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Old 06-10-2007, 03:38 AM   #11
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ok say you are fighting a monster and you were in a party with 2 other players. The monster would have givin you 250 xp if you killed it alone but since you killed it with 2 other people you only get like 83 xp. The group bonus is always like in the fourties and never higher. So you still would not get as much xp as if you fought alone. But i guess fighting in a party makes up for the lost xp since you kill faster.
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Old 06-10-2007, 05:42 AM   #12
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the amount of xp you get when killing in group depends on the damage you do. If you do half the damage necesary to kill the mob you will get half the xp, plus GRP for group killing (also dependent on damage) and CHG if the mob is above normal (I don't know if this one depends on damage).
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Old 06-10-2007, 06:03 AM   #13
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besides three people hitin` a mob = the mob hit less to the people = less damage = less repair = less rests = faster leveling

the hardest part is for the hunters and marksmen since they have to aford arrows and they aren`t cheap (i know for experience)

a knight in lvl 30 or more can leveling without the armour saving money but no arrows no lvl, no arrows no war

with my knight i buy new stuff every 2 lvls and i don`t need to repair
with my hunter i have to use lvl 18 cloth (i`m 32) cause the money i can get is not enough to bye bows arrows and cloth.

i agree the quests are important y but NGD have enough trouble with things that are necesary.


(sorry for my english)
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Old 06-10-2007, 09:11 AM   #14
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I have never had much trouble making money without the quests - and I don't know about elsewhere but in ignis certainly there are some creatures which are worth hunting for the cash alone:

orcs, mummies, skeletons, tol-tars etc

I tend to spend some time focusing on hunting for gold as well as exp though - and for that I always aim for green monsters and below since they go down easily and do comparatively little damage.

I suppose I am saying that my answer is to treat hunting for exp & hunting for gold differently.

As far as partying is concerned: I can be useful to be conservative with your mana and health and use the sheer numbers to bring things down fast. for exp or gold, speed and coordination are everything in party hunting: everyone needs to get at least one hit in for the best group bonus and orange to red creatures become a matter of a heartbeat with enough people.

As for arrows: I always have a great deal of sympathy for archers in that regard and habitually pass on any arrows I find to the nearest archer - it seems to help.
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Old 06-10-2007, 11:07 AM   #15
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i am a lvl 36 archer hunter from ignis and honestly even tho we have alot of quest in Ignis..we get poor, the armors are to expensive..you have to repair your armors etc so its really draining..gold.
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Old 06-10-2007, 11:49 AM   #16
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its another thing mages dont have to worry about ... money

while im quite rich now, i had massive problems in beta.
as a knight you have to pay LOTS in repairs and new armor.

how did i manage to not get poor?
- i didnt armor each lvl
- i used quest weapons and weapons friends gave me. i also handed over the quality loot to others, i could be way richer
- i almost only partylvl for various reasons

to the party lvling:
the key is speed and grp xp. dont even watch the usual xp you get for the dmg you deal. as a warrior you rely on a conj in the group, then u can lvl nonstop like mages themself
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Old 06-11-2007, 06:29 AM   #17
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also it depends on how you start. Around the start of beta i was a warrior and bought armor and weapons every level which only lasted an hour as you can lvl so fast. This time i was an archer and only bought a breastplate. The rest i used the starting bow and whatever i picked up from other animals i did this till level 10 and had about 100000 gold to spend on whatever i wanted
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