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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

View Poll Results: Do you want the following listed below?
Yes 27 49.09%
No 28 50.91%
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Old 01-30-2010, 12:59 AM   #1
DemonMonger's Avatar
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Lightbulb Not a suggestion just a poll for regnum players..

Many of you say that you want more from war.

How about this?

Create banks in Regnum where players can store their money (only)

I. Allow player to gain gold and xp for killng enemy realm players.
1. If you kill a player you gain x10 their level in gold
A. Only the person that does final hit will gain the gold.
B. When you kill a player you gain x5 their level in xp
2. If you die to a person you lose x10 their level in gold.
(note: on death you do not ever lose xp)

Create a Hall of Champions in every realm
I. In the hall of champions you can trade RPS for Items
1. Items purchased with RPS will last 30days

II. Create a Trading Kiosk that will hold players items for 7 days.
1. If someone buys your item from the kiosk the money enters your bank
2. Item can be removed by players that place them in kiosk
3. If an item is not bought in 7 day it will be deleted automatically.
4. Kiosk will be in every town... no matter what town you are in you can
see all items
5. This new trade system will allow players to fight in war and not sit in
town trying to trade all day.

Before going to war players can store all their money....

Then go out to kill enemy players to try to earn more.... plus xp...

Place a scroll bar above the experience bar that says who and what realm killed a player in real time.

Do you want this?
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Old 01-30-2010, 01:27 AM   #2
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/me points to the suggestion Forum.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 01-30-2010, 04:48 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
Create a Hall of Champions in every realm
I. In the hall of champions you can trade RPS for Items
1. Items purchased with RPS will last 30days

II. Create a Trading Kiosk that will hold players items for 7 days.
1. If someone buys your item from the kiosk the money enters your bank
2. Item can be removed by players that place them in kiosk
3. If an item is not bought in 7 day it will be deleted automatically.
4. Kiosk will be in every town... no matter what town you are in you can
see all items
5. This new trade system will allow players to fight in war and not sit in
town trying to trade all day.

Before going to war players can store all their money....

Then go out to kill enemy players to try to earn more.... plus xp...

Place a scroll bar above the experience bar that says who and what realm killed a player in real time.

Do you want this?
yeah! like this! other MMO's have something like Stall or Merchants (not npc's real players!)
khairon 50 l Khaora 32 l Khairon The Less 14

Die Running, or die Fighting?
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Old 01-30-2010, 06:27 AM   #4
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well maybe the stash feature is just a step in hopefully future variants where not only our char but anyones can remove items from stashes, (for money ofc)

just seems like a real world test with certain components of such a bigger feature someday to me.
Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.
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Old 01-30-2010, 08:54 AM   #5
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Some ideas are good, some i dont like it. +1/2 from me then :P

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Old 01-30-2010, 09:37 AM   #6
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I'd loose all my money this way /o\
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(if you wish to contact me on my other realm character: Ignis - Josephine)

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Old 01-30-2010, 02:31 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
Many of you say that you want more from war.
Putting all that stuff into one poll is a manipulation. No.
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Old 01-30-2010, 02:47 PM   #8
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If you store all your money before war then get killed as soon as you enter the bloodbath, you won't get penalised with any money loss, unless you get into negatives. I also think it might be better to lonly lose 5x the level of the player in gold instead of 10x, but that's just me. All in all, I say yes.
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Old 01-30-2010, 03:49 PM   #9
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Great ideas.

Also, what about an item auction?

It would probably be a pain to implement but it would be nice.
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Old 01-30-2010, 06:00 PM   #10
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I did not vote. Some I say yes and some I say no.

No to losing gold when you die.

I don't understand the trade RPS for items fully. I should think, rather than a 30 day expiry date just put a high durability on the item and make it non repairable instead. Categorize it as "temporal" item. An option may be to repair it with RPS only and even then only a set amount of times.

Another option is to set up a wager NPC merchant. He has weapons and armour in stock that could be special or not. Thing is you can't see the stats or know the exact level (it would just give an approx. like lvl 40+. You must wager with him either with RPS or gold for an item you choose. You can get a common crappy item or up to a magical item (rare). The cost of the wager is high but variable ,example (750k gold or 5k RPS). The trick is an item costing high RPS may be crappy and a low cost RPS item may be magical. Play the lottery.

At this point I must again say that any discussion about the use for RPS must be accompanied by some formula for the distribution of RPS. Even a link to a previously proposed formula you like would be nice.

Kiosk partially yes. Deletion after 7 days ,no. Either it returns to the player that posted it for sale or the system absorbs it and pays you for it. An option may be for the system to place it in your stash and place a 1k charge on your gold for failed sale.

Storing all your money in a stash (I suggest attaching it to the current stash) is nice but would not stop you from losing gold according to your suggestion. Even if you had zero gold on you if and when you died, they system would still have to minus your account to pay the other player.

As for the scroll bar, it sounds nice in theory but consider the strain when invasions, fort wars and such go on. That would become a distracting and irritating ticker not to mention a strain on server resources.
If such an item were placed I suggest it be a toggle on/off item.

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