broke and having to beg for money. FFS, this is a war game (or so it was).
IMO, there should be some kind of balance brought infavour of people who like to war. In other words, RP should have some value. Maybe RP credit should be an ingredient in any kind of Crafting system. For example to get a Magna weapon you should give 2500 Mag + 25000 RP Credits. Or you should be able to convert RP to gold.. 2500 RP for 250k gold etc... (or whatever is a reasonable equivalent. Like time it takes to gain x amount rp ~= y amount of gold by grinding) Simply put RP should be a form of currency too

Last edited by veluchami; 08-18-2009 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 08-18-2009, 02:13 PM   #22
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I never had gold problems. The problem is that not everyone is willing to grind after hours of war (and that's fine since grinding is not the core of the game like in wow), so they have no means of stacking gold. A great solution is to implement the alredy mentioned pvp quests and maybe others like "capture x fort/castle", "enter x area/kill x npc of an enemy relam", etc.
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Old 08-18-2009, 03:18 PM   #23
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For me, A 30-40min Orc Camp grind (Mage) roughly equates to 30-60mins of fort wars. Without drops. Ideally it should just take a little longer for Warriors and Archers, but not too long.

I've played Mage and Archer, but not Warrior.

Grinding just for war is a bit bland, I agree.
Perhaps NGD could implement a pvp/group pvp credit system, where you recieve discount repair tokens etc (even if you lose). More fun that way
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Old 08-18-2009, 05:12 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by -Edge- View Post
-Grinding spots are irregular. Some monsters drop totally different loot, with totally different values. The difference being so vast in some spots that like you said, that it creates problems.

This make total sense....wolves for example drop fur...orcs drop gold + the odd item. Whats a wolf gonna do with gems/gold/a sword ?

-.....Did you also know that gold is stolen? (10% if I'm correct) When you upgrade a fort. You put for example 400k into a fort, surprisingly the enemy that captures it does not get 400k. Why not?

um..it goes into bricks,mortar etc...I personally would get rid of the 'spare' cash that you get for capture...as its been spent on the upgrades. Unless only the xtra, unused (not yet enuf for upgrade), is given to the capturing side.
I do find that warfare costs a lot less in repair than grinding for the same amount of time.

Weapon reapair i'd get rid of completely....keep the armour repair thou...as a gold 'sink'

Originally Posted by veluchami View Post
IMO, there should be some kind of balance brought infavour of people who like to war. In other words, RP should have some value. Maybe RP credit should be an ingredient in any kind of Crafting system. For example to get a Magna weapon you should give 2500 Mag + 25000 RP Credits. Or you should be able to convert RP to gold.. 2500 RP for 250k gold etc... (or whatever is a reasonable equivalent. Like time it takes to gain x amount rp ~= y amount of gold by grinding) Simply put RP should be a form of currency too
Something simpler would be a 'bounty' paid by your realm at RP*10 - so you get say 5RP + 50GP for a kill, instead of the 5RP now.

I personally don't have any GP problems - although that's true in every game I play, its just the way I play i guess (shame real life isn't the same).
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Old 08-18-2009, 05:57 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by drunk_harlot View Post
I don't think we have to make this into a class based argument unless people go out of their way to, I'm not implying mages should have it any harder, just that those players that at are struggling to keep up with repairs (and arrows where applicable) shouldn't struggle quite so much, or at least should be given the option to pursue activities that provide a reasonable return of gold.
Long time no see
I agree 100%
Let's keep this focused, as it is a very serious issue.
Perhaps we can get some war zone repeatable quests?
We can start these quests at the realm wall teleporter (simple enough)

#1 Kill 100 enemy players (repeatable)
obtain + 300k gold

2# Capture 20 forts (repeatable)
obtain + 300k gold
all players of the realm that captures within 30m of flag obtain credit

hmmm the numbers may be a little high and the return low... but let's roll with it and see what happens
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Old 08-18-2009, 06:10 PM   #26
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In an effort to make the game more fun and less tedious/tiresome, I suggest the following:

1. All weapons and armor become indestructible. After all, they're already intangible objects in cyber-space and you shouldn't have to be forced to grind after 50, as this is seen as the pinnacle goal for which players to reach. I'm convinced this would mean more wars, and especially more small open field battles as people spend more time hunting than drop-grinding. This would mean the end of repair hammers, but they can easily replaced with more popular and useful premium items such as "Gem Forge hammers" (Klutu's and a few others' idea iirc) to combine 2 or more like-gems to make major or great quality gems. I'm sure there are many more ideas for premium items which can replace repair hammers.

