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Old 03-04-2010, 11:35 AM   #51
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rofl at scias for going through 49 lvls with his spellbook open. you deserve some kind of medal for that.

Here are some noobie experiences im sure all syrtians must have gone through some time or the other:

- fighting the red training dummy before you realized that you gota new weapon from that last quest.
- looking for the goblin tomb... took me days to find it
- noticing a lovely large pile of rocks on the beach and going up to touch it check if you get any special item from it..... 5 seconds later you get to res by the alter.
- checking to see how long you can hold your breath underwater and realizing its not long at all
- a hunters first pet..... green beetle ftw
- looking for npc's in figael... seriously its impossible to find one specific person. "where the f***** is Porlas.... this game sucks i quit...."
- looking for "the barrel"
- Spending hours searching for goblin choppers (im not one to ask for help)
- getting pwned in the:
goblin warrior master quest....
huge green beetle quest.....
stalker phantom quest.....
All the pendant holder quests
- First time in the wz... im sure we all have an epic story reguarding this.
- abbreviations: "wtf is pp?"
- realizing what magnanites are after selling all that you have to an npc
- trying to talk to an npc because you thought it was a real person
- infected chicken?
- Lotion lmao
- getting attacked and killed by your own pet in the arena
- auto-afk running... say no more
- Cupid's kiss
- that random alsius npc standing on the Syrtis side of pp2. scared the shit out of me the first time i saw him
- talking in general instead of clan, expecially when you in a zerg and you dissing someone who happens to be standing next to you
- quickly trying to hop into a fort before enemies catch you only to realized you clicked to much and you hopped back out and now you're dead
- falling off a fort wall into a group of hostiles. never ever survived this
- watching Torld run slower than all the mages in the zerg
- our increadibly feminine looking castle (eferias)
- Mg Noctics and he's random outbursts
- Logging off at Samal then logging on the next day to find yourself standing in the middle of 30 iggies
- Syrtis trying to make a plan is generally funny
- getting killed by a leopards rake(5)
- grinding for an hour after buying a exp-boost scroll then realizing that you didnt activate it (i do this for every scroll i buy -.-)
- being dragon stomped ; "i guess thats why everyone is standing so far away"

and lots lots more
REVOLVER -retired-
"There is nothing more uncommon than common sense" -Frank Lloyd Wright
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Old 03-04-2010, 02:58 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Revolverxxx View Post
- abbreviations: "wtf is pp?"
and my favorite being from the middle of the U.S. and speaking ONLY english, (and prolly poorly at that)

"1 guy can kill a 'mob' by himself? gotta be a tough player. Don't aggro the mob killer."

Definitions of mob on the Web:

* a disorderly crowd of people
* syndicate: a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities
* throng: press tightly together or cram; "The crowd packed the auditorium"
* gang: an association of criminals; "police tried to break up the gang"; "a pack of thieves"
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Old 03-04-2010, 04:11 PM   #53
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Yeah, I can relate to a lot of these, even being from Alsius.

Originally Posted by Revolverxxx View Post

- noticing a lovely large pile of rocks on the beach and going up to touch it check if you get any special item from it..... 5 seconds later you get to res by the alter.

I once grabbed a ferret from behind because it looked like a rock.

- abbreviations: "wtf is pp?"

I still have to translate in my head - every single time.

- quickly trying to hop into a fort before enemies catch you only to realized you clicked to much and you hopped back out and now you're dead

Quickly hopping into a fort 2 seconds before the door falls and noticing that everyone else from your realm is outside...and dead.

- Logging off at Samal then logging on the next day to find yourself standing in the middle of 30 iggies

s/Samal/Aggs/ and I've done this more often than I care to admit. Not to mention the time I did it at Herb. Bad idea!

- checking to see how long you can hold your breath underwater and realizing its not long at all

Several months ago somebody got it into their head that they wanted to go to Central Island and needed a couple of conjs to help. They had heard ppl could do it by using Vital Surrender somehow. None of us had done it, but I volunteered, and another mage came along, dragging a zarkit. We ran over to Ignis (it seemed like the closest spot) and made our plans. I'll call the guy Dude (but it wasn't the same Dude as the last story).

Me: Dude, you go as far as you can and drown- I'll res you, then Mage, you res Dude, then I'll VS him, then you VS him, maybe that'll get him there.
Mage: I have no clue what you're talking about - I'm a lock.
Dude: ROFL
Me: Facepalm

He had been trailed by that zarkit this entire time, and I didn't notice that he never needed to re-summon him. We decide to try anyway, to see if one res and one VS is enough. Dude enters the water and drowns. I enter the water, because I needed to click on him...and, well, let's just say the O2 countdown is faster than res cast time. Dude and I met back at the save, I don't know whatever became of Mage, all by himself in the middle of Ignis.

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Old 03-04-2010, 06:36 PM   #54
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Very interesting stories, I had a good laugh! Mine yet have to come.
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:11 PM   #55
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Gytha reminded me of one noob story, though for once I'm not the noob

I read in the forum that someone (Gawyn I think?) was able to get to the central island (this was before Christmas)

I told some random fella about this some time later and the idiot goes off into the water before I tell him how it was done

I think he has me on /ignore now
\o\ M'bwana - Mbwana - Embwana (Ra) /o/
~ PERL ~
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