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Old 08-30-2009, 06:59 AM   #21
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Between level 1 and 11 i got 50 (FIFTY) drops on my pt hunter (not counting quest items), 50, in the matter of a few hours. Half were special and one was magical. Between 11-16 i got about 40 or so, half being special, no magical.

In 1.1M experience past 50, 7 or 8 and one sp. It is almost certain that drop rate is dramatically reduced once you hit upper levels, and 50 for sure.
Alsirian Legion
Horus: Wulfgar Heartsfang 50 barb: Arcan Heartsfang 50 Lock
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Old 08-30-2009, 07:07 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ArchmagusArcana View Post
In 1.1M experience past 50, 7 or 8 and one sp. It is almost certain that drop rate is dramatically reduced once you hit upper levels, and 50 for sure.
I think that must just be bad luck, In grinding lvls 47 + 48 I've gotten (guessing here) about 20 drops. Of those, 8 were special and 1 was magical. And this was using 200% xp boosts, meaning less grinding which means less opportunities for drops.

I'm not sure but I think certain areas or specific mobs have better drop rates than others.
This is a lie.
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Old 08-30-2009, 07:58 AM   #23
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i noticed that when someone is using boosters, he/she gets more drops. Or maybe it was only a case.
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Old 08-30-2009, 01:39 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Immune View Post
I think that must just be bad luck, In grinding lvls 47 + 48 I've gotten (guessing here) about 20 drops. Of those, 8 were special and 1 was magical. And this was using 200% xp boosts, meaning less grinding which means less opportunities for drops.

I'm not sure but I think certain areas or specific mobs have better drop rates than others.
It is far far more than that, its all about level 50 i think. I ground in the same spots i used to get a lot of drops, with some of the same people, as well as solo and i still dotn get shit for drops. RO is turning in a grinding game more and more: grind to 50, grind for decent items (say what you want, most platinum boxes give you shit like 1% resist piercing and 2% resist ice, when most people would take a +1 to <main stat> over that any day), now grind for gems to put in your weapons. Oh and walk-grind for mag so you can TWO slots for the gems you have to waste your time grinding for. No you dont NEED to have good items, but when everyone has a gun, i want one too, so i can at least keep up.
Alsirian Legion
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Old 08-31-2009, 06:58 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by kuccio87 View Post
i noticed that when someone is using boosters, he/she gets more drops. Or maybe it was only a case.
I second that, boosters seems to increase the drop rate ^^
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 08-31-2009, 01:08 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ArchmagusArcana View Post
It is far far more than that, its all about level 50 i think. I ground in the same spots i used to get a lot of drops, with some of the same people, as well as solo and i still dotn get shit for drops. RO is turning in a grinding game more and more: grind to 50, grind for decent items (say what you want, most platinum boxes give you shit like 1% resist piercing and 2% resist ice, when most people would take a +1 to <main stat> over that any day), now grind for gems to put in your weapons. Oh and walk-grind for mag so you can TWO slots for the gems you have to waste your time grinding for. No you dont NEED to have good items, but when everyone has a gun, i want one too, so i can at least keep up.

I have to agree with this.

Drop rate drastically lowers with higher levels, I don't know whether it lowers with lvl 50 again noticeably because I am not there yet.

And it makes me sad to see the game turning into such an item based game where people prefer to leave taking back a fort to kill the dragon instead.
Two people at a fort is much better than one with better gear.
The greedyness regarding items where you can almost see people drool in realm chat or people trying to sell quite mediocre special items for quite a high price is not fun to see. And if someone tries to sell a good item people are all over him.

My chars use special items, I would say 2/3rd of them from my clan bank. I do not consider them mine and all the items I gave to clan banks I do not consider mine either but hope they help someone else.
Maybe it saves someone the chore to grind for items and gets them to the forts and castles instead.
Maedhros - Conjurer
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Old 08-31-2009, 04:55 PM   #27
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I'm starting to agree with the theory that boosters change your drop rate. I'm using 200% boosters on a level 42 conj and get roughly 5 drops per hour, 2-3 of them special. So that's how NGD figures they will keep selling boosters to level 50s.....

On another note, I have my doubts about how much gear really matters in the game anyway. Someone said that two people is better than one with good gear, and that is really true!! Someone with a +6 <main stat> equip is still going to get defeated easily enough by someone else with more skill than them. Even a full special or magical set of equips is not going to change the outcome of a fight if the person has no skill. I think equipment is really overrated in Regnum compared to how much difference it makes.
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:06 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by monktbd View Post
I have to agree with this.

The greedyness regarding items where you can almost see people drool in realm chat or people trying to sell quite mediocre special items for quite a high price is not fun to see. And if someone tries to sell a good item people are all over him.
That drives me crazy, one person in particular, whom i wont name, sold all sorts of minor garbage, since they spent all their money on mag. I have never ever sold one single drop i ever got, i expressly refuse money or any other sort of payment. I will trade (though i never have yet), if the item i have is good enough (and no one in the clan has use of it). I prefer to give items to people i know will use them, with the hopes that if they find something that i am looking for at some point that they will return the favor. Thats just 'om nom nom' though, id rather see another player use an item than sell it to a merch.

Im not going to lie, there are certain items i would pay most any price for (what good is gold? I dont play a barb enough to justify it, and a mag staff is about the most worthless thing you can get in this game, at least for a non sm-monkey). That being said, if i had to choose, id take an ally over a drop any day.

As far as boosters go, i used one a level since 45 (100%), and i think 2 or 3 for level 50, on both my Horus 50s, and i never noticed a large difference in the drop rate. As you can see from my previous posts here, i am either ungodly unlucky, or boosters have no bearing on drops (I seriously doubt that they do, or they would likely advertise that as a feature).
Alsirian Legion
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