2. Arrows are sold in blocks of 500 or 1000 instead of 50, and the cost shouldn't compound exponentially upon stacking more than one block of arrows. Oh, and introduce a spell for archers called "Spiritual Arrows." This would be like Recharged Arrows for marks, but available for all archers as a base spell. Activate-able just like recharged arrows, it would cost 1-5mp (depending on level) per shot but the archer could still effectively fight using normal attacks if they ran out of physical arrows during battle. The amount of damage the arrows conferred would vary from spell level 1-5, but I would make it lightning damage and vary from 5-9 dmg per arrow to 17-29 at level 5.

3. Gold can be brought back into regular economic circulation by requiring it for OPTIONAL less-than-premium items available at every city in each realm. These items could be anything from buying "raffle" tickets held every 4-6 hours for magna or special-item giveaways to things like player-driven auctions (with an optional auction chat tab with simple commands like /bid 50000 to put a bid of gold in for an item up for auction)

4. Celebrate and be merry that you would no longer be forced to grind and worry about repairs or arrows!

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Old 08-18-2009, 06:32 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post
and the cost shouldn't compound exponentially upon stacking more than one block of arrows.
This is only a visual bug, the actual price that you pay doesn't increase exponentially.

Edit: here is the real price/bugged price. http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/1885/prices.jpg

here is a way to buy arrows faster... so you don't have to drag over 1 billion packs of 50

Last edited by Torin_Ironfist; 08-18-2009 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:06 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Torin_Ironfist View Post
This is only a visual bug, the actual price that you pay doesn't increase exponentially.

Edit: here is the real price/bugged price. http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/1885/prices.jpg

here is a way to buy arrows faster... so you don't have to drag over 1 billion packs of 50
Ahso, visual-bug, eh? I see.

Still, they should be cheaper
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Old 08-19-2009, 06:13 AM   #29
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so far i havent had a big deal with money... lucky tho i use rep hammers all i really need is arrows for my marx. good 300k at times >.>

but since i dont grind straight to 50 i go drop grind every couple of weeks and make up the money again.... tho once i hit 50 im sure this will become even more of a problem.

it would be nice to see the price of arrows and repairs drop a tiny bit =D
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Old 08-22-2009, 02:56 AM   #30
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This is a 'superbig problem'........
And a 'superbig problem' needs us, the 'superthinkers'

ok, lets see..............

repair costs are really 'a lot' and arrows are sooo 'expensive'

i heard some people telling me 'use repair hammers'

it's ok, i can buy them but i won't.

'repair hammers' is a good idea, but.............there is a little problem

there are some other players that can't have xim, maybe they don't have a credit card or something like that...

so, what do they do???

1- continue playing as PVE (having fun with mobs and sometimes enemy hunters )
2- some players just leave the game

solution to this is only 'one':
1- arrows - remove all arrows. make arrows UNLIMITTED. so, when arrows are 'unlimitted' there should be done one other thing........add more dmg to bows.
2- armour - lower down the repair cost, or like it was suggested a little earlier in this thread.......make armour 'unbreakable' . so, more ppl will fight, unless they grind for damn gems.(i don't really like idea of crafting in RO, NGD. it became more 'item based game')
3- weapons - same as armour

also, suggestion about getting gold from enemies or converting rp to gold is nice, but............2500rp = 250k ----> damn who did suggest this thing? ill kill him. that's too much rp for too low gold.

ok, here my message is

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